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I decided I'm going to be developing a productivity template for FL Studio 10. This is designed so that a computer musician who does a lot of MIDI sequencing and beat programming can just open FL Studio and start making music without worrying about mixer routing and all of that tedious nonsense (yes, even with Kontakt I have it pre-routed here) Here are the key features right now. The development is "done" right now, but as you guys comment and ask for specific things I'll keep updating to make this the best damn productivity template on the web for FL Studio.


I'm adding a "beefs" list.


-There's a possibility some people might get pissed off that there aren't two rhythm guitar mixer tracks for double tracking purposes. I'll squeeze that in there if it's a problem for anyone.


v0.7: Added WaveCandy view, colored playlist tracks and electric guitar mixer tracks. You don't have to use these but you can if you want electric guitars. There are three: one for left rhythm, one for right rhythm, and one for leads.

v0.8: Added color coding for everything and mixer tracks for audio clips. Changed electric guitar tracks to fit FL style recording. The first track is for your amp sims and stuff, the second is for your rendered rhythm guitar wavs, the third is for your rendered lead guitar wavs.


v0.1: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15510436/File%20Sharing/Neblix%20Productivity%20v0.1.zip Drop the FOLDER in the zip file into a category folder in your "?:\...\Image-Line\FL Studio 10\Data\Projects\Templates" directory.

v0.7: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15510436/File%20Sharing/Neblix%20Productivity%20Template%20v0.7.zip Drop the FOLDER in the zip file into a category folder in your "?:\...\Image-Line\FL Studio 10\Data\Projects\Templates" directory.

v0.8: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/15510436/File%20Sharing/Neblix%20Productivity%20Template%20v0.8.zip Drop the FOLDER in the zip file into a category folder in your "?:\...\Image-Line\FL Studio 10\Data\Projects\Templates" directory.

-8 Sampler Channels and 3 Slicex Channels for some extensive beat making and layering. For some of you, 8 might not be enough. If you cry hard enough, I'll do a 16 one. Or better yet, try it yourself. These channels are named and routed to mixer tracks with my own routing, which has all percussive elements go to a single mixer track, which then goes to the master.

-10 Blank Synthesizer channels. (They're sampler channels, but they're named and routed as Synths.) Just drag and drop (or select from Channel menu) your favorite Synths into here.

-Kontakt 4 16out with 8 MIDI Outs, all MIDI routing and mixer track routing of Kontakt is already done. If you don't own Kontakt, don't sweat the error when FL doesn't find it. Learn how to route whatever your favorite sampler is, drop it in to the channel where Kontakt should be. The mixer tracks are not named for this sampler section. There are 8 mixer tracks for the first 8 instruments you use.

-3 Guitar Mixer Tracks. The first track is for your amp sims and stuff, the second is for your rendered rhythm guitar wavs, the third is for your rendered lead guitar wavs.

-6 Audio Clip slots.

-39 mixer tracks total with Parametric EQ 2 on them. The All Percussion track has a TLs Pocket Limiter on it as well. The Master has TLs Pocket Limiter and SPAN VST's and a Parametric EQ 2 for monitering/mastering.

Recommended Free VST's for maximum benefit:

TLs Pocket Limiter Very good limiter!

SPAN Very good spectrum analyzer! I use it for mastering on all my tracks now.


FL Studio 10


Exactly as shown. The piano roll is exactly where the arrangement window is, called by F7. (and F5 for vice versa). I highly endorse keeping your step sequencer there at all times, never covered by the arrangement window or piano roll. The reason being is when you have it there, it's easy to switch between parts and such in a single pattern by clicking on them.


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Organization is very important to good workflow - putting a FL template for people to use is an awesome idea. Even though I can't open it, it sounds pretty nifty. If ever I convert from the dark side of DAWs (heaven forbid) I'll be sure to check it out myself.

Neblix, thanks a lot for the template, it saved me a lot of work.

I've been wondering, why do people prefer TLs Pocket Limiter over Fruity Limiter?

(A little necro I know.) Although I don't know the technicalz behind it, the FL Limiter has a noticable compression effect. Try replacing the TLs for the Fruity and listen to what you get. You'll notice that "loud silence" thing as something builds up to a massive hit and the hit is quieter than the build. Anyway the Fruity Limiter really is the hardwall limiters of hardwall limiters, good for nnttss nnttss and as a last defense against clipping. TLs has a little bit of 'give', which makes it incredibly useful for analogue stuff where you want a natural sound (not that you can't set other compressors to do similar things), and also a really simple interface. You get less compression effect and it's not a bad little limiter either. (You CAN bypass it with certain things, which is irritating. I've not noticed the Fruity Limiter doing that though.)

Also, I use Fruity Limiter as a normal compressor on vocals, sax, stuff like that. Bring up the input gain and lower the threshold, works pretty well.

(A little necro I know.) Although I don't know the technicalz behind it, the FL Limiter has a noticable compression effect. Try replacing the TLs for the Fruity and listen to what you get. You'll notice that "loud silence" thing as something builds up to a massive hit and the hit is quieter than the build. Anyway the Fruity Limiter really is the hardwall limiters of hardwall limiters, good for nnttss nnttss and as a last defense against clipping. TLs has a little bit of 'give', which makes it incredibly useful for analogue stuff where you want a natural sound (not that you can't set other compressors to do similar things), and also a really simple interface. You get less compression effect and it's not a bad little limiter either. (You CAN bypass it with certain things, which is irritating. I've not noticed the Fruity Limiter doing that though.)

Also, I use Fruity Limiter as a normal compressor on vocals, sax, stuff like that. Bring up the input gain and lower the threshold, works pretty well.

Thanks, although I didn't understand everything, I don't know enough yet. I'm switching to TLs then. One problem I'm having though is that I cannot add it to an existing project for some reason. I go to the list of plugins and can't find it there. Can't find it on the "more..." list either... But when I load Neblix's template, it loads properly. I have no idea what's wrong...

Thanks, although I didn't understand everything, I don't know enough yet. I'm switching to TLs then. One problem I'm having though is that I cannot add it to an existing project for some reason. I go to the list of plugins and can't find it there. Can't find it on the "more..." list either... But when I load Neblix's template, it loads properly. I have no idea what's wrong...

Make sure you hit Scan at the bottom of the "More..." list. (fast scan)

Thanks, although I didn't understand everything, I don't know enough yet. I'm switching to TLs then. One problem I'm having though is that I cannot add it to an existing project for some reason. I go to the list of plugins and can't find it there. Can't find it on the "more..." list either... But when I load Neblix's template, it loads properly. I have no idea what's wrong...

click "channel" -> "add one" -> "more" -> "refresh" (button at bottom right). you want to do this every time you install a new vst plugin.

it should appear in red text; click the checkbox to add it to your list of plugins

ninja'd :]

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