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Sorry I haven't been active playing games, guys. This week has been really hectic for me, but I came out of it moved home, with two new jobs, and...well I dunno, it's just been hectic.

Any comments on my three divisions/shorter clocks plan?

i am still trying to perfect my fast pawn promotion strategy. It involves sacrificing the queen in hopes of getting another queen with the pawn already at the other side of the board.

I would say a sacrifice by the other backrow pieces might be a better strategy. If you can find a way to get a queen for, say, a rook, knight, and bishop, I think that's a viable strategy. Queens are ultimately stronger than the 9 points that most people think they are worth, and two of them could probably replicate most of your back row.


[Event "Rated game, 1m + 0s"]

[site "Private 2"]

[Date "2007.12.22"]

[Round "?"]

[White "Amir khoda 2"]

[Result "0-1"]

[WhiteElo "2012"]

[blackElo "1498"]

[ECO "A40"]

[PlyCount "50"]

[EventDate "2007.12.22"]

1. d4

1... a5

2. Nf3

2... g6

3. Bg5

3... Bg7

4. e3

4... f6

5. Bh4

5... h5

6. Bg3

6... g5

7. h4

7... g4

8. Nfd2

8... d6

9. Bd3

9... Nh6

10. Bg6+

10... Kf8

11. Qe2

11... Nf7

12. Qc4

12... e6

13. Nc3

13... Qe7

14. O-O-O

14... Nc6

15. Nce4

15... b6

16. Qxc6

16... Rb8

17. f3

17... Bb7

18. Qc3

18... d5

19. Nf2

19... Nd6

20. e4

20... Rh6

21. exd5

21... Bxd5

22. Be4

22... Bxe4

23. Nfxe4

23... Nxe4

24. Nxe4

24... f5

25. Ng5

25... Rd8



2-0 kulture koi

I opened with my rooks going for a queen trap straight off the bat lol. He didn't take it. I think he almost did though lol.

good games koi

edit: I was wearing my power lens and eppy kept registering as 4500 elo. He must have been going in and out of super saiyan.

2-0 kulture koi

I opened with my rooks going for a queen trap straight off the bat lol. He didn't take it. I think he almost did though lol.

good games koi

edit: I was wearing my power lens and eppy kept registering as 4500 elo. He must have been going in and out of super saiyan.

Well.You can't stay super saiyan forever as you know :) unless you use fusion.


Forgot to mention, I played John. He fought me to a draw in the first match, despite my slight material advantage. Game two was fast and furious, and John tore me through me. So, one draw, and one win for John.

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