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Alright, so I recently got a new 20" widescreen ViewSonic LCD monitor, and the thing is a beauty. However, I've come across a huge problem.

Starcraft looks ugly as sin all stretched out on it. Starcraft has absolutely no alternate resolution support, no windowed mode support (that I was able to find, at least; I found mention of a mod, but couldn't find anywhere to download it from that didn't require you to download spyware along with it), and when I try to play the game, it gets stretched and mangled almost beyond recognition. Some people seem to be super lucky, and their displays automatically adjust and just put black bars on the side (which makes sense and is what I'm trying to get happening), but this just isn't happening for me. Furthermore, my monitor has no aspect ratio adjustment controls to fiddle with.

I found some results online saying that the nVidia Control Panel (I have a 7900GS) has aspect ratio and scaling options, but I couldn't find them. I checked the control panel's help documents, and found references to these options and very clear instructions on how to access them (Control Panel > Display > Change display (flat panel) scaling), but "Change display (flat panel) scaling" isn't there. I have all the latest drivers for my monitor and my video card, as well as the most recent Starcraft patch.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


you're shit outta luck. i also have a viewsonic 20" widescreen LCD, and there ain't shit you can do. it's a problem with a LOT of older games. hardly any of them are going to support your native resolution (1440 x 900). hell, there's a ton of newer games that don't support that resolution either. HL2 and World of Warcraft being the only two i can think of that do at the moment. with the exception of HL2, most FPS games don't support widescreen resolutions anyways because it might give you an unfair advantage or some other bullshit reason.

you'll get used to starcraft being all stretched out though. it's not that bad. not like starcraft was ever pretty to begin with.


i just checked this for what i usually do and unfortunately i found no option for starcraft.

however, in warcraft3/tft i can go into regedit and edit the "resheight" and "reswidth" info to fit the right resolution i use (1440x900) which is not native in war3/tft normally.

i just checked the same thing for starcraft and couldn't find anything that seemed to be any parameters for resolution. sorry.


I've been trying to find an LCD that supports centering rather than stretching less-than-full-resolution images. My laptop is like that, it's an option in the BIOS, where it puts a black border around the screen when running things fullscreen.


Yeah, my nVidia GeForce Go 6800 supports it as well. I can have it scale to the main resolution, scale at a fixed aspect ratio, or center on the screen with no scaling. It isn't hard to do, either. All I do is go into Display Properties --> Settings tab --> select the monitor and hit Advanced --> the video card's tab --> Display Settings --> Device Settings and then select the option I want.

I'm surprised other video cards can't do this.

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