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So-so. There are a lot of things here that grated, like the background noise in the intro (made me wonder what kind of crap I was about to listen to), or the solo guitar right before the mix "breaks out." And just the fact that things just sound a bit subdued here. It sounds like it wants to be intense, but it isn't and it *definitely* isn't satisfied in its subdued form. But it's not all bad - the arrangement has it's merits, for one. I think the is just barely good enough to squeak by. Next time work getting a little more excitement in there, though.



Erm..... I've only got 1.04 minutes of this, and it cuts off hard, it must be geocities fault, I'll try again later.

Btw, this is Garou: Mark of the Wolves, from the Fatal Fury series, not Art of fighting. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

Should we let this remix through anyway? The song is basically 'Children' by Robert Miles, ie commercial, before it featured in Garou. Food for thought...


Hmm, at first I thought this was gonna be kinda crappy.

And although it's not gonna be up there as one of my favourites, I don't see anything really wrong with it.

Nothing to hold it back as far as I'm concerned.

Withholding vote until I hear "Children" by Robert Miles.


OI!!!! This remix cannot be posted, it is commercial. C-O-M-M-E-R-C-I-A-L.

KO *Super Finish*

Go into your Kazaa, and download "Children" by Robert Miles. Go to a MIDI site and look for "Children" by Robert Miles.


I know this was in Garou, but "Children" was released in 1996.


I urge you, I implore you all, to think about this carefully. I don't know how and if SNK got the rights to use the song, but it was commercial before it was featured in the game. This issue already came up with the Star Wars mix a while ago.


We are never free of controversy here, are we.

So we have a remix of Children by Robert Miles, and a very good one at

that, as featured in the excellent fighting game Garou: Mark of the Wolves.

So what do we do? The remix is quite good. I enjoyed it very much.

But where do we draw the line? Now i'm gonna pull a wild card.

Ye Arie Kung Fu. This remix is a song by Jean Micheal Jarre. So...

we kind of do have a precident set for songs featured in games.

It makes me uncomfortable. but I'll say



True, we had a similar issue with Das Imperium...BUT. The main problem concerning that was not whether to post a mix of a movie theme, but that the movie theme WAS NOT IN THE GAME ITSELF. I say if "Children" is in the game, go for it. SNK must have aquired the rights, and even if they didn't it's too late to change it. I'm not sure whether or not the ReMixer knew that this was a prewritten song or not, but I don't think it's all that relevant.

What matters is this:

Is the song from a game? Yes

Does it meet all submission guidelines? Yes

Is it good enough to post? Yes

We could say the same for someone looking to mix the Carnival Night Zone, or the slot machine theme from Star Fox, or the intro to Cool Spot (circus theme, "when the saints go marching in," "wipeout" repectively). Or any game based off of a movie for that matter. Remember that Roger Rabbit mix? That was a bad mix, but the matter of mixing a prewritten movie/tv/commercial theme never came up. You know why? Cuz as long as it's recognizably in the game, it shouldn't be that important. I'm taking the hold off of my vote. I say yes, post it ASAP.


Well, Malcos is right, and I'd have to agree with him on this. I could be biased because I happen to be a big fan of Robert Miles' "Children." Also there's the Star Wars mix. Now with that mix, most people could tell that it was TRYING to be the Imperial theme but just wasn't close enough to either the movie or the game. In this case... it's pretty much Robert Miles' "Children" with added material. And to add to that, I'd whip out "Children" on vinyl and play it on full volume a million times before I'd play this one. Except if maybe I wasn't sure that the quality of the original was as good as I thought, so then I'd play this just so I'd feel better when I heard the original again...

I'm not undivided about this, I'll admit, but I'm leaning heavily towards no for a few reasons. I recall a while back someone wanted someone to remix track 1 of the Goonies 2 game soundtrack, but it happened to be a chiptune variation of Cyndi Lauper's goonie them (I'm not sure if it actually had a name apart from "Theme from the goonies"), and no one really was interested in remixing a commercial tune even if it had been in a game. I'm gonna say no just on the basis that we're trying to stay away from commercial tunes in general. I would also have to argue that there are probably a larger number of people who have heard "Children" than the music from that level of that game so I think the first thing on the review boards would be "well I really wouldn't consider this a video game remix.... "

And lastly... I wouldn't say it's much of a remix. Besides the distorted power chords, and the very XG sounding drums, I don't hear a whole lot that differs from the original, except for that middle section that's obviously where the game was NOT taking from "Children." Between 1:06 and 1:45 and then again at 2:15 through 2:53 it just seems too unimpressive and standard, and then, as I already stated, the "children" parts are basically just the original with guitars and a rock beat placed over it. Now maybe I'm being too picky, but to me this doesn't stand out as a fine quality remix of anything. Maybe I'm too loyal to the original, but what I'm thinking is this:

Someone found an excuse to remix Robert Miles' "Children" and I think the thing that makes this mix great is what Miles did in 1996. So I say no to this rendition.



Well, I checked out rob1's link and d/l'd Robert Miles' "Children." (thanks rob1).

Gee wilikers golly gosh, I've never seen the votes flip flop this much since we had that vote on which of us was the Official Bitch.

...simply based on the fact that it starts exactly the same as the "Children" song.

Not only that, but it sounds like it was directly sampled. The remix has all of the background noise and static from the beginning of "Children."

Also there's the Star Wars mix. Now with that mix, most people could tell that it was TRYING to be the Imperial theme but just wasn't close enough to either the movie or the game. In this case... it's pretty much Robert Miles' "Children" with added material.
I agree 100%. In fact I agree with damn near everything you said.
I urge you, I implore you all, to think about this carefully.
Sorry, pal. :( That's what I should have done at first. I feel so :oops: .

Just please, not another "OI!!!ThisremixcannotbeposteditiscommercialCOMMERCIALKO*SuperFinish*"...

I can't bear another thrasing :!::cry:

AP's vote, take 3 = No.

So to recap, the vote is now 2 yes / 4 no. Malcos never officially voted, but I think we all know what his answer was, so I included it in the count as well.

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