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*NO* StarCraft 'Terran'


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We're UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ 4 ON TEH FLOOR E GLOWSTIKCZ :-D ; need an actual title if this passes - LT

Dear OC remixers,

Here's a submission of a audiotrack I made.

I don't know if it qualifies as a remix. But it's at least arranged by me.

Though maybe too "classic" for your website , I don't know. ;)

Here's my track.

Original game is Starcraft, the theme is the Terran main Theme.

Here's the nessesairy personal info

Remixer name: Skrie

Real name: Ernst Jan Verbree

E-mail: e_verbree@hotmail.com

Website: www.skrie.com

Forum User-ID= 21354

Since this is my first submit, forgive me if I'm at the wrong place for this kind of track !

(because I kinda got the impression that you only take rhytmic dance mixxes and stuff like that)



For those of you following along, the 8:53-long source track is made up of several parts. The section you're looking for starts at 3:54, and identifies itself at 4:30. Source has some pretty cool moments, but this sub deals mostly with that melodic hook at 4:30.

StarCraft (Game Rip) - (03) "Terran 1"

Nah, you're in the right place, bro. We take all genres.

Pretty good expansionist material, getting more interpretive with the quieter section at 1:06. That was definitely not something I was expecting. Given the length, I was expecting more repetition, and was pleasantly surprised that you didn't take the lazy way out. The instrumentation of the loudest section at 1:39 didn't carry the oomph it was intended to, which was pretty disappointing.

Still though, some solid variations in there to keep the arrangement going, in lieu of this weaker production. Sounds like there's a pop at the end that would need to be fixed, but this was fine otherwise. Took a very brief section of the original and was able to run with it.


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  • 3 months later...

Short and sweet with a surprising amount of variation, considering the length. I agree with Larry, the bombastic section at 1:39 wasn't as effective as you hoped. And yes there's a click at the end. I think there's a little too much reverb too, especially when the brass comes in near the end.

All in all, I think this piece only serves as a preview. There's a lot more you can do to expand the arrangement, and I'd really like to see that happen. I don't think this is really long enough to be effective as it is.

NO but please expand and resub

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Ah yes, I remember this theme - right off the bat it's pretty apparent here. I'm going to break down my points into bullets, since they're a bit jumbled:

* The interpretation, overall, is quite creative. I like the treatment of the source tune.

* The orchestration is good and the different instruments are used intelligently.

* The piano seems to be very thin. Needs more lower frequency emphasis, and 'sparkle'. Some additional volume would be nice.

* The constant use of the very low notes on the piano does not sound good.

* The strings sound brighter and more full than the piano, the two don't really sound like they fit together.

* Especially around :41 through 1:05 or so, the texture seems rather sparse. I think the orchestration could be more full to make the dynamic contrast more apparent.

* The mix overall could use more rhythmic elements, even in the form of instrumental ostinatos (not necessarily drumloops or anything)

* Towards the end, the instruments lack rhythmic tightness - things don't seem to be syncing up properly.

I think the criticisms here slightly outweigh the positive aspects, and I also agree with Darkesword that the piece overall could definitely be expanded. There's a wealth of source material so surely you won't have any problems there. I strongly encourage a resubmit. If you need help on any of the production issues I brought up, please post in the ReMixing forum. People will be happy to help!

NO, resub

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You chose to interpret my favorite section of the original song, so nice work there. :<

It's a little short at 2:13, but you get a lot accomplished within that span of time. Each repetition of the theme has new elements and emphases and the added passage at 1:06 was beautiful. I don't think the piece necessarily needs to be expanded for me to pass it on an arrangement level, but it would be appreciated. You've left me wanting more.

The execution could use some work though. The rhythm of the parts was too uneven - the song lurched. I like that you're trying to humanize it but you need to rein it in a little and sync up the parts more. I also thought the rhythm got lost a couple times in the quieter section. The entire piece could have used more steadiness. The climax was a little cluttered as well, with all those low-frequency instruments and no highs. Maybe the piano could be transposed up an octave again for that part.

Some instruments need production help. The lowest piano notes rumble strangely, as zircon mentioned, as if the sample is being stretched too long. You may want to find a different sample or try to work without the low notes. The right-hand piano parts, especially the higher ones, could use a boost on the low end.

Though there are some issues, I definitely like what you've got so far and I think it's a good resubmit candidate.

NO (resubmit)

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i think i'm gonna pretty much end up repeating what everybody else has been saying

nice idea - the source is awesome and one of the great old school blizzard themes. your arrangement idea is very clever but that is where it sort of drops off.

for one, the instruments don't sit very well together... primarily the piano and the deep, aggressive strings. the piano is at times, really, all over the place and can be distracting from the movement of the piece. in fact, the piece also could use some rhythm to it to help move it along and drive it. the overall thing is great but it is hard not to notice the missing tightness.

this needs more work but is not really that far from where it needs to be...


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