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  • 1 year later...

I was about to post this request myself when I found it (I could die of not surprise). Wave man was and still is my absolute favorite mega man original tune (heck, it's one of my absolute favorite video game tunes) and I would bow down to any remixer who could do it the justice it deserves. Then again, it's such an awesome tune, it's not like it really needs remixed. But I've definitely thought about giving it a go myself and would be tickled to death if someone were to beat me to it, not to mention deeply in the attemptee's debt for life.


There were a couple Rockman Arrange Special CDs, & the second one had a nice arrangement of Wave Man... except it included sound effects. Why the hell do they do that? I never really understood the concept behind that. If I wanted to hear sound effects, I'd just record myself playing it... or rip them myself.

Anyway, I'd like to hear a good arrangement as well... without in-game sound effects.


That is just bizarre! And I agree completely, I would not want sound effects at all. At least not in the sense that you mean. I can understand if it's something like, you know, the mario mixes 8-bit Eighties or Underworld Rock. But a blatant use of otherwise-unnecessary random sound effects muddling up the great tune that is Wave Man? Not for me.

What do you make of the youtube videos with music from the Complete Works series? (I guess they're remakes of the original megaman games with new styled-up music) To me it sounds like on some of 'em they tried too hard, didn't put enough thought into it, or just plain screwed up the tune and made it sound awful by going in a direction the original didn't warrant. ?? Somehow it almost seems like a bummer that guys with Chinese names we can't even begin to pronounce have better skill at writing original tunes on an ancient NES soundboard than new composers/remixers at Nintendo nowdays have at remixing them. LOL. Thank goodness for OC ReMix cleaning up their mess...although not all of their stuff is bad, but gosh, compared to OC ReMix's standard tunes, it's terrible stuff.


Well, I've decided to do the mix myself. Partly because I'm tired of waiting, and partly because I like the Wave Man theme so much. And because I finally managed to obtain a version of FL Studio that is of some use to me. So look out OC ReMix, my Wave Man remix is on its way!

It may take me a month (as I'm in college right now, one senior class and three math classes and a class that was supposed to be a blowoff class but ended up being just as demanding as my others) but I will finish it eventually.

My main reason for posting this is a discussion of possible titles. To anyone reading this, I would appreciate any comments on what you think of these working titles:

A Sine of Trouble (cheesy I know, but the math reference is funny nevertheless)

A Sine of Parting

A Sine of Danger

Making a Splash

Feelin' the Vibes


Lol, I think I'm going to stop now. Comments welcome...

There were a couple Rockman Arrange Special CDs, & the second one had a nice arrangement of Wave Man... except it included sound effects. Why the hell do they do that? I never really understood the concept behind that. If I wanted to hear sound effects, I'd just record myself playing it... or rip them myself.

I thought the sounds effects worked pretty well with the song. Not like they were all over the place, just at the beginning and end.

But yeah, Fly Me to the Sunshine is what made me realize how awesome Wave Man's theme is. Even requested it here about a year ago.

I thought the sounds effects worked pretty well with the song. Not like they were all over the place, just at the beginning and end.

But yeah, Fly Me to the Sunshine is what made me realize how awesome Wave Man's theme is. Even requested it here about a year ago.

Yeah it does fit in quite nicely, but I find it's been done too many times; plus, mixing in 8-bit sounds with improved, non-8-bit music doesn't appeal to me. To all his own, I guess.

Anyways, I'd like to hear a remixer here do an arrangement; I've been impressed with many recent submissions.


This song was covered in rock remix during a dwelling of duels contest a few years ago. I'll try searching for it on my hard drive - pretty sure I still have it...

... Ah. February 2004. Here it is: http://dod.vgmix.com/past/feb04/

EDIT: Dead link on that site. Well, I'll just upload it, I guess... www.ngst.nu/Megaman_5-Waveman.mp3

Sorry, Cybermouse, but there's nothing to stop you from making your own...


Well you guys certainly got me interested in hearing Fly Me to the Sunshine. You don't know where I could get my hands on a copy of that, do you?

Dafydd...interesting mix you posted. Don't worry, just because there are decent mixes already doesn't mean I'm going to give up on what I've got so far. I'm not so easily turned aside. I liked most of the mix you posted except the way they did the chorus...it just felt sort of anticlimax to me. I really want to make a mix that just totally blows the tune out of the water (no pun intended). I'm not saying that's something I'm capable of but I can sure try. Also I finally decided on a good title (not gonna spoil it for you).


Thanks, I'll need it. Right now the mix is about 55% done by my estimation, which is pretty good considering I've only done five sessions working on it straight, each one about four hours. Considering I began with no idea how to use FL Studio and that this is my first real mix, it doesn't sound half bad. Hopefully the judges will agree...

  • 1 month later...

Haven't had time to listen to the whole thing yet, but I found a youtube video with 6 different mixes of wave man in it. The first one was ok, and the second one sounded neat (what I heard of it anyway) but like I said, haven't yet heard them all. Maybe you all will like 'em...

  • 1 year later...

Lameness is the word of the day. A couple years ago I posted this thread cause I was excited and thought I might be able to even attempt an actual OC ReMix. Maybe I'm in a better position to do that now, I'm not sure. I am working on a mix I plan on submitting from the old NES game Dragon Warrior, of the world map tune. Haven't thought of a clever name for it yet, but it's about 70% done. The wave man tune, on the other hand, the one I started on a while back, has been rotting in my projects folder forever. I will probably render it soon and post it so you guys can hear it (as ZealPath posted that he would be interested to see what I came up with). I named it "High Tide." It was definitely a cool name and all, but musically, compared to my more recent stuff, it's pretty pathetic. Maybe it is salvageable, hehe.

P.S. I hope the mods don't kill me for resurrecting an old thread...maybe since it was my thread to begin with they'll cut me some slack. I WILL post what I finished of High Tide on here after all...


Well, it's so far gone that I'm probably just gonna start from scratch. My stuff nowdays is a bit higher quality, I think (I hope). I really need to invest some time into learning how to use FL Slayer, or otherwise figuring out how to do guitar parts that actually sound good.

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