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    stuck in rewind

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  1. Hell yeah, one time I was listening to Dizzee on the beach while chewin' on a piece of bacon when all of a sudden I started choking, but I prayed to God and he saved my life - that's how I know God is REAL!
  2. Oh My God this is quite a joyous occasion I hope to be coming back to guest host at some point
  3. Allow me to refresh your memory then: VG Frequency # 27, Post-show Ring a bell?
  4. You may try, sir, but nothing will ever be as interesting as the snow promotion. Your efforts shall be FUTILE!
  5. I'm glad I didn't ask for any pictures of Succubus.
  7. I strongly object to the admittance of any female to the panel who babbles on and on about yoga when she knows NOTHING about it, for it must be inferred that she will exhibit similar behaviors if allowed to present opinions and critiques of remixed video game tunage. It's so logical
  8. 43? The whole numbering scheme is majorly F'ed up.
  9. Well, this here is quite incredible. I disagree with Dave about the rap.. I think weed's part fits in very nicely with the track. Jesse's solos rip. This is pro.
  10. I believe that the mix has ample room for improvement, but it is fairly enjoyable in its current (and final) state. I agree w/ Liontamer on the repetativeness of the piano chords.. could have mixed things up a little more there, it's mechanical sounding, 'Anti-Jazz' even.( )It's got a good groove going on though, just could have been further developed. Even though it was a resubmit it still feels a bit incomplete. .. I just read Vigilante's vote and realized that I'm basically echoing what he said. But overall, the good outweighs the bad here. Also, these threads aren't the place to discuss judge panel drama or the overall quality of OCR compared to two years ago. Everyone's heard enough of that crap, this is a thread for reviewing this mix and this mix alone.
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