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The Xyco

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    Osaka, Japan

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  1. It'll have to be a really groundbreaking experience to convince me that Square hasn't been overrun with Jpop-obsessed circle jerk drama freaks who can't make a storyline that expands beyond already annoying JRPG character archetypes. The trailers haven't helped. I suppose I may have to "play" the game rather than hype it? Eff this.
  2. I thought FF10 was utter crap until I moved to Japan. Now I realize it is ffffffffkin brilliant.
  3. Various Yuki Kajiura music. Brings me back to those good ol' days. Please ignore the horrid deviantart goth lolita artwork bullshit that somehow is requisite with these tracks.
  4. Great track -- except for the first 10 seconds I thought there was a mosquito in my headphones. No joke.
  5. Why does everyone implicitly hate this track? I've heard goofier music on this site.
  6. Some observations following the quake/ tsunami: - I live in Osaka which was only lightly shaken by the quake and unaffected by the tsunami. It is very much 'business' as usual here -- no days off work or major interruptions of infrastructure. That said, there is a general specter of despair and worry that sneaks beneath the normalcy. People here have a vivid recollection of 1995 and they are holding their breath... - Nevertheless, people are out shopping, partying, laughing, etc. There's an odd patriotism to it: "We must shop to support the economy" they say. I was on Dotonbori last Sunday and it was fucking PACKED. - I'm not privy to the nature of conversations outside Japan, but I do think there has been a rush to panic, particularly in the English-speaking media, with fears surrounding the Fukushima plant. Don't get me wrong, it's not be taken lightly -- radiation is scary & scary -- but the nature of news comes in a way that really eclipses the tragedy here: the 10,000+ deaths and devastation of one of Japan's most beautiful regions. I assure you that the quake and the tsunami are (so far) much, much, much worse in realistic terms than the trouble at Fukushima Dai-ichi. - The sense I get from the foreign community here is this: There was a massive quake. There was a horrible tsunami. There are thousands of people dead. An entire region is devastated. And yet, in spite of all this -- no one panicked. People looked left and right and wondered where the panic was. There is a "panic to panic" as the crisis at Fukushima develops and afterhsocks keep people up at night. Now people are glued to the news and are getting out while they can. There doesn't seem to be much good news or relief. - I knew more than a couple of people that came to Japan and essentially saw it as a playground -- magic anime vidyagame Naruto land. Suddenly the earth shifts and it's a horrific tragedy -- bodies wash up on shore and the world feels likes its fucking ending -- fun's over. This is reality -- this is really, really, really real. "I thought Japan was safe -- but holy shit! Let's GTFO." I think this and then I think I'm being too critical, though. Honestly, I can't blame them. It feels lucky enough not to be in the center of such a messy situation -- or to feel any direct, negative impacts. No one I know died, and there isn't much of a chance I'll be irradiated by a windy day. Can't say for sure what I would do if I were in Kanto or further north. My heart goes out to those that are.
  7. Some buildings swayed as far south as Osaka. I'm on the fourth floor and the building was creaking. Nothing all too bad beyond that down here though.
  8. Colonel Campbell in MGS2. This face is imprinted in my nightmares. (Some spoilers in here)Also, the final dialogue with Rose & Campbell (JFK) before you fight Solidus. Scared the shit out of me on an intellectual level. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_W4EV-ikJY (Mad spoilers in here.)
  9. I was listening to this while working out the other day and found myself shouting "OKKUSENMAN!! OKKUSENMAN!!" at the appropriate moment.
  10. Every time I see the floating item box I automatically assume it is AD. ...or Prot.... Also my sig has been on every forum of the internet everywhere, but my last one got baaaaaleted by photobucket. Fun.
  11. I still cannot aim with that analog thumbstick bs.
  12. "OCR IS SERIOUS BUSINESS. HOW COULD THIS BE POSTED. MY EARS HAVE BEEN BRUTALIZED. CAPS LOCK. BLAHBLAHBLAH. WHAMBLEWHAMBLE, QQ, LYNCH DJP ET CETERA." God, lighten up already. This mix isn't brilliance, and I'm certain no one would try to defend as such. But it is hella catchy and rather funny in its self-aware lameness. These are the types of mixes that keep me coming back to OCR. Also, anyone actually offended by these lyrics hasn't been on the internet longer than a week.
  13. End of FFX -- but only after I experienced something quite similar IRL. (When I first played I was like "pffffft... cheesy")
  14. Great source. Good ambient vibe. Awful, awful, awful title. Wasn't digging some of the middle sections, but the overall composition is quite smooth.
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