This is what appears to be almost entirely AI. There are a lot of typical tells regarding awkward animations and weird hand stuff (not to mention that the neural network voiceover is trying its best, but it's still pretty obvious).
However, it's some of the best AI I have seen yet. The artwork is primarily consistent; most hands are delicate unless gripping something. This makes me feel several ways. On the one hand, it's pretty well done, and I'm confident it wouldn't exist at all without an individual user and some AI assistance unless you had some really, really talented artists working overtime. On the other hand, this only exists because of straight-up stolen art. They're still monetizing someone else's work. An argument could be made that it's not too dissimilar to machinima using the original models of a game, but generally, those game students consent to that. No one can consent to this.
I don't know...I want to like it because it is an excellent lore recap, but at the same time, I always feel dirty with this AI stuff...