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*NO* Splatterhouse 3 'Mystery to Man' *FT*

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[17:11] 4-Eyes: This is 4-Eyes of Overclocked....

[17:11] orkybash: sup?

[17:11] 4-Eyes: And I believe I was supposed to contact somebody like you if I believed my submissions slipped through the cracks. Then again, I forget things like THAT.

[17:12] orkybash: yes, I can deal with lost submissions

[17:13] 4-Eyes: Here's the link to my Indielaunch site.... (HERE IS WHERE WE REMOVED THE LINK JUST TO BE SPITEFUL! HAHAHAHAHA!)it's "Splatterhouse 3 - Mystery to Man".


Hmmm... sounds kinda messy in most places. Plus, there's really no element to tie the song together through all the random styles it switches between... except for maybe those bittry screams.

Maybe I'd appreciate what the mixer was going for if I had played the game, but as it is, I don't.




Well I'm honestly not liking the way this starts. Although now it doesn't so bad, in fact it's gotten downright upbeat (that almost seems oxymoronic).

Hmm, I like the way this is changing up it's sound a lot, although I'm most partial to the upbeat stuff like I'm hearing right now 3:40.

I gotta say, I really like this mix. Aside from the intro which is kinda ugly, but I think it was intended to be that way.

Like Prot said, the samples were kind of ugly, but they were used well enough that the mix didn't sound bad. I think that if you know what you're doing, you can make any sample in a mix work well.

Vote: Yes


Wow, this changes a lot!

Well the intro wasn't too bad, although there was a synth that came in at 0.19 that had a bit too much release.

The changes took me a little by surprise at times, and at 2.09 when the piano came in, that transition could have been a lot smoother!

However, there is good rhythm throughout, there is a very definite structure to it, it has been arranged nicely, and it is distinctive and original.



This is such a nice refreshing change from that mono track. God, I really hope every one of you judges goes back and changes your vote to NO simply so that mono track doesn't have to be listened to by other people. What is this? One remix? Two? Three? I don't know. Anyway, the quality is nice. I see no coherrency between these tracks. And unfortunately, I've never heard of Splatterhouse so I have no idea whether this is based on anything. Anyway, the thing ain't bad. It won't stay on MY hard drive after these listens, but ... wait

Ok, why won't this stay on my HD? Because it sounds too much like it's from a videogame. Too much of it just sounds exactly like it would on any given console.

No, I figured out what it is that bugs me. I found the gym file (on zophar) and it's pretty much the same. Though the original is boring, the remix isn't much less boring. It just fails to grab any attention. That's my 2¢ for what it's worth.




I'm pretty torn on this one. I agree with DiscoDan that it's... just boring.

The instruments use are kinda weird.. i dunno that it's a bad thing,

but i just feel uncomfortable listening to this. I checked out the

original GYM after DD brought it up, and this is an interesting direct

translation of the music into other instruments, but I just don't feel that

it's up to that OCR level. The piano break was a very nice change,

but it's just all over the place.. If this were abotu 4 times longer with

some serious development between sections then I'd

probably really like it, but right now it just feels like a one night stand with

the music from the game.

I kinda feel bad saying NO to this, because it sounds like

alot of work went into it, but I just don't think it's up to par with what I

expect from OCR.


Guess it's up to me, huh? alright, fine.


Daniel and CotMM are right in that it's way similar to the original. With the exception of the piano part midway, I dare say it was too close to a midi rip.

It sounds ehhh, but like CotMM said, it's not OCR material. Sorry pal. Better luck next time.

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