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OCR01681 - *YES* Legend of Zelda 3 'Lost Dark World'

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Sounds like a straightforward call even in light of the sub letter, but then we have usage of the Jurassic Park: Lost World theme, so we've gotta do the homework on the usage of the movie score - LT

* Your ReMixer name: Long Dao

* Your real name: Long Dao

* Your email address: longebane@gmail.com

* Your website: http://longebane.aoikokoro.net

* Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 14009

* Name of game(s) ReMixed: The Legend of Zelda: A link to the Pastzorz

* Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Dark Worldz

* Additional information about game, if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc.: this game is about a manchild named link

* Link to the original soundtrack, if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site

* Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration

behind it, how it was made, etc. : This remix was inspired by not only the Dark World theme of Zelda but also the Lost World theme from Jurassic Park. I always found some sort of similarity between the two themes, and eventually decided to embark on the wild journey to remix the two themes into one. I had some help from my friend Jeremy Robson during the process. I eventually finished around April 2006, but got too lazy to upload it until now.


Thanks to DarkeSword for obtaining "The Lost World" from The Lost World: Jurassic Park film score.

http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=loz3 - "Dark World" (loz3-12.spc) & "Dark Mountain" (loz3-13.spc)

The Lost World: Jurassic Park - (01) "The Lost World"

Was gonna email Long about what exactly was used from the film score, but aside from the arrangement intro being a fairly direct spin on the intro of "The Lost World", all that was there were stylistic similarities. Nice work adopting the character of the Williams score while melding it with the more upbeat Zelda material.

The arrangement's pulled off pretty well. Aside from 1:17-1:50 being non-Zelda, this was very firmly rooted in arranging the source material. I get tired of Zelda, to be honest, but I know what I like. The cymbal at 3:17 probably should have resonated more; as is, it sounded awkwardly placed. The crescendo at 5:42 was a bit much on the volume, but not a big deal. The ending cuts off at 6:28 on my copy, so we may have to ask for a fix there.

Was solid for a direct post if not for the need to make sure the film score wasn't used too much. Good energy, good articulations, good dynamics. On that level, a big improvement over the spotty, unrefined execution of your previous subs. You steal some niggasamples?


  • 1 month later...

Jurassic Park has been one of my favorite movies ever since it came out in '94. Lost world was also pretty awesome. JPIII would have been not quite as good, except Sam Neil is a fantastic actor, and has always portrayed Alan Grant in the best possible way to enhance the series.

What in the HELL is up with the plot synopsis for JP4? *shakes head*

Anyway, I'm going to go with "more of a stylistic similarity" rather than "too much JP2 music". If there is are in fact cameo appearances, then at this point at least I'd say they are brief enough to not warrant the dreaded letter, especially since proper credit was priorly given.

This is pretty much DP quality.



There's Zelda all over this, but we had to make sure. Good thing my sister is such a John Williams fan. Jimmy, I'm also in a state of WTF @ JP4. ?!

Anyway excellent work capturing the style of the score and developing the themes. I really enjoyed this a lot; this is how Zelda orchestral should be done. ;)




on one hand, i hear an amazing sounding mix... the instruments are beautiful, they're mixed well together, they are clearly arranged by a knowing orchestrator and its zelda for crying out loud, so its great. however, i'm confused by some of the, at times, unnecessary arrangement. i'm surprised nobody has commented on it. there is a lot of what i can simply call "overarrangement" (see: in and around the 3 minute mark). i'm not one to criticize artistic vision or creative discretion but it gets beffudled at times and distracting and i think it ought to be worth noting.

luckily for the piece and for long dao... its zelda and it sounds very nice. the transitions are great (especially later on around the 5 min mark). the intro was engaging and pulled you in and the ending was epic and ushers you out in style even if a bit loud.

all in all, this is a solid work of videogame homage.


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