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  1. Channeling a strong Muse vibe on this one, love it
  2. Very reminiscent of Amon Tobin's work. In particular, the opening of The Killer's Vanilla from The Foley Room album. youtube.com/watch?v=a21zHR8Y1_Q
  3. Everything is awesome here, but I have to point out that the minute that begins at 2:24 is just so very, very supremely sweet.
  4. Funkalicious, delicious, and nutritious. The bass beats are constant and driving, but you layered enough ear candy on top to keep everything fresh and crisp. Great production values and a good number of nice tricks to keep the listener on their toes. Just awesome all around.
  5. Definitely agree with all the other listeners here -- wow, that intro was fantastic. Straight up Hollywood movie quality. I could swear I heard something like this in Spielberg's A.I. I am generally not a fan of orchestral arrangements. With that disclaimer out of the way, I didn't like the section starting at 1:17. The brass sounded way too overpowered and jolted me out of my groove. Everything else was awesome. Loved the cellos at 2:14, the basses at 2:39, supported by a very appropriate and balanced brass buildup, and capped off with the otherworldly strings at 2:49. Keep up the great work.
  6. My ears perked up as soon as they were graced by Kate's voice. The rest of the song did not disappoint. This is the voice of a siren.
  7. A nice, tasty treat for the ears without being too saccharine sweet. A difficult balance to achieve. Well done.
  8. Sixto is a fantastic guitarist and all of his songs are completely awesome, but I think this one edges out the rest as my favorite. The playing is so blisteringly fast and precise, and yet so very clean that I can barely hear the pick at all. The tone of the guitar with just the right amount of reverb is impeccably pure. (Curious what gear and setup you used for this particular song.) Production values are astounding -- everything is just so crisp. The speed and texture of the sound just go so well together and lend extremely well to the notion of zipping down an airy open road. Superb.
  9. I saw Eyes Wide Shut again the other day and was immediately entranced by the music playing during the orgy scene: (link is work safe) I love the relentless baseline, the dual sitars (harpsichord?), the percussions, the ethereal and incomprehensible voices, the whole Middle Eastern / Indian texture ... everything. Basically perfect music for some hot fucking. I immediately bought the CD soundtrack online and have been looping this song nonstop for the last several hours. I am still in a daze. Can anyone recommend other music along these lines?
  10. Absolutely love this piece, but I am especially fond of the synth. That vibrato at 2:59 is just perfect.
  11. Actually nothing will fit me, not with the cut of the shirt. I have an athletic but lean build. The chest and shoulders area is uncomfortably tight but I have way too much room in the arms and waist area. My shirts are always fitted, these shirts come nowhere close. A size L would look like a mumu on me.
  12. I bought a medium black OCR shirt a year or two ago. Like the design, but it doesn't fit me at all. Wore it for 5 minutes and then threw it into my closet. Did some cleaning up today and found it again. So here's the deal: cover my shipping charges (let's call it $4) and chip in a few bucks into the OCR trust fund (just so I don't end up undercutting them on their own product) and you got yourself an OCR t-shirt. Let me know if any of you are interested or have questions. Mods, please feel free to move this thread if it's not in the right forum.
  13. Nice pad, DJP. Can't say the same for Martin's digs. Looks like he lives in an isolated log cabin built in 1970 in the mountains. Oh yeah, good interview too. Preaching to the choir for the regulars here, but definitely a good primer for people new to this stuff.
  14. You learn something new each day. Awesome, thanks.
  15. Excellent job, good sir. It took me at least a few listens before I realized that the cello was slightly too clean to have been played live. It must have taken you forever to shape those articulations. Those low string attacks from 2:16 to 2:33 are just perfect -- what is that clock-like percussive sound, is that the wooden part of the bow hitting the strings? Aside from the Hollywood caliber production values, the arrangement is wonderful all around. A very nice interpretation of the source material, which I didn't find that interesting to begin with.
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