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Random Remix Script for Artists (or anyone else)


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So here's a fun little PHP script I whipped up. It redirects you to a random OCReMix by me.


$mixes = array('01095', '01178', '01463', '00758', '01154', '01069', '01235', '01374', '01316', '01286', '01507', '01343', '01044', '00982', '01129', '00943', '01010', '01591', '01079');

$random = (rand()%count($mixes));
$destination = 'http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR' . $mixes[$random] . '/';

header( "Location:" . $destination );

The remix ID numbers are stored in the $mixes array; if you want to specify your own mixes, just replace the numbers I have there with your own 5-digit ID numbers for your mixes.

You can find the remix id number in the remix's URL. Ex:


01591 is the remix id number for my Twilight Princess remix.

Replace the numbers and save the code to a .php file and store it on a server that lets you use PHP. Then, whenever you point your browser to that file, it'll redirect you.

I've got mine stored here:


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Either that, or just parse out the remix URLs from the HTML, and return a random one.

Yeah, but really that kind of stuff is way easier to do if you have access to the site code. I don't (and I don't want it).

As far as breaking the array, I'm not really sure, but it would be easier to make an array with all of the IDs for the removed remixes, set the randomization to the highest ID number on OCR, and then use an if-else statement to make sure you're always redirected to a valid remix.

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