Beatdrop Posted November 18, 2002 Posted November 18, 2002 What the granulizer does is take a sound and randomly output slices of variable length. For example, if you put a sample of a guy screaming into it, depending on how you set the parameters, it will take different lengths of sections of an adjustable randomness and make them the output. The knobs in it adjust the size of the grains (the slices), the size of the gaps inbetween the grains, the overall randomness, and more. For more detailed information on this plugin, check out the help file that comes with FL.
Dj Snotmouth Posted November 18, 2002 Posted November 18, 2002 I looked in the help file that's attached, it tells me to download the 'in depth' manual, but I can't find that... What I don't get it about the granulizer, is just how to use it. I'm not so concerned about what it does- I'd like to figure that out on my own. I'm just having trouble getting it to DO anything...
Beatdrop Posted November 18, 2002 Posted November 18, 2002 Open the channel properties for the Granulizer and click on the "SMP" tab. Point it to an audio sample, and STAND BACK! It's that simple. You just load an audio sample into it and it's ready to go.
Dj Snotmouth Posted November 18, 2002 Posted November 18, 2002 Sorry for all the questions, but I have one more... In some of the songs that come with FL, the settings change automatically, as the song goes. How is this done? Again, something I couldn't find in the help file.. Thanks
Blak_Omen Posted November 18, 2002 Posted November 18, 2002 Hmm. I think I have FL 3.3...but I didn't exactly pay for it (I'm poor! I'm overseas!). So is there anywhere where I can download the voice thing, or would I have to look for FL 3.5?
Hadyn Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 Sorry for all the questions, but I have one more...In some of the songs that come with FL, the settings change automatically, as the song goes. How is this done? Again, something I couldn't find in the help file.. Thanks Next to the play/stop buttons is a little round symbol, that i think goes read when pushed... athough i might be getting confused with Reason. Anyhoo, click this (it's a 'record' button) and start playing the song, as you go along you can adjust the sounds, volumes, tempos, balances, and any other variables. When the song's over, unclick the record button, and play the song back, now it will auto do ehatever you did to it when recording. You can record over and over again to easily add these variables to all the different instruments too. good luck!
Pants McFamily Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 I forget who recommended it (sorry...) but I went to BananaQuartz Studio and downloaded some soundfonts, but whenever I try to save, FruityLoops tells me that they are limited use demos and deletes them! What's going on here? Should I get some soundfonts from other websites, or is FL being gay? And I still do not quite understand the concept of a soundfont. Is general MIDI a collection of low quality, standardized soundfonts, or are they completely different? What are all these other kinds of instrument files included with FL? Some of them won't even let me use the piano roll with them.
Beatdrop Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 Okay, the thing is, you probably don't have a registered version of the SF Player for FL... So you'll need one of those to be able to save the SF Player channels that are in your project for future use as well as to render them.
djcubez Posted November 19, 2002 Posted November 19, 2002 Sorry for all the questions, but I have one more...In some of the songs that come with FL, the settings change automatically, as the song goes. How is this done? Again, something I couldn't find in the help file.. Thanks Hey dj, what you're talking about is automation. I can give you a really simple flp file that will teache you it or a very in depth complicated explanantion that i don't get. What do you want? The flp file right Goto: click on tutorials and grab the automation tutorial, i think it's called automation tutorial for dummies. Anyway unzip it if it's zipped and open it with FL. *note* this has nothing to do with FL but it's pretty funny. You guys know about world war I right? well i was studying it today and i wrote down the "Ottoman" place like so: Automan, like a car dude. Pretty funny huh? at least it wasn't a test or quiz
brainzelda Posted November 20, 2002 Posted November 20, 2002 Is there a wah wah effect in Fruityloops or some other effect that I can tweak to get the way sound on instruments?
djcubez Posted November 20, 2002 Posted November 20, 2002 Try the buzz effect adapter. It's an effect. Just load sometihng by clicking on the button on the top. pick one that sounds good and check out the presets. i believe their is a "wah-wah" in there.
djcubez Posted November 20, 2002 Posted November 20, 2002 Hey isn't that weird... maybe we're here in different here's you know? actually i don't know but...
Dj Snotmouth Posted November 20, 2002 Posted November 20, 2002 Does anyone have an in-depth explanation of what all the controls for the different synths do (FX, 3xosc, etc)? I understand the basics, like attack, decay, etc, but some of them really have me lost...
DM Lee Posted November 21, 2002 Posted November 21, 2002 What i would like is a semi in depth explanation of wasp. I can make some ok chip tunish sounds with it but everything else i try turns out very strange or distortedly retarded. The basics on using wasp would be fine, or if someone can tell me a good way to make something good with wasp that would be kewl too. an in depth guide to all the different synth makers would really be appreciated, i have looked for guides and tutorials but so far found nothing.
Dj Snotmouth Posted November 21, 2002 Posted November 21, 2002 What i would like is a semi in depth explanation of wasp. I can make some ok chip tunish sounds with it but everything else i try turns out very strange or distortedly retarded. The basics on using wasp would be fine, or if someone can tell me a good way to make something good with wasp that would be kewl in depth guide to all the different synth makers would really be appreciated, i have looked for guides and tutorials but so far found nothing.
DM Lee Posted November 21, 2002 Posted November 21, 2002 also an explanation of the different effects would be good (fruity reverb, blood overdrive, etc) I know the ones that are self explainitory lik eflange, phase, overdrive, distort, etc but there are some that i have no clue what their purpose is, like fruity lsd or whatever, there probably about half of them that i dont understand and dont want to use because i dont know what they will do.
djcubez Posted November 22, 2002 Posted November 22, 2002 actually, neither do i. However i know a good board that can help. They have some Fl00ps pros there. go there and check out the fruity loops discusssion. Ask a question.. Btw their's a sample posting forum there with free samples and my name there is djcubez.
Beatdrop Posted November 24, 2002 Posted November 24, 2002 LSD is for playing back GM instruments as actual instruments in your song. It allows you to load other DLS files to have new sounds and such. Playback is done via MIDI. Blood Overdrive is distortion, just a more customizable form of it than the Fast Dist. It was designed more for use on synthesized sounds than anything else, and gives a very very very dirty sound. I'm not going to go anymore indepth than that because you can get even more info simply by opening the Blood Overdrive plugin, clicking on the little fruit in the upper-left hand corner and going down to "Help." I think the Fruity Reverb is pretty... self-explanatory. Again, if you're truly stumped with it, just do the Help thing for it the same way as for the Blood Overdrive.
DM Lee Posted November 24, 2002 Posted November 24, 2002 thanx for the lsd info, i never knew that. But i dont use gm sounds so i have no use for it, but i never knew you could click the fruit and get help with the different effect generators. still want help with the sound generators though, lol.
Hadyn Posted November 25, 2002 Posted November 25, 2002 Up the top of the WASP thingy is a few knobs: two say 'crs', two say 'fine'. The first thing you should EVER do in wasp is change these to be right in the middle, as this generally puts the sounds in wasp in the same pitch as the rest of the song, thus you can have a half decent electric guitar^_^ Other than that, i wouldn't mind some WASP info myself, like how to save a song so that when you load it again all the WASP settings stay the same, rather than resetting to default
Beatdrop Posted November 25, 2002 Posted November 25, 2002 Correction: You don't need to have them in the middle. The WASP's oscillators are 3 octave +/- capable. Meaning right in the center is 0, a third of the way to the left is -1 and a third of the way to the right is +1, etc. As long as they're at even octaves, they'll sync up perfectly and give you a decent sound. However, I'm pretty sure (can't check right now) that the WASP has an Oscillator Sync feature which causes the oscillators to hard sync if they're not at even octaves. The best way to understand what I mean is to test it out. The WASP only resets to default if you don't have a registered version of it. It's a plugin that you have to buy seperate from FL for 30 bucks or so; well worth it if I do say so myself. EDIT: More tips: Another technique you can use with the oscillators is called "detuning." This is done by fine tuning them both so that they're only slightly not synced up. This gives more width to the sound and is typically used with your stereotypical trance lead. The "Dual Voice" button activates a built-in chorus type effect that just fattens the sound up a bit. The PW knob (Pulse Width) only functions with the Square waves, so don't bother messing with it if you aren't using any Squares. Oscillator 3 is a sub-oscillator that generates very low frequency waves only. It's best used when you want to create a bass sound. The slider above Oscillators 2 and 3 is the balance slider that selects how much of the two oscillators you want. Right in the middle would be a perfectly even mix. Anyway, that's all for now... Just the basics.
Blak_Omen Posted November 30, 2002 Posted November 30, 2002 Okay, I went and downloaded a few SoundFonts just to give them a go, but I'm having trouble working out how to use them. I gather you need something called a SF Player, but I don't think I have one, and if I did I don't know where to find it.
DM Lee Posted November 30, 2002 Posted November 30, 2002 thanx a lot for the wasp info, i really do need to start using that damn thing.
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