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I know I tried sending this in a while ago, but trust me, I hounded over the boards and reviews and went through numerous transformations with the song. BoosterSeat is no longer some dumb experiment in musical theory - it is a song.

I submit this with pride, even if it doesn't make the cut.




Tremelo is NOT the same as vibrato. Saxes should have the latter and not the former. Seems like you used the former and not the latter, which actually makes the saxes sound more artificial than if you had done nothing to them (though that doesn't mean they aren't bad samples to begin with!) Although it *is* an interesting arrangement, your sample problems kill any enjoyment I could have gotten out of the song.



argh, makin me dl from vgmix again :evil:

...(4 min later)

ok I reviewed the awesome Trapezoid - MonkeyBrain song in the mean time, anyway...


yay for 5kbps, ok lets have a listen


Swingin beat. like it.

some sax solos are nicely sequenced.


ugh, sax with vibrato and bend :(

ugh, no reverb when needed :(

winds sound real bad (not the instrument quality, the way they are used)

offkey at 1:35 and a few other places

volume issues

ew ending

too many problems, not much happens in the song. Work on those winds.



Holy crap that was amazing! I've always loved both Booster's Tower themes and this is a great rendition of the one yet to be posted on OCR. "Submitted with pride," he says. And you should be! Minus the parts that are a bit off key, this is one of the best MIDI interpretations of Booster's Tower that I've ever hea.... wha? What's that? This isn't a MIDI file? It's an Mp3 :?::?::!::!:

Oh, no.


There are parts of this where it sounds kind of empty. 1:00 springs to mind, as it's playing through there right now. Are those still supposed to be sax's? Cus they sure don't sound like it. They sound like... sick harmonicas. Also, the area around 1:45 is really.. odd. There seem to be misnote problems, am I hearing things?

Actually, the whole thing right from 1:45 up to 2:33 is just bad sounding.

Now, I don't know anything about vibrato or tremelo like the others guys are talking about, but I do know that the saxaphone sounds like there's something wrong with it. Or maybe it's just me, I haven't heard a lot of good saxaphone in a while.

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