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Pitch Bending

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Okay, I don't think that I sequence (heck don't even know what sequencing), I use plug-ins for FL, the sampler and Soundfont generator to make my music. I've also just become acquainted with the oh-so very versatile Mixer for FL - which F'ing rocks. Love to compress stuff and change it's dB etc.

However, I do have Audacity sitting on my desktop gathering dust, would that do pitch bends?

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It'd be a bit easier for us to answer this question if you told us what you use.

FL Studio has a kind of note in the piano roll called a 'slide note.' But that isn't the only way..

I have seen the slide note feature, but have no idea how to use it, I can look that up though ;). Didn't realize that that can do pitch bends.

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That's essentially -what- it does / is for. It can also slide volume and panning information. It doesn't seem to work with all generators, but the FL Soundfont player can handle it, as well as many synths I've used.

I've learned most of what I know about FL Studio from just using it over the years, but still a big chunk of extremely useful information has come from the one time I went to Help > Contents while using FL, and just browsed/read for the next hour. It is a quite thorough help documentation and has just about all the FL Studio knowledge there is, as far as I can tell.

EDIT: PS, chances are, yeah, you do sequence. Sequencing just means programming into some sort of computer or midi instrument a -sequence- of music to be played back / rendered. I.E.. beat making / remixing / what you do in FL Studio.

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