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PRC101: It's-a-me, a living A4 cutout! (Paper Mario) [RESULTS]

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The People's Remix Competition 101


Hello everyone and welcome to the People's Remix Competition! We're plowing into the triple figures pretty well, I think. With PRC100 done and dusted, all that's left is for the formerly anonymous contestants to host their mixes and that is that.

Recapping to PRC99, Hylian Lemon scored his second win with what seemed like a cuter entry than the competition but got a lot of brownie points from his peers nonetheless. So it's only fair that that approach matches with Ben's choice for PRC101's source tune. How can you imagine the team behind Advance Wars to make something as colorful as this...?


I've always admired the music of the Paper Mario series, because it flawlessly combines quirky with epic. Like I said in the other topic, those games will appear in a massive explosion if you take the phrases "extremely popular" and "completely ignored" and slam them together. They're quite popular games with really great music, but they somehow manage to get pushed aside by the remixing community. *cries*

But anyway, to get to the point...the music of Chapter 3 in the original Paper Mario really caught my attention, and Forever Forest in particular seemed like a good option for remixing.

Paper Mario - Forever Forest Theme

MIDI | MP3 | USF (library)

Let me add a brief word of advice for anyone reading this thing - never, and I repeat, NEVER play it on an emulator. Sure there's the usual "buy it yourself" comment, but a lot of graphical effects are missing as well, making it a little buggy and whatnot.

Ey... ramble over.


Fine Print:

PRC instructions

  1. If you happen to be mixing this song already, start over in the interests of fairness.
  2. ThaSauce's server allows for MP3 files at 6MB. Length for length's sake and MIDI rips are not allowed.
  3. Entries must be posted at the Compo ThaSauce link by NEXT SUNDAY, August 26th at 4:59am Eastern US Time. Alternatively, you can also email your submissions over to submission@doulifee.com, though it would also help if you put forward a reminder in the thread.
  4. You may enter as many mixes as you like and work with as many people as you like on each mix.
  5. Do not make qualitative comments on an entry until the results of the vote have been posted.
  6. The winner of the previous contest may not enter an eligible mix, but his/her vote will count double.
  7. Mixers cannot vote for themselves but if they vote they receive a free first place vote added onto their score.

Doulifée's PRC Archives! If you need help with hosting your mix, contact myself or Doulifée, and we'll help you out.


This sounds VERY much like Kefka's theme from final fantasy VI, which is an amazing theme in itself, so this should be very cool as well, I guess I'll see if I can do something with this. Excellent choice of source material =P

By the way: Isn't this supposed to be in General stuff nowadays? I thought that it was moved (along with a few other big competitions) so they could get more public attention.


PRC100 won't let me upload my song! It says that it can't update the ID3 tags, because it's not an mp3. But it IS an MP3! Blaaargh. Is there something I'm not doing right?

Okay so ON topic, hooray! Paper Mario! I tried playing this on an emulator once upon a time, and holy god Rexy's right. It's seziure inducing flickering all over the place.

I will maybe have a go at this? (Bleh, I always say this to myself and can never come up with anything until the last possible second. At least last time I actually had time to make a mix.) Good luck all and such!


I managed to upload it in your place (and changed the name field afterwards). I got the same message as well, though it was nothing that a re-encoding of the MP3 wouldn't fix. What do you use to encode your files btw? Maybe that might be the problem.


I think it's something related to the fact that I'm centrally involved in this round. I have this on-and-off curse thing, you see. People just run away when they see my username.

Or maybe it has to do with school starting in various places.

I dunno...I thought this would be an easy source for people to remix.


I see what you mean, but regardless though, the competition is still going to see a time extension. I will give you all one more day to try and come up with something with the source, otherwise Chickenwarlord will win by default.


Aahhh. If I can do it, it shouldn't be too hard for anyone. XD

Do you think we'd get better turnouts if we switched to a monthly system like some of the other competitions? I dunno, I think people would feel more at ease that way, and they'd have more time to come up with ideas. If we have several more of these dead weeks, that might be a good move...Just a thought. Looking back at earlier PRCs, there were a ton of entries. We haven't gotten over four for a while...maybe people are bored with the concept? Meh. I think it's a cool way to get games more recognition.

Edit: Especially now that school's starting...for those of us that still go to school. Ick.


lol, and to think I was gonna try and make something, but I'm a noob and there was less than a day left. Now I'm still a noob, and theres still less than a day left. :|

Well, you're right about one thing...there is definitely less than a day left. :P

If anything pops out at you in the future, don't hesitate to join in. We haves fun and cookies for everyone.

I plan on checking back to this competition on a frequent basis now that I've spotted it. It would be a great way, and just what I need to get myself into mixing. I only just played though Paper Mario on the VC, and that's why I was drawn to the title. That game has a damned good sound track. Great pick Hylian.


Seems like we're heading into another one of those weak PRC turnouts. Anyway...

The mixing stage is over. And the voting stage has begun. All you do is the following:

- Sign up at ThaSauce if you haven't done so already.

- Make your choice between the two contestants.

- A reasoning would help your clarification.

- Submit the vote and try and plead for any British Bank Holidays in America, or something.

You have until Thursday, August 30th to make your vote. The winner gets to choose the source material for PRC102!


Chickenwarlord - Temporary Forest

Radiowar - untitled mix (a remix of the song entitled forever forest)


Hylian Lemon - Gutsy Ghost


Sorry guys, life's been pretty hectic lately and I couldn't come up with anything from the source. Will be voting though and am looking forward to the next round.

I plan on checking back to this competition on a frequent basis now that I've spotted it. It would be a great way, and just what I need to get myself into mixing. I only just played though Paper Mario on the VC, and that's why I was drawn to the title. That game has a damned good sound track. Great pick Hylian.

Highly recommended. I know it's helped my mixing out a lot just entering these and trying out new ideas.

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