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  • Real Name
    The Patient
  • Location
    Puyallup WA

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  1. I wasn't fortunate enough to own a copy of ANY Megaman games growing up, but honestly I listened to this on a whim and all I can say is I'm now marching though Megaman 3 and I'm going to take them all down! Thanks for inspiring an 'ol NES warrior!
  2. I never lost interest. Up beat and true to the song, the drop at :50 followed by the pick up was a nice touch, the keys playing back up to the melody was real tasteful and clean. An all around well put together song! Added to the ipod!
  3. Some times I get a little apprehensive when one of my favorite songs is remixed... and remixed... and remixed. BUT! When its done right, meaning it has its own feel while staying true to the idea of the song. That my friends is art.
  4. Few songs out there make you wish you could hear them in place of the original... this is one of them. Cheers!
  5. This was by far my favorite zone in this game. This song brings me right back to my parents living room in the middle of the night where i'd sneak into to play. Epic mix!
  6. Awesome mix my friend. Its always great to return to Zeal in a new light
  7. ! ! ! ! ! EPIC ! ! ! ! ! You can't help but yell along with this spicy number. I'm glad such an influential game gets it's just rewards. GROG ALL AROUND!!!
  8. Great Song. Reminds me of The Princess Bride opening
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