djpretzel Posted September 18, 2002 Posted September 18, 2002 About 2 months ago I submitted this but never got a response or saw it voted on - i have a feeling it may have gotten lost... It is a short little remix of the Quasi (green) space theme from star control 2 for the pc.... I, unfortunately, lost the reason file that i made this with when a HD died - all i have left is the mp3, so i can't really modify it... i'd have to do it over from scratch if I wanted to make any changes to it! heh I'd like this credited to me as jdm - thanks! jordan maynard software engineer ii electionic arts
DarkCecil13 Posted September 18, 2002 Posted September 18, 2002 A short and sweet arrangement of an originally classic tune. When the mix ended, I was like "Uh... What? It's over?". Oh well, what can you expect from a mix of this length? This mix quite smooth and soothing. Nice dynamics - Nice use of panning, reverb, and delay. Very catchy melody - AGH, I can't stop listening to it... It's taking me over. Me likes. YES.
Saunders Posted September 18, 2002 Posted September 18, 2002 Wow.. those clap samples actually sound pretty neat like that. Don't care for that buzzy sample around 0:49. Well.. it sounds okay, but it really sounds underdeveloped. There's just not enough there, and as Tom pointed out the ending is pretty crappy. Wish his Reason file hadn't been lost, this sounds like it could be good if it had some more to it. Vote: No.
orkybash Posted September 19, 2002 Posted September 19, 2002 Very, very undeveloped. It just does the same thing over and over and over! I'm all waiting for the song to bust out, and I'm thinking 'wow this is one long intro!' And then it fades out. And I'm like, 'WTF?' There were some neat samples, but overall there's just not enough there (as has been pointed out before). I'm gonna give it a NO and a "next time, try not to lose the file."
Protricity Posted September 20, 2002 Posted September 20, 2002 Pros: Ok synth, good feel. Cons: Ugly buzz fx Too short Unchanging, repetitive, simple. Cut off ending - ew. Cons win. NO -Pro
Antonio Pizza Posted September 22, 2002 Posted September 22, 2002 Damn. I really wish he hadn't lost the original file. I'm afraid he'll have to start over on this one. Granted, it's really good but it's too incomplete. Like the others said, it seems more like a WIP than a finished song. A bassline wouldn't hurt, but it ain't required. Painful as it may be, I'm gonna have to say no to this one. (I bet I'll listen to this again 6 months from now and question why I ever turned this one away)
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