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I'd like to commend ou on your website,and I'd also like to submita sonic

the hedgehog remix.

here's the URL:

It's the second song from the bottom, entitled Marble Zone. Also, fourth from the bottom is a remix of a commodore 64 game: "Zak

McCracken and the Alien Mindbenders." Check that one out too if you want. Hope you enjoy


DJ Freshie.

NOTE: Vote on the Sonic mix - vote on the Zak mix as well, but only if you have time


Not gonna vote on the Zak mix, simply cause I think we need to emphasize only looking at one mix at a time.

As for the sonic mix.... I can't say I like it. The synths sound too low-quality and GM-ish. I wuold suggest not having such an attack on everything. It's downright boring until the drums come in, which happens more than halfway through. Made me feel like half the song was intro, which generally isn't a good thing. The drums seem a tad off time-wise. And again, though the addition of new instruments helps a bit, they still need a major quality boost. All in all, there isn't enough here to make it worthwhile, and what's here is too low in quality.




I found this very original and interesting, although I disagree with the synth used for the melody in the beginning, it's too blippy.

I like the chords used, they are very expressive, work well with the melody, and I think that's it's not low quality, it's his deliberate use of certain samples that might give the impression of low quality.

The drums are using a quantise that I wouldn't use personally, as it's not all in 1/16, but it is in a rhythm.

I know that on the surface, this remix seems a little strange, but if you listen closely, I'm sure you'll agree that the remixer at least knew what he was doing.

And - I'm not crazy folks.


8O ...

And I don't mean a good 8O, but the bad 8O. No. It's too repetitive, but that's not the killer. What kills this song is the GM synth. If I wanted to hear a GM sythn version of the Marble Garden Zone, I'd play Sonic the Hedgehog. Sure the drums shake things up a little, but not enough. Plus I didn't care for them that much anyways. And that strike at the very end? (@ 2:50) :x Oh no. No no no. Cut the length, find a new synth, and shake it up some more. Good luck to you.


Hmm, the those initial synths are quite annoying. The synth that comes in, doing the lead I guess, is alright. I really think those annoying synths could be taken out and the mix would sound a bunch better, especially when the drums come in.. except uh, the drums need to be uh.. in time.. to the song. They sound pretty bad.

Vote: No.


Dar.. what?

Such a neat little arrangement... but .... ok seriously wtf? Certainly DJ

Freshie can find better instruments to use than this. It just boggles my

mind that someone can write an arrangement of something like this and

then not be able to find nice isntruments to not have it sound like reheated




I am on my guard immediately when I see this site. There are so many songs credited to one artist. I question anyone's talent when they put out that much material...

And mp3s.com better not ask for my e-mail address...

It did. I don't feel like entering my e-mail address into yet another database. I'll let you guys vote on this one.


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