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*NO* Chrono Trigger 'Brink of Insanity'

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Yet another submission from Dj_StarChild

I posted a link to an early version on the WIP boards, got some good

reviews, but the genreal concensus was that the bitrate was too low and that

it needed some bass...so Here it is VBR and a bassline (It's weird.)

ANYWay...on to the arrangement.

It's called 'Chronotrigger - Brink of Insanity'

And unlike most remixes from CT, it is in fact...obscure.

It's the theme from the end of Time. yes, the song that is not so well known

as 'Brink of Time.' It's mainly a manic breakbeat that seems like it's all

over the place, over a piano that bassically follows the original piece, but

eventually I added a little of my own touch. and then the bass which can

only be described as...weird. I hope you find it to be ocremix material. and

I hear recommendations get you somewhere, so...If it aids my cause at

all...Beatdrop Liked it. Liked it more than all my other works. ...I don't

know if that is a compliment or not but...just...listen and analyse :D

you'll notice that the song is being hosted by Rob saunders, as

stationmp3.com sucks and won't allow for mp3s to have bitrates higher than

128. so...yeah. A slight change O_o

that's all I guess...You ought to know all the info on CT by now...

Be Gentle <:/



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First off, stationMP3/indielaunch will indeed accept >128 btrate MP3s. I'm hosting a long, high bitrate VBR song there right now. :)

Onto the mix, I gotta say this is pretty average starting out, but it has potential... and now the bass and the breakbeat comes in, and I'm definitely liking it. Suggestions... I would have changed up the lead a bit, but it definitly works as it is.

Oh yeah, and I'm sure you know how much i hate fade-out endings.

But overall, the good outweighs the bad here.



Sounds exactly like the original. I hate when that happens, cause then it sounds like a midi import. In fact, almost everything is exact from the original, even the echo effects.


Sounds good because the original sounded great. Ok beat. Ok bass


No real variation from the original.

Possible midi import - even if it wasnt, starky must have worked hard at getting it to sound like a midi import. In either case, thats a big con.

Ugly at 1:45

jumbled up notes.

Overall, in the best case that this was not a midi import, it still didnt vary much from the original. Just some simple bass, some simple drum loopin, and a few wrong notes later on.

sorry starkyman, but No


I've had this song for ages - The problem I've always had with it is in how he made such an originally beautiful emotional track into a rather boring dancy piece. The bassline is REALLY weird, and doesn't work with the melodies. I REALLY loved the original, and all I can say about Brink of Insanity is that it successfully drives me insane that it ruins (yes ruins) the quality of the original. Arrangement wise, it sounds quite a bit like the original with a bassline and drumbeat on top. Nothing super special - NO


Well, I've had this for a while, but I honestly don't even remember listening to it. Which is a shame, cus if I had listened to it I might have pointed out stuff I didn't like to Starky at the time.

I'm just going to have to agree with Protricity's "No real variation from the original."

Aside from the beat and drums, which aren't even that noticable, it's the same old song. What I hear is exactly what Tom said actually, "it sounds quite a bit like the original with a bassline and drumbeat on top."

Sorry to quote other judges instead of giving my own review, but as far as I'm concerned, the opinions are the same, why change the words.

Vote: No

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