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holiday tournament 2007

DECEMBER 1st - 31st, 2007

Hey there kids! Santa brings you an early Christmas present in the OCRCL's final stint for 2007. It's been a few months since we did a tournament, but it's very traditional to get something going during this time of year so that we can all have a little bit of chess-like fun.

TO JOIN: Make a post IN THIS THREAD, containing your AIM screen name, before Monday, December 24th, 2007 (EST).

TO PLAY: The major rules and standings (with everyone's AIM sn's) will be updated regularly and posted at the end of the thread. Contact an opponent on AIM to set up a match on Yahoo! Chess.

You should play everyone twice - as white and black - in the first phase. Use 10/15 time controls, and report your result in the thread.

Scoring is like FIDE, except you get an extra 1/4 point for simply playing a game.

The deadline for the league phase is Friday, December 31st, 2007 (EST).

PLAYOFFS: Currently going to be Top 4, but could be changed depending on level of participation. A system is also TBA.

Okay I think that's it. Go!


(9:37:16 PM) LongeBane: do you rmemeber what the last tourny I was in?

(9:37:22 PM) LongeBane: like over a year ago mirite?

(9:38:52 PM) METZGERISM: at least

(9:38:56 PM) METZGERISM: maybe closer to two

(9:39:04 PM) LongeBane: 05?

(9:39:06 PM) LongeBane: wuttz

(9:39:25 PM) LongeBane: I even forgot the number to pluto

(9:39:46 PM) METZGERISM: 134340

(9:40:16 PM) LongeBane: I FORGOT

(9:40:23 PM) LongeBane: I \MOTHER FUCKING FORGOT


(9:40:54 PM) METZGERISM: I nevar forgot


I want in! Been well over two years since I played Chess with any regularity (Used to play my co-workers at lunch a few jobs back, was a fun way to pass the time.) but I'm more than willing to join for kicks, maybe I'll learn a trick or two. :)

AIM: Xbob45


Changed a couple things visually, but this also has a serious affect on a couple aspects of the tournament. 2-0 results are now the first tiebreaker, and you do not get points unless you finish a full 2-game match.

Also, it's prettier :)



Tournament is looking pretty good from here.

Someone posted an idea for having a boxing-style challenge cup in my NHL94 league, and I'm considering possibilities both for there and for here...I'll propose something sometime, but we could still have tournaments, etc...I dunno, just an idea to bring back some power to the league.

in honor of reuben kee.


Damathacus white 1-0 kamoh black

Smarter game than I am used to playing, I think that we were pretty matched on strategy but I failed late on tactics.


Okay, some reports:

First off, I traded games with one of the new guys, Xbob43.5. It was a good way to start off the tourney for me and I look forward to playing him again so we can break the tie.

I netted two wins against Culturekoi. Good playing on both sides, but my side was slightly, I guess, gooder?

Two more wins against Fire, who has become quite formidable. I know I said this during our last tourney (six months ago?), but it remains true. In the second game I think I ran out of chess or something because I lost my focus and did some really stupid things. He was like, five or 10 pieces ahead. But I guess he got overconfident, and I ended up making a comeback.

I need to complete my matches with both eppy and Kamoh still.


I've shifted the deadline for first round play to the end of the month, so that we can kinda relax and get games done at our own pace instead of rush-rush-rush...


Don't try to be humble man, you earned those two wins so don't try to play it off like that. I was rusty and you just proved to be the better man

That's what she said...

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