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OCR00827 - *YES* Legend of Zelda 3 'Dark Tranzition' *PRIORITY*

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Damn, it's only 10 seconds into the song and I already want to get up and move! All the sounds here are high quality. In terms of song structure I probably would have brought in the melody a lettle earlier, since I got bored with the background synths by themselves. But that minor gripe aside, this is excellent as a first submission.



Is it just me, or did this guy sample his stomach growling?

THANK YOU for switching the beat up a bit at 1:29. I was just starting to grow weary of it the way it was. It's a bit long though. I know, it's only 2:45, but for such a short theme there wasn't enough original compostition to justify its length. For this reason I'm kinda iffy towards it, but I'll give it yes.

I don't like comparing songs, but the ending pics up a "Link's Underworld Pressure Cooker" style approach by subtly adding layers after each loop towards the end of the song. This effect (along with the excellent quality samples) pushed the scale over enough to the postitive.


Hmm... I like the idea. I like almost all of it. The only thing I DON'T like about it, really, is the choice of lead. The piano. I don't know. I know most of you suckers just LOVE the piano in any form, but I really don't think it fits here. Also, the melody sort of blurs itself with the reverb. I, personally, would have probably used some sort of saw wave synth with a dirty edge to it for the melody instead of the piano. I mean, contrast is good, but at the same time, there is a difference between good and bad contrast. At least I think so.

Ok, I don't know about this length thing. It actually seems too short to me. It went by and now it's done. Anyway that I could deal with. But man... that piano. It just... I don't know. It seems way too clean for this. There are three yeses now anyway so I won't feel like such an ass for saying


on this one, but it really bugs me. REALLY. Like, FOR REAL


More beat, more melody perhaps. Maybe do something with the synth rather than just have it go through the melody.

Exactly. Btw, I think this song was done in Reason, I recognise the Rex drum loop (tut tut, using loops!)

Anyway, I found this to be rather boring actually, it didn't go anywhere IMO.

Sorry to shake it up, but NO.


Wow. I'm really liking the stuff coming out of my headphones right now. Not so close to the original to be boring, and not too far as to be unrecognizable either. I really get a kick out of the effects used, and have to say this is a great remix.

Vote: Yes


ok, I dont know what happened here.

Maybe its djp's evil plan to merge malcos and me into some kind of SUPER 3V1L JUDGE BEING.

Either way, My post was deleted, so Im just gonna say NO and go one with life. (No, being my original vote)

EDIT: yea, I think you just hit 'edit'. its right next to quote and quote and edit windows look exactly the same...

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