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Hmm, I don't really hear any sidechaining going on here. Here's a very simplistic example of what you might aim for in terms of the extremity of the pump effect;


Do you use FL? If so, then you can use the trick GeckoYamori told me about. Assign a peak controller to your kick first, and then unmute it so that the signal can still be heard. Then apply some sort of volume/gain plugin in the FX chain of the stuff you want sidechained (eg. Fruity Balance). Then right click on the Gain/Volume knob/slider of THAT plugin and link it to the peak of the Peak Controller ("Link to Controller") - however for the formula, select INVERT. You may also want to enable some smoothing (knob at the bottom.)

End result is that each time the kick hits, that will create a sharp drop in the volume of the sidechained parts. You can use the peak controller settings to edit this effect further.


Yeah, that sounds better now. As for my other thoughts on it; the tempo seems a little on the slow side for my taste, and I think the kick could probably be a little tighter (hard to describe - this current one is a bit 'boxy') but it's going in the right direction. Would love to hear some massively phased keys/synths with lots of vibrato ;)


Wow, I'm really liking this. The vocal sample and the overall style of this piece makes me think of Daft Punk, and that's certainly a good thing. I agree with zircon that this would sound totally rad with a heavily phased synth or something of that nature. Great work, I'll keep my eyes open for an update.


OK so this is the most updated version. I sped it up a bit, but not too much because I felt like it made the sample sound too rushed, even when it was adjusted to the new tempo. It could just be me though since I'm so used to it being slower. I'm gonna listen to a ton of house this weekend to get a feeling of where I wanna go with this, I think it has some potential. Thanks for the feedback so far guys.

Do you use FL? If so, then you can use the trick GeckoYamori told me about. Assign a peak controller to your kick first, and then unmute it so that the signal can still be heard. Then apply some sort of volume/gain plugin in the FX chain of the stuff you want sidechained (eg. Fruity Balance). Then right click on the Gain/Volume knob/slider of THAT plugin and link it to the peak of the Peak Controller ("Link to Controller") - however for the formula, select INVERT. You may also want to enable some smoothing (knob at the bottom.)

You can also change the properties of the peak controller instead of Inverting the signal (just raise the "base" value and decrease the "volume" until it's negative). Just two different ways of achieving the exact same thing.

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