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Hey :)

Last night a friend of mine said I should do this Phoenix Wright song and I was bored so I kinda threw this together... I really liked some dudes warcraft 2 'on this side of the dark portal' on here and i had read he used lots of 'Bitcrush' and i really wanted to try using it myself so i tried in this song. Its my first time using these sort of sounds and stuff and it doesnt sound great and tbh the entire songs a bit of a joke as my friend said he liked song with church organs and bells... so basically this ended up like a mess and i just destroyed it near the end but it was fun. Anyways I think most of it sounds ok not sure if I have done this bit crush thing right though.

Tin deck - oozm

Source - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ew1Nr5rHQn0

This isnt on my myspace yet.




This song would actually fit really well on http://olremix.org

serious though, it sounds perfect for that site :)

I just checked out that site of random rejects who cant remix songs properly and figured that this probably WOULD fit well there cause its better than anything they have... Its all a load of garbage apart from 'Sonic is wunt emruld' which is the only good song I heard and its brilliant haha. The rest of it though just made me cringe which I think is supose to be the sites goal anyways...

I dont think I want to be assositated with such stuff I think Im slightly better than that so I'll stay clear of OLR even though I am kinda Overlooked as a remixer :P

Im kinda getting the impression that your saying Im crap by telling me to go there thats kind of how bad that site seemed... If im getting the wrong Idea of OLR then its because of its content that I heard and I ment no offence to anyone should offence be taken.

But I can see why you would say this song maybe belongs there in sence because it is rather random but it surely isnt THAT bad...


If im getting the wrong Idea of OLR then its because of its content that I heard and I ment no offence to anyone should offence be taken.


Yeah all the songs didnt seem serious, at all...


If this isn't a serious wip, I'm not gonna bother with the source. The use of voice clips suggests to me this doesn't belong on ocr no matter what. The persistant bitcrush isn't pretty. When you use it for a serious track, use it with moderation, go in and out of bitcrush and use it to change the dynamics of the track.

I hate voice clips and sound effects in music. Subtle stuff, ambience, that stuff works, but this... no. And I think you know that. OLR. It's pretty funny, I'm sure ppl would appreciate it.


I really enjoyed this track in the original and wished it was mixed / recognized more. For that reason, I really appreciate and enjoyed listening to your mix. To be honest, I think you're onto a few things here and it could be something good for OCR but I think I agree with comments about the mishmash and overuse of vocals.

If you enjoyed making this track, I'd suggest making a more serious mix of it or altering the direction of this one because I think it's got really great potential. Great opportunity for fan-service with awesome, heavy instruments and a memorable and catchy theme. There's a lot to love about it already, IMO.


I checked out OLR... man, every one of those things I listened to had totally inappropriate / out of place vocals or dialog. Sure Psychog had some game vox in this mix, but he wasn't doing like the people on OLR are. Like, describing the game's plot to the theme of the game's music... really? That's pure amateur hour, late-night-stoners-with-a-microphone garbage. No thanks, I thought I would find a lot of great mixes that got rejected by the judges but were still worthwhile. I was wrong.

If this isn't a serious wip, I'm not gonna bother with the source. The use of voice clips suggests to me this doesn't belong on ocr no matter what. The persistant bitcrush isn't pretty. When you use it for a serious track, use it with moderation, go in and out of bitcrush and use it to change the dynamics of the track.

I hate voice clips and sound effects in music. Subtle stuff, ambience, that stuff works, but this... no. And I think you know that. OLR. It's pretty funny, I'm sure ppl would appreciate it.

this was a very serious WIP, the source was awsome. If you havent played the game you have missed out big.

I kinda like the bitcrush noise, tried to break it up with the organ which i thought worked well.

so you hate voice clips? well i dont, I atcually kinda nicked the ending from a1-the_speedfreak-weapons_of_mass_confusion-1real.mp3 - ill find a youtube link in a sec... illl update soon gotta go



I'm not a judge and I certainly don't post on OCR very often, but I saw this thread from the home page and had to check it out because I'm a huge Phoenix Wright fan....

This remix is pure noise and gave me an instant headache. Is that the bitcrush sound? Oh my oh my it crushed more than bits let me tell you.... And the gratuitous use of sound clips = total OLR style.

Even in your intro to this piece you said "it doesnt sound great and tbh the entire songs a bit of a joke.... so basically this ended up like a mess and i just destroyed it near the end but it was fun."

If this doesn't describe every other song on OLR I don't know what does! 8-O

If this really is a serious attempt, my honest feedback is this: tone it WAYYYY down. Nix the bitcrush and the voice clips.

I love PW so my personal standard for a remix is very high. I'm not a musician so I can't even begin to know where to start, but take for example OA's great remix of the ending theme as a shining example of what a really good PW remix sounds like.


This remix is pure noise and gave me an instant headache.

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=gZPYFK0HpU8 was the main sorta inspiration for my remix (everything in the first minute and 20 odd seconds can be compared to mine allot)

As for you dragonnyght check out 0:49

Got nothing nice to say at least be less of a dick about it.


p.s. That phoenix wright remix you linked me to was just boring, I didnt like anything about it... so much for good example.


Ok I admit I was a bit harsh, I do apologize for that. But I really didn't like the remix and I'm not going to be equivocal about it. Also, to be honest I was a little irritated by the fact that you don't see this as OLR-level material when it is an exactly perfect example of something you would find on OLR.

Like I said, I'm not a musician so props to you for trying!

As for OA's remix, well gosh... Dunno what to say to that! Honestly I've much more heavily into electro/trance tracks but OA's gem will forever be in my best of OCR list. Also as an electro fan I just really did not like the sound of your mix - sorry! :|

EDIT: Oh just clicked on that YouTube video.... I see where you are coming from and I just think that you and I fundamentally disagree on what "music" is.

Oh just clicked on that YouTube video.... I see where you are coming from and I just think that you and I fundamentally disagree on what "music" is.

You can disagree about what music you like, but saying it isn't music is just arrogant.

I think you and I fundamentally disagree on what "constructive criticism" is.


Yeah, there are serious events based around this type of music, but it's toward a very niche crowd (you won't find it in spades in the US electronic music scene, it's more of a central Europe thing)

In that respect, the second half of this remix does remind me of old school gabber, not so much the bitcrush effect, but the beat. Limit the bitcrushing to the percussion- GaMeBoX does a good job of using this effect for his work. The first half sounds very OCR-able, it still can sound very nice to the judges despite its harsh texture. You can still save the second half if you use voice clips more conservatively. I don't hear much arrangement going on in this part.

You can disagree about what music you like, but saying it isn't music is just arrogant.

I think you and I fundamentally disagree on what "constructive criticism" is.

Music is in the ear of the listener. That's why I put it in quotes. If I want to say that isn't music to me, that's my prerogative. That's why I said we fundamentally disagree - Psychog13 feels this is music, I don't. Neither one of us is wrong, it is what it is. That's not arrogance, it's called having a preference and an opinion.

Yes yes I'm sure you can find a definition that includes this style, but that's not my point. What I stated was my personal opinion. It's so easy for someone's opinion to get misconstrued as an attempt to assert a definition. That's not what I was saying.

I don't disagree with you about what "constructive criticism" is; I realize I'm not offering anything constructive, mostly because of the disagreement about this style of music. What can I possibly say or offer to help him improve this remix if I disagree with what it is based on in the first place? I can't, and I know that. However, I did apologize in my last post for being too harsh and I meant that.

Psychog13 good luck on this if you do decide to continue on it.



Hey dude thats really nice of your to appolgise like that, im sorry myresponce was a little immature but you've shown you are obvisously understanding and mature about it and stuff. obvisously my mix doesnt appeal to everyone.


props to you mr.sneak


Haha I just re-read my earlier post and I did sound like a bit of a prick! Sorry I'm not usually like that... I think last night I was starting to get a bit of a headache (long day and all that) and I saw this mix WIP and was like "oh cool, Phoenix Wright"... and well, just not what I was expecting!

But yeah, thanks for being understanding, and again - sorry man + good luck!


All right, to comment on this as a serious wip... Including source. Which I didn't listen to last time. I remember it from before, someone else had a wip of this some time ago.

It's a pretty cool source. I can definitely hear the source in this. Could be more interpretation in the writing, not just in the style.

The suggestion of limiting the bitcrusher to the percussion sounds like a good one. As a serious wip, the latter half of this is way too messy for ocr, imo. Both in terms of mixing and the actual sound. Random voice clips, aggressive bitcrusher, little or no dynamics... No man, will hardly work for ocr.

Dude, the tubular/church bells don't really have a very pleasant sound. I agree that the first half sounds pretty promising, but it does need some cleaning up. 0:35 was pleasant. Guess why. Less stuff bitcrushed, less noise, less mess.

The voice clips in the latter half only mess up the sound further. In the first half, they're used for effect, but should be louder (or removed), see 0:40. They're too weak to match the level of energy the track otherwise sports.

There's some crits for this track when taken seriously. That's without listening much to the arrangement itself (which is a bit difficult in the noise and mess). Good luck with it.

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