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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/2017 in all areas

  1. The following is also within the OP's update. ATTENTION: June 6, 2017: First, my big fat apology to anyone affected. First started on the 25th anniversary of the original release of Snatcher, I was certain my personal busy-as-hell situation would prevent me from following this project properly, and I wanted to recruit and set up a staff before that happened. I failed miserably, and this ended up being put off for years. June 6 is an important date in Snatcher lore, and I decided I would stop the nonsense on this date. I have people to help me, and I'm actively recruiting, but bear with me a little while on claim status as I contact interested parties from before. I'm also available on our discord chats and willing to answer questions and take constant nagging (to a point, of course). My other projects related to Snatcher's music are on again as well, for those that know about it; if not, see the above video for details. Further clarifications are forthcoming within the week. “Let’s go, Metal!”
    3 points
  2. It's here - our new album cover! I've posted it to the first page of the thread too. Tell us what you think!
    2 points
  3. Aside from altering the trading functions to make it compatible with the 3DS, RBY were left untouched. Yellow still had its GameBoy Printer features intact, even though there was no way to use them. GSC had a seven day calendar system, the 3DS has an actual one (day, month and year). They could make it sync with the system calendar, but it's easier to just leave it alone. That's real, in case anyone was wondering. It appears at 26 seconds in. If you read the left and right sides of the tops of the wall as the camera zooms in, the walls say "ultra sun ultra moon' over and over, in the Unown typeface.
    1 point
  4. Hm, this might be interesting, might snatch a claim if it starts rolling again
    1 point
  5. @DS394 has been hard at work - I now have updates for both Lylat Legacy and the Sector X remix. Mostly adjustments to mix, but please give them a listen! DS will be losing the use of his studio in the next week or so. These are almost done, so if anyone else has any notes on mix or production, please let us know so he can get them corrected ASAP. @TheChargingRhino has been experimenting with Clipped Wings, combining some of her previous ideas, and I like the direction she's taking things. I've posted the update she sent me - give this a listen too and let us know what you think! We've got a framework for where the narratives will fall now and we're starting to build some scripts. Once we refine the ideas into something we like, I'll get the script looking somewhat professional and post something to get some feedback from everyone. Thanks to @classic_gamer_76, @DS394, and @TheChargingRhino for all the help on this!
    1 point
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