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Newbie (1/14)

  1. THIS IS AWESOME! XD Party in my flat!
  2. this tack sounds really lovely, and as Schneau already replied there are just a few rainbow road tacks, unfortunatelly
  3. really nice track, but i can hardly hear top man in it XD
  4. "unfortunatelly i dont even know how to compose tunes. ideas..maybe, but no program and no "soundfiles" to compose :cry:"

    There are free programs and sounds to start with! I believe many commercial programs also have free demos so you can try them out.

    If you want to start, you could read this and this to get and idea about writing music (in OCR context).


  5. i really like that, it's not that fast like most of the others, and you could nearly hear the rain unfortunatelly i dont even know how to compose tunes. ideas..maybe, but no program and no "soundfiles" to compose
  6. and another really nice tune from mustin i don't care if this is "real" jazz or not, it's just great music!
  7. i like this remix, especially the small hard part at 2:33.. could be a bit longer
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