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I meant to post that as a second post just to yank your chain a bit, the first post didn't go trough now that I look at the thread twice.

The original post was intended towards the mackies you own. I heard alot of good things about them, I'm getting them because they have a wide frequency reponse and when I heard them in the store they sounded like they could do hip hop pretty well which is what i'm mostly into , and they sound wide, I'm not to concerned with making proffesional sounding music yet, which i won't be doing for about 40 million years or so. I just ordered a few books on that, but the point is, if your in a small room are those mackies a bad thing? are the dynaudio bm5a a better choice for small rooms because they don't reflect on walls as much? "from what I heard" I'm asking you because your the only human being on earth that I know for sure owns them.

I'm going to say this once and politely, please don't bash me about getting expensive monitors alright? I worked hard and saved up, I'm going to get a pair of monitors which are going to last me the rest of my life hopefully. I'm also getting pre sonus central station which is going to save me the trouble of getting a new sound card if it does have a d/a convertor like I heard.

Please respond, would have pm'ed you, but I'm looking for feedback from other people on these forums about Dynaudio BM5A vs Mackie MKII's.

My only concern is that the Dynaudio is missing low end, and I want my bass. It's ether have some of the low end, or get a sub woofer, if I get a sub woofer I can't get my uad card.


ah, you can always tell an analoq fan by their complete lack of shame.

anywho, i'll give you a quick answer:

i do like the Mackies. i can't say the 624s at home are spectacular after using the 824s in a studio.

but considering every pair of monitors under $1000 are compromised in some way, they are impressively unforgiving in their representation of your mix. (i.e. way flat)

the MKIIs should be even better in this regard, i got mine before those came out.

i'm sorry i can't speak on behalf of the Dynaudios, i've never auditioned a pair.



I've got Adam A7s and I'm not as cool as analoq but cool enough to get my own birthday thread. They're very neat.

Anyway, room size is more a logistical issue most of the time; can you cram all your stuff in there and reach it properly?

please don't bash me about getting expensive monitors alright?

Nobody'll bash you for that, because putting money towards that is generally a sane action.

are the dynaudio bm5a a better choice for small rooms because they don't reflect on walls as much?

Eh, reflection is a property of the wall, not of the speaker. If you want that fixed, you need basstraps (not the cheap pointy foam; that's only for high frequencies).

I've got Adam A7s and I'm not as cool as analoq but cool enough to get my own birthday thread. They're very neat.

Anyway, room size is more a logistical issue most of the time; can you cram all your stuff in there and reach it properly?

Nobody'll bash you for that, because putting money towards that is generally a sane action.

Eh, reflection is a property of the wall, not of the speaker. If you want that fixed, you need basstraps (not the cheap pointy foam; that's only for high frequencies).

oohh, those are bass traps? I already got them all over my room then. xD

I got them because my brother is always blasting his system at like 12 and night when I need to sleep for school and stuff.

anyways, thanks for the feedback, I would have submitted about 2-3 songs already snappleguy you cranky asshole, but they're all done on my bose multimedia speakers and sony-mdr nc6's. so I'm not going to submit them or even show them to you. and thats bad for you because there incredibly awsome mixes. for shame.

what about the presonus central station? is it a true d/a convertor? will it replace the d/a's on my sound blaster? are the d/a's on my sound blaster passable?

what about the presonus central station?

Yeah, what about it? What about airline foo- oh wait, let's not go there. No, seriously. It's a studio monitoring solution.

will it replace the d/a's on my sound blaster?

No, that's the Presonus Firebox.

are the d/a's on my sound blaster passable?

Sound Blaster converters are the most vile, cheap pieces of shit this side of a Covox and the plugs have enough noise to satisfy Merzbow for 3 centuries.

So you're saying he needs smaller walls? Shit, this is confusing.

He needs more surface area but with the same dimensions, so I don't know if that means bigger walls or smaller ones.

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