orkybash Posted October 19, 2002 Posted October 19, 2002 Hi Orkybash, I emailed you 3 weeks ago about two possible lost submissions. You wanted to haneld one at a time, so I decided to wait 2 weeks to check up on the other. The first that you handled already went through the judging process. The other which was submitted 2 months ago, is still up in the air as far as I know. So I emailed djp and the person who updated the judging list last time...Last week, I haven't heard back, so I'm not sure if something was done and I didn't get an email or if it didn't go through.... Below is a copy of the email I sent last week. Thanks for any help. ------------------------------------------ Hi, I saw the latest list on the judging board and noticed that one of mine may have either been lost or slipped through the cracks. I submitted the mix ' Schala Memories Lost in Time ' almost 2 months ago on the week of Aug. 14. I noticed other mixes from that same time period (from vgmix) have been judged already, and I haven't heard anything on this, so I'm assuming it got lost. Thanks. File URL: Info: This mix is done in a new age/orchestral style - more the former and less the later. This is my second submission here and fourth overall arrangement. I wanted to make this have a light, airy atmospheric feel, so the bottom end is mostly made up of only light cello and light synth pads on the low end.. ( More info on the link.) Other Info: Handle: GrayLightning Email: thegraylightning@yahoo.com ----------------------------------------- Well, at least it's not a techno version of the theme! Actually, this is very good if you're in the mood for slow, ambient, new-agish stuff. Even if you're not, it's still put together well, aside from maybe an ending that's a tad abrupt. YES
Protricity Posted October 21, 2002 Posted October 21, 2002 HMM, this is gonna be hard because there are so many damn schala mixes. Sometimes, I just wish Janus would preform matricide. So anyway... Nice, slow, moody, melodic expantion, all the things I like... but.. OMFG its schala again! I have 10 of these songs. Still, thats irrelevant. I'll give it a YES because its not just another FL-lets-import-the-spc-and-play-around-with-flange remixes.... Also because its Nice, slow, moody, melodic expantion, all the things I like... etc This wasnt a very good review, Im sorry. But at least ya got a YES, so QUIT COMPLAININ! geezus.... -Pro
Saunders Posted October 24, 2002 Posted October 24, 2002 I've had this song for a little while now. I likes it. Vote: Yes
Malcos Posted October 24, 2002 Posted October 24, 2002 Wow this is slow. Oh it's an ambient track. This is very nicely done, well mixed, has enough variation, and has just the right amount of reverb. YES.
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