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I like some of what you have, but the piano gets pretty shaky later on, and the beats really don't do it for me. Besides the fact that they only last a minute at most. Keep going with this, though. Do your best to find some free drum samples and mix them up, and really make drums/percussion a part of the track. Don't be afraid to experiment or do something you think might change the mood, it's good to mix it up on a chilled out track like this :D


I liked this, but it needs to go somewhere I bit quicker I think; like Theophany says, sort out your percussion a bit; even if you prefer to keep drums fairly minimal, they need to be prominent, and feature for longer. Some nice rich pads would be cool too. Otherwise it's pretty nice :smile:


Nice, I like it. It may sound better a little faster as someone else had mentioned, but it sounds amazing, can you have a 2nd upload a little faster so we can tell, it may sound better as it is but we won't know until we can hear it.


I'll see what I can do... The drum loops won't match up though, cause they're set at 120bmp. So when I change it, the beat is offset with the melody, bass, etc.


I like the way this song sounds. The progression sounds a bit random, though. You could also enhance the kick a bit, I think that would make quite a difference.

I'll see what I can do... The drum loops won't match up though, cause they're set at 120bmp. So when I change it, the beat is offset with the melody, bass, etc.

Can't you just slice the loop into separate samples? That way you shouldn't face that problem. Also, BMP is something completely different than BPM :wink:

I like the way this song sounds. The progression sounds a bit random, though. You could also enhance the kick a bit, I think that would make quite a difference.

Can't you just slice the loop into separate samples? That way you shouldn't face that problem. Also, BMP is something completely different than BPM :wink:

My bad... I meant BPM (Beat per minute), but I'll have to go back and re-evaluate the situation. I'm trying to take everyone's opinion and see what I can incorporate in the song. Once again, I appreciate the feedback, because anything helps.


Hey, sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this one! I've had a rough week and just haven't had the necessary time to do my workshop mod duties like normal :-(

Anyway, I'll have to echo the issues that Theophany and others brought up. This one takes a long time going places and overall the song feels very static. There's not a lot changing around, all of your instruments and synths remain in the same frequency range throughout most of the song with a few exceptions. To your credit though, your pads and ambient effects do help fill out the soundscape a lot, and there's a couple of verses that sound like you did a better job of filling out the space.

I would recommend changing up the instruments you've got playing the main melody line though - the piano sample that you've got would fare better as a supporting instrument because it's just not a strong enough sample to carry the song on its own. Search around for a while or mess with some synth creator programs to see what you could come up with, I bet you'd be surprised at what you can find with minimal effort :-) Having some different sounds pop in from time to time would really improve this mix. Either that, or try and find a more expressive, higher-quality piano sample, perhaps?

I'm personally not feeling the acoustic bass, I'd like to see what you could do with a more electronic-sounding bass instrment, it might mesh with the rest of your instruments better.

I'd like to hear an update on this before I critique it further - you've got a wonderful source tune and some nice effects going for you, but this needs some work to make it more dynamic, less repetitive, and ultimately bring it up to the bar it deserves to be at :-) Keep at it!

  • 2 months later...

I am not a music critic, but I like what I like; I like the source material a lot (probably my favourite from SM64) and I like what you've done, too. It's all peaceful and mellow and such, it's great.

My only critique is maybe that it seems to sound less like DDD after the 2 minute mark. Whether or not this is the intention I don't know.


Yeah... It's kinda make take and mix on Dire Dire Docks, but I understand if it gets kinda confusing. I've gotten that a lot, I might have to find a way to change that around.

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