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Carbon Dog

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  1. The sax in this peice just carries me away to somewhere really nice.
  2. Got this from Bound' awhile back, and I can honestly say that it's my favorite track from the project.
  3. Hearing this mix and seeing that the man, is infact back, is like Spring after a long Winter.
  4. Is there anyone else that thought Mega man X'esq, when they heard this for the first time.
  5. Simply beautiful. For some reason it reminds me a little of Bill Evans a little.
  6. I've been working Microsoft XP phone tech support for the las year and a half now. And because of this little release on tuesday, I'm working from 4;30am to 12:30pm for quite possibly 90 days.
  7. This is made of Love, Win and relevant to my interests. ^__^ Almighty though, I would be more then happy to listen to a 6 or 7 min version of this.
  8. I find that it for some reason, sound smoother then some of House's other stuff, very much so acctually. I did find though that it was a little on the short end, at the pace it was going at, i would have been happy to listen for 5 plus mins. Over all, certainly a keeper.
  9. http://forum.starmen.net/?t=msg&th=27007 I think this tops just about anything I've seen in a while. beautiful song
  10. I'm one of the co-staffers for the Mother 2/Earthbound section over at starmen.net. And never in all my years have I ever heard a more beautifuly fitting Twoson Remix. *tear*
  11. This knocked me on my ass the first time I heard it on VGmix.
  12. I must say that I did enjoy it quite a bit, just what I needed for a sleepy little Saturday morning.
  13. I agree in saying that it really should have been longer, I really wouldn't mind listening to it for 6-7 mins or so Awsome job.
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