Antonio Pizza Posted December 1, 2002 Posted December 1, 2002 heh.. sorry to bother you man, I hate bothering people that has responsabilities with something that I want, like you AP, but I've send one of my remixes more than 1 month ago(almost 2 months) and I want it to get reviewed. The last time I sended a remix it took 3 MONTHS to get reviewed, and I had to email djp and ask him if he could post it in the judges forums( a tetris remix). Actually, I did send one remix before this one I'm asking for a review, but I think it's better that it doesn't get reviewed cuz I find that remix somehow lacking now, and I didn't see it on the judges forums too(and I submitted it like more than 2 months ago). Anyways, I hope that you can do me the favor to post it in the judges forum or tell djp about it. The name of the song is Final fantasy 6 - Group madness in Narshe and you can find it at I really hope that this doesn't make an obstacle for the next remix I'm going to send soon, cuz I've heard that there must be some amount of time between submissions, but as I said I submitted this one long ago, so I think It's enough time. anyways, Thanks for your attention, and I hope I can see any results. About the song, it's a total twist from the original theme(The narshe town). I've worked hard on the drums and the dirty synths that it has, and I hope that you consider this ocr material. EDIT: ReMixer = FielDYSnuTS
DarkCecil13 Posted December 1, 2002 Posted December 1, 2002 Okay, what the fuck, we JUST judged another song by this guy. Yeah, as the ReMixer, states, this is definitely a total twist. First off, the percussion is just breath-taking in here. It's soooooo driving. That, I like. The mix itself is arranged quite well. Although, I really don't like the ReMixer's name. Variating CAPs like that is evil. Heh, that has nothing to do with the actual ReMix. Regardless... YES
Protricity Posted December 2, 2002 Posted December 2, 2002 Pros: Very nice work on the drums. VERY nice. A few nice effects. Cons: Cut off ending Killed the feel of the original Thought it was very nicely put together. YES
Disco Dan Posted December 7, 2002 Posted December 7, 2002 Well while that other song is downloading, I guess I'll listen to this one while I'm waiting. Wow... this is like playing one of those old dos games, with FM sound. No wait, drums. I hope they're good. Well they certainly keep my interest. I have no idea what this is based on, and I just don't feel like.... wtf is that... Right around 1:55... hey. Great atonal music. Nice to have some noise on the site with all that boring tonal music running around. How about we get some sense of pitch and key here. Nice drums, but the rest pretty much kills it for me. That "hey let's make it sound like two different songs in two different keys are playing at the same time" thing really grates. I hear a lot of djs on the radio that do this kind of crap and it annoys the hell out of me. Ok, they've got a nice sense of rhythm, but their sense of tonality is absolutely AWFUL. Anwyay, as I was saying... NO DC
orkybash Posted December 8, 2002 Posted December 8, 2002 Hmmm... Do I hear 'plucked'? Or maybe not... Anyway, this one has really interesting drums which are by far the best part of the remix, though that's not to say that it's not bad! I enjoyed most of it very much, and though some of the atonal parts Disco mentioned bugged me, they fit in with the remix. Only problem is it overstayed it's welcome by maybe half a minute, and the ending's a little abrupt, but I think this is OCR material overall. Yes
m68030 Posted December 13, 2002 Posted December 13, 2002 Ok, so the drums are neat. The bass isn't bad either, but that lead instrument and the plucked and whatnot just arn't doing it for me. Seriously grating me the wrong way. They just feel wrong over the bassline. This could be very cool if, and I hate to phrase it this way, but "corrected". Not that they are "wrong", but I just dont think it sounds good :\ NO
Saunders Posted December 14, 2002 Posted December 14, 2002 - The percussion sounds kind of messy, like you tried to make it too complex*. - Some of the synths are louder/sharper/harsher than my ears would like. Don't know what to suggest for that, I assume you chose the synths you wanted, but if it hurts to listen to a song, it significantly lessens the appreciation/enjoyment value. - 2:20 is like an all out ear assault. It just goes nuts, and maybe that was your intention, but I don't think it came out sounding real nice. - The ending is too simple, it just stops**. I can't provide any ideas, but you really should try something else. Vote: No * I usually write my comments before reading the other judges' comments, so it only now occurs to me that everyone else felt the complex drums were the best part. My opinion still stands though, take it or leave it. ** My file is 3:55. Maybe it ended improperly?
Antonio Pizza Posted December 14, 2002 Author Posted December 14, 2002 Well looks like I'm the deciding vote. And that means that FielDYSnutS is not an official OCRemixer because I'm voting no. The mad breakbeat puts me in mind of a couple of other songs on the site (which I won't mention) that I liked. Its the same crazy style shown in this song. I like the lead synth, but it is a bit sharp. I can tell this even without earphones. The cut-off ending is . Avoid that in the future. If all else fails, go for a fade out. I don't have Daniel's ear, but I believe the out of key parts are located from 2:14-2:28 and from 3:21-3:50. Didn't sound right to me either. Fix that if you can, soften the piercing of your lead synth and find a new ending. Then you'll get a yes from me. I'm still keeping this on my hard drive though, so don't let me down!
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