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Posts posted by Brycepops

  1. micspam servers are a lot different in that (provided its managed properly) its organized in that only one person will ever be using the mic at a time and the music playing isnt as much a distraction as youd think

    instead it becomes just part of the game, basically a different kind of radio where everyone gets to contribute

    on an alltalk server there are plenty of times when you will have 3+ people talking over one another and the lack of organization serves to be a distraction

    in both cases the mic is basically never used to promote teamplay or anything really related to the current task at hand but in the case of micspam servers its much less aggravating

    This. If it's going to be alltalk, I'd rather hear music than people talking constantly about nothing relevant.

  2. On a hopefully less absurd note.

    Has anyone else been seeing really weird votes lately?

    The other day I saw a vote in chat pass at 10%, with 1 vote I think.

    There was no vote though.

    Just a random "the vote passed"

    And then yesterday someone got kicked by a random vote.

    I asked why the guy was kicked, and nobody knew because there was no actual vote.

    Reading back, maybe its the same tomfoolery that's got Vivi banned

    There was some discussion about that in the IRC channel a few hours ago. I'm trying to look into it, but Fireslash said it might be an exploit that was patched in the newer sourcemod release.

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