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Now with creative commons license!

I got maybe 5 comments about it [well, about the music part of it] since its release, so maybe here it'll get more attention. I'd like some more reviews on the archive.org site, so if you have an account there, I'd love it if you'd take some time to write a review for this album, or any of the others I've uploaded to Archive so far:

Today is a Horrible Day to Feel Beautiful

The Sky is Never Dark Anymore EP [the only release with an actual review so far]

Tanasinn EP

unpopular music!


Hi there, OverCoat! I remember you well.

If the first few "Gardens" are a testament to the quality and scope of the rest of the album, then I'd wager that I would be very pleased to offer you my input. Right now, though, I'm just listening to that with my headphones on, though. I'll get back to you in a little while~

Haha! The Second Garden is pretty sexy :razz:


Though I'd have to say that any meaningful commentary would come from multiple listens, after hearing the whole thing once I'd say it's very enjoyable. I like IDM and similar music quite a bit, but this is definitely "IDM influenced." By which I mean that it sits in some kind of interesting middle ground.

Sometimes I would swear I was listening to a melody I'd heard somewhere, but that's the thing about good melodies, I think: IF they're good, you feel like you've heard something like it before, but not quite. In that regard, I'd say that your strongest point is (oddly enough for somewhat ambient music), well, crafting interesting melodies. It's a lot of fun listening to all the sounds and samples that you use to strengthen these melodies, as well... haha, I wanna say "supporting cast"...

There didn't seem to be any one "wow!" high point, but that's not really a criticism (or a compliment, either). Having an album that's full of equally (or nearly so) strong material is far better than a lopsided release with a few knockout tracks, though! Unless you're a pop star, anyway. Heh. I will say that the way each song evolves is very interesting. Several songs really brought to mind the Forest Temple from Ocarina of Time for whatever reason -- perhaps the "garden" motif? Perhaps it's mostly the tone or mood and the massive (...what would be a good descriptive noun for...) reverb.

ANYWAY enough of my mindless rambling. I like it quite a bit! Are you looking to makea few bucks off of some of these albums, or are they just for the love ala beatdrop? I wouldn't mind donating some coinage for a copy of Garden Art.

EDIT: Ah, I think I know why I keep thinking Forest Temple... I think pixietricks's "Prayer" used a similar synth lead to at least a few of the tracks here. Perhaps that's what's throwing me off...

EDIT 2: Whenever I hear 7 I can't decide if it reminds me more of "Left Hand Suzuki Method" or the G.I.Joe guy in the snowsuit... "li'le wankas!" Hopefully you know what the hell I'm talking about.

ALSO THIS IS FANTASTIC in case that didn't come across!

I never left :<

I meant 'back', as in "WITH ANOTHER CHART TOPPING HIT". I wuvs you, OC. <3

...do you have a website? If not, you should. I'd like to see a full chronology of your releases. And background info! And pictures! And videos of your latest concert!

  • 8 months later...
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