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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Josiah Colborn
  • Location
    Seattle, Washington
  • Occupation
    2D / 3D Artist, Animator

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  • Collaboration Status
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Vocals: Male

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  1. This is such a great song on its own - it'd be hard to keep it thematically similar with all the absurd scat and have it feel transformative or improved. In that way it's kinda perfect the way it is. But it's a nice tune, so maybe somebody could interpret all that scat into more of a traditional instrumental.
  2. I was super impressed with this mix. The way it started I wasn't so sure I would enjoy it, but it quickly busted into something extremely delightful and energetic. Nice work Meteo!
  3. Reviving this thread again to see if BlackPanther or Nonamer have decided to take it on, and if so, how progress is going.
  4. Just listened to this and thought it was sad there were no comments. While Dire Dire Docs covers and mixes are ubiquitous, I did find this one to be uniquely enjoyable. Nice work.
  5. I strongly support this notion
  6. After listening to this soundtrack more, I wanted to update the thread. One of the things I've noticed about the OST, in general, is that the ambient tunes take some time to ramp up, and when they do, they have some really great melodies. Here's one in particular. "The Forest" This is my absolute favorite on this OST. At about 0:45, the pan flute starts to kick in and delivers a surprisingly emotional theme. It's the only song in this list I put on repeat. https://reduz.bandcamp.com/track/the-forest
  7. The 3rd floor of the White Tower is host to my first horrified-by-a-game memories, and the music is no small part of that tension and terror. I'm excited to see how you translate that theme into guitar. (Maybe with guitar meedly-meedlies on the teensy-weensy strings?) Victor's Theme is a really good pick, very memorable. I'll look forward to your covers, have fun man.
  8. Thanks for the links! I'll add your track to my collection. I think you're the only person working on LOL tracks on this site which is insane. It's so good. I was humming through some of the LOL soundtrack in my head. So many of the tracks would play well with your guitar skills. I must suggest that the Castle Cimmeria theme would translate well into your style. I just imagine a lead guitar screaming through the melody with that crazy bass working and it lights up my goosebumps. But whatever with my suggestion. Keep doing what inspires you. <3
  9. This is such a special song, thank you for the mix! So rad!
  10. I appreciate this cover so hard. You picked the perfect medium for this song, I have to think this is what the original composer was going for with the MIDI. What a great soundtrack that game has, and you picked such a fun track. I'd love to hear more LOL mixes. Great job! Any possibility of an MP3?
  11. Hey music aficionados, I recently came back to a strange and interesting soundtrack that I had to share. It's for a GBA game that was ported to DS called Mazes of Fate, one of a few first-person fantasy RPGs for those handhelds. The music is crazy diverse and original. Check it out for yourself: https://reduz.bandcamp.com/album/mazes-of-fate I don't have a particular request, but I thought you guys would get a kick out of how cool this soundtrack is, and maybe somebody would be inspired to update a song or two. A few of my favorites: "Character Select" is gentle and sublime, though doesn't offer much to work with as far as source material goes. Could be a good intro and outro to a mashup with another track. https://reduz.bandcamp.com/track/character-select "Latin Dungeon" is snazzy and has a fun rhythm with interesting use of instruments. I like how casual and meandering it is. https://reduz.bandcamp.com/track/latin-dungeon "Mountain Town" has as distinct Secret of Mana feel, IMO. Upbeat and adventurous. https://reduz.bandcamp.com/track/mountain-town "Rashtel Town" Suprisingly funky. https://reduz.bandcamp.com/track/rashtel-town That's all, hope you've enjoyed.
  12. Wow, that's amazing CHz, great work. Now to decipher how it's related to mu hunt... thank you!
  13. I'm here to promote the Wildman Kickstarter: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/gaspoweredgames/wildman-an-evolutionary-action-rpg Gas Powered Games is genre-mashing in a way that hasn't been seen before with ARPG and RTS, and I think the project has a lot of potential. Also the music is being done by Jeremy Soule which should hopefully be good mix-bait. Thanks!
  14. I'm on a sort of scavenger hunt related to a video game. One of the clues was sheet music, and I was able to turn that into audio. Can you help me identify what game it is from? https://soundcloud.com/mistersneak/unknown-game-song The music is familiar, sounds like some old arcade music. I may have played this game before, but I can't identify it. The music is cheesy, along the lines of Paperboy, Mappy or Spelunker. Thanks!
  15. Black Panther, Nonamer I can't wait to hear your interpretations.
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