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*NO* Relentless 'L'esprit tourmenté'


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Used the American name of the game (Relentless instead of Little Big Adventure), as we normally do over here - LT


* Your ReMixer name : Kanar

* Your real name : Léo Mathieu, Yann van der Cruyssen

* Your email address : corneliuskanar@hotmail.fr

* Your website : www.nurykabe.com

* Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile : 75615811 ?

* Name of game(s) ReMixed : Little big adventure

* Additional information about game : original composer : Philippe Vachey



Thanks for providing the source tune.

Relentless - LBA1-07.mid

I loved the staggered melody playing on the pair of leads. On the negative side though, the guitar strumming from :27-:58 is panned way too much towards the right channel, which is disorienting listening on headphones. Arrangement basically repeats at :59 with some additional percussion stuff and other well-performed nuances to vary up the delivery until 1:39/the end. Holds very fast to the structure of the original, but is well personalized. Much like your previous Faxanadu subs, I love the arrangement, which can't help but be leaps and bound above the original in terms of sound quality.

But, again much like the past Faxanadu submissions, the arrangement only scratches the surface as a nicely stylized cover and doesn't develop the material further. The countermelody brought into the source tune at :29 also could have been used, as well as the melody brought in at :37.

As much as the great organic style has me enjoying this track immensely, it's not quite there yet. 1:21's section definitely felt like you were merely gearing up for another section, before the arrangement quickly switched gears and wrapped up at 1:35.

If you can get a minute's more material out of this one and explore the theme further, the arrangement would feel more substantial. I really enjoy what's in place so far, and would to see something like this on the site. This could sound like a complete enough idea to some. Good luck with the rest of the vote.

NO (resumbit)

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  • 2 months later...

Very cool, stylistically... certainly not a genre we hear very often. Recording could use a bit of compression to level our the dynamics, a bit more high-end through out, and less bias towards the right channel which tends to be louder than the left by a decent margin. Not a HUGE deal but these are easy improvements. The performances in general were all good enough, maybe not perfect, but I didn't feel that was an issue, particularly in this sort of folk style.

As short as this mix is, I think it's quite creative and certainly personalizes the source. There's a decent amount of variation, and the variation is creative to boot. I didn't think this was really that close to the original in terms of structure, mainly because of the varied dynamics in this mix. Plus, the harmonic structure is not quite the same either.

Borderline, but I'm going with


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FLASHBANG! (since Vig doesn't approve of the "Lightning round" thing)

-cool approach

-interesting style

-fair recording quality

-too damn short. It was over just as it got going.

I'd be inclined to pass this based simply on the style and interpretation being so non-sequitur. Add another 45 or so seconds, and I'll lay a golden egg (or at least be inclined to vote YES)


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I really liked the arrangement of this mix. Very clean, loose, and simple, while still uniquely arranging the original. I loved the way it gelled at 0:27 with sort of a klezmer feel. An unusual set of instruments used effectively.

The woodwind that comes in at 0:09 could use a little more rhythmic tightness - it sounds late. Also, the panning of the instruments was a little much. Try to keep things closer to the center so that they sound more of one piece. I don't think either of these are very big problems, but if the mix doesn't pass, fixing them would be appreciated.

Ah, length of arrangement. I really felt like more could have been done, especially after the percussion comes in. It sounds like it is building into a real groove, and then 12 seconds later, it's over. I would have loved to see the klezmer section return with that percussion. There are a lot of ways you can extend and develop this piece, including just elaborating on some of the things you've already got. There are so many ideas here - why keep it so short?

NO (resubmit)

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