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Ok, now it's quiet, I'll submit a remix. Haven't submitted anything for a while now, so I'm going to submit something a little different:

It's the Dam Dariam 'Love Again' Remix from DDR (Dance Dance Revolution). I recommend you listen to the original first. I took the original, parametric eq'ed out as much as I could to try and isolate the vocals, took ages to find the tempo, and then when the mix was finished, some more eq.

Tell me what you think, I've never tried anything like this before. Don't say yes just 'cause I'm a judge!

I vote YES, because it's different.


Heh, this is really strange. I realize that drumloops + original, even with massive filters over the original, is usually not a good thing. Though, he did more than just that. Listen to the end :P Could have done a better job mastering it, but It's not that bad. I truely can't decide what to vote on this. The problem I have with Dance Dance Revolution "ReMixes" is that Dance Dance Revolution itself consists of tunes and Remixes by original non-video-game-music artists (atleast, most of the time - Think of Burning Heat on DDRMAX2). I dunno, does this mix even meet the requirements? Is it really a video game music ReMix? Or is it a ReMix of a tune by Joga?

Until I can get some of these questions clarified, NO.

BTW, It's spelled Dam Dariram, not Dam Dariam. ;)


Malcos -

Can we get the original? I guess what we have to ask ourselves is whether this is the type of thing we want to accept on a regular basis (i.e. no special treatment just because it's coming from a judge, etc.)

I'd like to clear this up sooner rather than later as I'm trying to clear the forum out before I post the next flood, which you've probably been wondering about since it's been awhile.

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