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Feel slightly out of place doing this... but here goes.

I featured some of the Chrono Symphonic artwork when creating installation guides for XFCE 4.4.0 and XFCE 4.4.1. Chrono Symphonic has also shown up in the hardware reports for Apple's Ipod on Mepis 6.5 and 7 Beta Series, and while named in the PS3 report didn't show up.

So... now, I'm looking to respin our lightweight AntiX release into an XFCE desktop. I'd... like to be able to include the Chrono Symphonic Artwork and Music on the ISO...

Problem is... I don't know if I can do that? Do any of the composers or artists that worked on Chrono Symphonic mind it being redistributed on the ISO?

Zerias / je.saist


Legally, and courtesy-wise, it would be a good idea to ask them first.

yes, I figured as much, also presuming this forum would be the best place to locate the artists.

I appear to be missing something here...

What could CS artwork possibly have to do with Linux development?

You aren't really missing anything since it doesn't have anything to do with the direct development. I want to include the artwork and music files on the ISO itself, giving people who download and install the desktop something to listen to once the Desktop is installed, and something to look at.

However, I need the artists permission to include the artwork and files. Sending out a form letter to each email address seemed... tacky... A forum post where I knew the artists probably would hang out... seemed much more appropriate.


Thank you Eon, that answers one question... Now I guess I'm waiting on Darksworde or Pretzel to answer about the music itself... (or any of the other artists who did the remix's)


This might just be me being silly, but if the songs are available for free to download anyways, wouldn't including them just be free advertisement? I can see where you would want to get permission, but I guess I just don't see the actual point, oh wells.

Dunno if we have a policy concerning redistribution of OCR albums. Let me check with djpretzel.

The project mixes would fall into the same categories as any of the other mixes on the site wouldn't they? IF that's true then if you want to redistribute the music with... with... whatever it is, Then you have to ask the artists who made it and you have to not get any profit from it. I think.

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