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I know it says I've been here for a long time, but for a good while I wasn't a forum user, so it's been a while.

The question I'm asking, is in the avatar editing part of my profile, it talks about custom avatars, but I have no clue how to upload one.... I made a nifty Chrono Trigger avatar cause there isn't one up. Soooo, any help over here?

EDIT: Also, how do I, or how many posts do I need for a Pic in my Sig?


No custom avatars.

As for sig pics, AFAIK there isn't a postcount requirement to put a pic in your sig. You just need some place to host the image, like imageshack.us for example.


There are indeed Chrono Trigger avatars, though they be limited.

Crono is on page 8 of the avatars and Marle on 7.

I could have sworn we had a couple Magus's, but I didn't see them at first glance.

EDIT: Also, how do I, or how many posts do I need for a Pic in my Sig?

For sig pictures, all you need is to do a few things...

1) Create an account on a free hosting site like Geocities, Freewebs, Imageshack, or another freebie site.

2) Either make a sig yourself, of visit the sig making threads here and here and ask someone to make one for you.

3) Once you have your image, upload it to your free hosting site, and then put that image's url in your sig box using the "img" tags (this is done in your "User CP", by clicking "User CP/Edit Signature") so that it looks something like this...


Just don't use any spaces like I did, and your image should show up.

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