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*NO* Chrono Cross 'Time Scar'


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Finaly we did it, our proyect of Videogame music has begun.
Edited by Liontamer
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First of all, this remix needs an actual name if it ends up passing.

The arrangement is quite conservative, with up until 1:04 being an almost exact cover, and the rest retaining the melody and structure of the source using guitar and bass instead of the source's strings (in most cases, a 1:1 substitution, after an inexplicable and jarring key change).  Genre conversions are often acceptable as ReMixes, but there should be some re-arrangement or re-orchestration going on, not just an instrument swap.  The only significant transformation is in the percussion, and that's not dramatic.

Production-wise, things could be cleaner.  When the guitar starts in at 0:03, it carries with it a background hiss, white noise that stays with it throughout.  It's very pronounced when one guitar is exposed, e.g. 0:03-1:18, 1:08-1:14, and 2:03-2:18.  I don't know guitars, but on other audio equipment I would suspect cheap or faulty connectors or interfaces.

When it goes into full-on rock mode at 1:22, the frequency spectrum becomes very limited.  There's very little high-end from this point on, possibly because of an overly-aggressive low pass filter, or possibly because of that extremely low key shift combined with the equipment issue I'm guessing might be there.

Your performances are great here, but the production really needs a lot of work.  I'm less dead-set against the arrangement, but even with solid production I'd be borderline on that aspect of it at best; we generally look for interpretation and originality than what's demonstrated here.


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Interesting concept here. I like the idea of bringing this into a rock feel, though I don't know if it currently achieves it's goal. MW has some solid crits that I think you should really take into account. I felt that the production and the arrangement both ended up being equal in regards to things that need to be worked on for our standards. The production starts out with the keyboard dissonance (which is fine) which overpowers the guitar/bass that comes in 3 seconds later. Later in the rock section I feel like the mids are pretty strong, and the high end is lacking. Being a little nitpicky here, I felt like the bass and flute are played a bit mechanically, especially when you compare the bass solo to the guitar solo. That being said, I suffer the same issue when I play instruments, where I focus very strongly on playing the rhythms correctly and less on adding soul into it, so I feel ya there. See if you can work on that, especially for the more exposed sections.

The arrangement really sticks close to the source both in structure and arrangement as a whole. I think some kind of variation there would make a strong difference, especially if you expanded out the arrangement to be a little longer. Some changes in the melodies and harmonies would also help out here and there.

There's work to be done in this, but you've got a good start. Definitely hit up the WIP boards to get some more feedback and keep at it!

NO (resubmit)

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  • 4 weeks later...

The other Js covered this well, including the arrangement concerns, production feedback, and performance advice, so I'll try not to retread too much. That said, be sure to re-read all of their comments.

The opening was definitely too close in structure, tone, and presentation to the original song. There's nothing inherently wrong with making a super-close cover, it's just that for OC ReMix we're looking for a greater level of interpretation, so the opening being so close to the original song is a ding against it. The guitar taking over later did shift it into a more personalized sound, but melodically it was still pretty close and more could have been done to make this interpretation more interpretive somehow; of course, if that's not the goal of this piece, definitely don't alter it for our sakes, just make the kind of music you want to make.

The drums coming in 1:21 felt really lonely in the empty background, and the lead guitar didn't have enough thickness and presense to the sound to compensate, so the texture just felt half-empty. Until 2:02, I'd argue the lead guitar was also mixed too quietly relative to the drums, and I'm also not sure why the drums were panned so far to the left.

Lots to tackle if this were to be posted, but it's a solid effort that needs more to distinguish itself from the source tune as well as some mixing improvements.


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