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Ranch Doritos

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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Jasmine Spann
  • Location
    B-More Stand Up!
  • Occupation
    Fiending for Grand Orchestrated Musics!


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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)

Ranch Doritos's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  1. I really, truly, deeply could not stand an speck of Man of Steel...besides the music! This was really unexpected and epic. Too short though, man what an tease.
  2. Scouring around a bit on a whim, I found this artist I'm not going to say what the primary value is because frankly I've enjoyed every last mix I've heard thus far. They've done game music across quite a few games, but arguably you guys should check out their Trainer Red Pokemon mix that gained my Pokemon nerd buddies endorsement. They are virtually unknown as far as I can tell and legit just plain had me giddy over the quality. I am particularly looking forward to more mixes and hope they take my invite to come here some day.
  3. I have always wanted to support you guys! I listen to your work everyday!!! Thank YOU!
  4. This is porn for the blind. I don't ever see myself forgetting this piece.
  5. Seriously, my favorite Sonic mix of all time. Thank you for sharing this.
  6. I'd dreamed of a OCR remix of the Superman theme, technically he's had games and his theme has been in the all so it is within the rules I believe! If you need an mp3 I have it but it's his classic theme I'm sure anybody recognize within hearing it. If you decide to take on the project; I'd be more grateful than I care to explain but would anyways! Thanks for reading.
  7. Its kinda surreal that OCR has been around for this long and that even so I still remember stumbling across here from the Microsoft Media player Music search browser in 02 finding Standby's 'GalvanizedBoss' mix on our family's very first computer (I was 12), till this day that has been the best stroke of luck I have been honored with in years. As a loyal listener and fan, I immensely appreciate all the hard work the moderators, judges, and artists put into out shinning themselves and bringing glory here year after year. No one was prouder to see the work of OCR's mixers represented in Street Fighter HD remix And it was my utmost joy meeting and shaking hands with djp last year at the Distant Worlds concert in Baltimore. OCR is still the thing to get me to work in the mornings, In hopes of many more years to come!
  8. god yes...more final fantasy 8....more Everything = Nothing....
  9. This is totally going to be the main song played at my intense Halloween Party. Perfect for the occasion and fan based play. Nicely mixed indeed...and when i like something...it getz played in heavy rotation. xD
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