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*NO* Legend of Zelda 'The Legend Begins'


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Way higher than the filesize limit, but we'll take a look at it - LT

hey, im stephen (kholdPhuzion) and i am an absolute video game freak. I hope you like this attachment, and would mean alot for it to be on your site. I love nintendo with a great passion, and i hope this qualifies. thx.

name- 'The Legend Begins'

Actual song- The legend of zelda opening (from the NES)

--- I have always been a zelda freak, and i love creating pieces of art from it...i even made majoras mask in ceramics...its huge..haha. Im tired of people looking at video games as a waste, and people believing there is no talent in them. Video games are an incredible interactive art. They have everything an artists needs for a piece to be believed as art...a story line, music, graphics, etc. I make my music because i love it, and i want people to realize how intricate the pieces really are, and especially for its time, when they just had a tny soundcard to work off of. It amazes me how they created such masterpieces off of that.

but thanks for giving this a chance, and i hope it qualifies. i have more if your interested.

And all instruments are me. ^.^


Please keep submissions at or under the 192kbps bitrate and 6MB filesize limits.

http://www.zophar.net/nsf/zelda.zip - Track 1

Even though the overall sound isn't unique, there's some good effort toward personalizing the performance, interpreting the arrangement, and adding original passages.

But the production is too rough, and the execution leaves a lot be desired in terms of cohesiveness. Everything, the guitar playing especially, needs to be a lot tighter, and the sound balance needs to be reworked, in particular to let the lead guitar cut through.

I feel like when you perform live or mostly live, there's a little more leeway involved with timing and execution, but right now this is too sloppily put together. Looking forward to hearing more music from you though.


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Quite simply put, your ambitions outreach your abilities. Nice effort, and I'm sure this was fun to play, but you've got to realize that the recording quality is far below OCR standards, and there's more than a few missed notes on the lead.

I don't mean to sound like a jerk, especially when I probably can't play electric lead guitar any better, but that's also why you won't hear me submitting a remix where I'm *shredding* the lead melody. Keep at it, practice practice practice and all that, and come back when you're fingers are a little more adept, and you have some better recording equipment.


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Sounds like you recorded this in your room, but had the microphone outside the open door. :(

Time issues abounds and the whole thing needs to actually be mixed. This sounds like a mish-mash of sounds (yes, a mish AND a mash).

Despite all that, you have made an effort to make the composition your own, and there's a lot of nice ideas here. Very nice ones, actually. Keep practicing, and try to get some better equipment to record this stuff. It'd be nice to see you on OCR one day.

NO but don't get discouraged

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