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    Houston, TX
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  1. This site has some good cave story piano arrangements. The second song (moonsong/つきのうた) on the list may fit your criteria...if you play it slowly. Piano sheets should be on the bottom, just match the name to find the right one.
  2. No worries Princess. I was stuck on that version of Seymore on Mt Gagazett for a while as well. Pardon my mispellings. Making the battle has something to do with making your party invincible against the Zombie status effect, as that's how his death attack works. If my memory serves, a phoenix down will do much damage to him, but I'm not sure. Has anyone tried beating Emerald and Ruby Weapon without using summons? I haven't tried, but I think using the 7777 fever would make that very possible.
  3. Yes! Finally a Ninja Gaiden remix, and a good one too! It gets better every time I listen to it. Though I must say, at times the remix sounds more like dance music than a run...another purpose served! Make more if you don't mind.
  4. Right after the screaming at the beginning, thunder and rain suddenly roared loudly right outside my window. Then the guitar kicked in hard. This is pretty good.
  5. It's off topic, but I think the collective juxtapositioning of the characters like what Shnabubula did on the first page will make a cool background.
  6. Hello ladies, gentlemen, and miscellaneous, I've been here for a while, but not in the form of a member. That has changed, for better or worse...
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