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  1. I had received confirmation that Mr. Wayne's shipment had arrived. He sends his regards sir. And wait till you see what that letter opener looks like. You'll want to do not adult things with it.
  2. can provide evidence if needed that my order is in transit.
  3. My gifts are on the way! According to this. Christmas delivery should happen!
  4. That and League of Legends.
  5. Love my gifts. Will be put to good use. #LegendOfZelda As for my intended target. Due to the request i've had to really rack my brain to figure something out i'm unfortunately failing. I'm going to be putting something together to go out on Friday one way or the other. Sorry its going out so late but paycheck issues are making me take this at a different angle. I have not forgotten
  6. almost makes me wish i hadnt kept my one Shyvana Skin... rarest of the rare... >.<
  7. If you guys will allow it. I want in on this. I recapped on the thread last year. My computer failed at truly the worst possible time for this. =)
  8. Hmm are we talking battle tetris or Marathon?
  9. Going to try. Cash will be an issue...I need to figure out if i'm going by the end of this month or i wont be able to do it.
  10. Thinking of getting this for PC, Was originally going to get it for PS4. I am not a big fan of Origin on my system at this point however.
  11. 1. Better than you might think in hardware terms actually. Granted not perfect but recent track record has me less concerned. This thing is a finished product its not a demo they could drop it at christmas if they wanted to. But they want more marketing run up. 2. Its got a LOT of early third party support and game engines include Unity AND Unreal. That is gigantic. 3. The whole point is that its the same between either. Which i really really hope is true. Concerning powerdrain: The best evidence we have on this is the Wii U Pro controller. Outrageous battery life on that thing. I think we're going to be OK there. And Yes that WAS an intentional Knock on the Iphone 7. That comes as part of Nintendo's alliance with Google. This dropped at a specific time for a specific reason. Google is taking aim at Amazon after their Twitch Prime announcement.
  12. In no particular order. Tamriel: Skyrim in particular Asari Homeworld Pre Reapers Jita System (Eve Online) A bit more specific: Midgar FF7
  13. Because its closing in on 2016's version 2015? I got Steam Pre-Order SF5. So Epic Hot Chun-Li plus the game itself.
  14. You sir for the record blew me away. Now if i can only find a controller for the big one. Mine is nowhere near as impressive to my recipent. But it worked well last year, so i'm ready to try it again. =)
  15. I had to wait on my paycheck i'm a little more strapped for cash than i was this year. My gift is being deployed as we speak. It might not make it on christmas day but it will arrive!
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