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Meteo Xavier

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Posts posted by Meteo Xavier

  1. Resurrecting this topic in continued search for cool sound manipulation programs or programs developers typically use to polish them. I'm asking in a Kontakt forum and this guy (who, according to him has been making Kontakt instruments for 15 years) tells me developers typically use NOTHING. I find that incredibly hard to believe and so confusing a response that I want to smack him for it.

    Izotope I'm still looking at for stuff. Their Trash 2 looks like something I could use and I'm thinking of re-installing Guitar Rig to further generate interesting sounds, but I'm still out of the loop as far as sound design processing plugins go.

  2. I'm also waiting on info about an electronic version. It's a bigger book than I expected it would be, about 212 pages when I was expecting it'd come out to be somewhere in the 160s, so that's where some of the price comes from. The other justification, at the risk of sounding like a real estate agent, is the quality assurance that went in to it. I must've proofread and edited it 5 times at least. Researching for a week's worth of hours into content, cross-referencing it with critical analysis (finding material to debunk certain out-there bits with), writing it with all the focused intensity and fury of a mad ronin rampaging through feudal Japan before the Devils of Kimon take him out themselves, and even doing the cover artwork - just because the quality standards had to be high.

    You say $18.00 is too high, I say YOU'RE too high! We all talk about supporting independent artists and making sure they get paid for what they provide the world... until an independent someone releases something more than $0.99. What would our founding fathers say about this egregious liberal corporatism? Is this a country run by Donald Trump, Walmart and Rupert Murdoch? NO SIR, this is America! America was built by writers - Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Meteo Xavier!

    Don't support Communist Ontario, Strader, support America!


  3. Ah, c'mon - nothing? :P

    I mean I know self-publishing merchandise on here has fallen out of interest in general, but no response? Not even a like? Not even a poop emoji? Not even a "hey Meteo what are you doing in bed with my wife?" "This isn't a bed, it's a pile of a blankets, pillows and comforters because we couldn't be arsed to make a bed right now." "Ok, carry on then."?

    May your illiteracy be the genesis to your downfall, plebs! :banghead:

    Wait, do we even get poop emojis?

  4. Good afternoon, I humbly represent a new item of consumer interest bearing my name to my friends, associates, rivals and visitors to OCremix for your consideration as an addition to your private library.


    This here grimoire is my contribution to Southern folklore, 212 pages of "non-fiction" (in quotations for a reason) paranormal accounts throughout the histories of Tennessee, Kentucky, both Carolinas, Georgia and Alabama. This is a project I'd been working on and waiting on since September 2013, investing much time into perfecting a tome that met the high quality standards I had for it. Some of them are famous and are relatively tame to make for relaxing reading, and others are obscure, absolutely bonkers tales of supernal insanity.

    And unlike many peer titles in this genre, I took the time to research and provide skeptical analysis to many entries in here. Some simply amount to fun stories that couldn't have possibly happened in real life, but others are much more vague, and at least one of the weirdest items in this book is certified FACT - it really happened!

    Link of it is in the picture above but I'll post it here too:


    I'm not yet sure if an e-book version is coming out, I'm waiting to hear back on it. I'll update this here post when I know for sure.

    Thank you and please enjoy.

  5. A lot of this stuff should have theoretically been off my shoulders already, but it wasn't. That's why the "theoretical" qualifier is added to that sentence in the first place. I'd really like y'all to actually see the website before telling me it's not going to work. Again, not trying to sound like a contentious asshole here, but the wild lack of logical protocol here is astounding - well beyond what I was expecting.

    So here's how this is going to work. I'm going to continue building the site I've got going for it - and if DJP or someone else wants to build another site that's more like the examples listed above, then go for it and that's the one we'll use. To be perfectly honest, I really did not exert much time and energy putting the site I have together. I've spent more time and energy arguing about it with Brandon Strader than I did actually putting it together, so if it doesn't get used, no big deal.

    The bottom line is there is going to be a website, and it's either going to be the one I'm building or the one whoever else is building. I don't really care which one we go both, but this was supposed to be done two years ago at least and it is unacceptable to not have something workable right this minute. All I've heard is promises and theory so far - build a proof.

  6. At the risk of sounding contentious and adding more drama to this topic, I have let other people try their hand at doing this website and no one did anything with it. Rozovian spoke to probably 9 people over the last couple years, including some outside fans of the project, and nothing ever came of it except some test pages. At that point, I can reasonably assume it's not going to get done relying on other people to do it - that's why I jumped in to do it myself.

    If anyone else wants to do the website and make it more like OCR would do it, then do it. Even if the time I spent building what I built meant nothing more than getting someone else off their ass and building a function website everyone's happy with, that's still a win as far I consider - but until that time comes, the site I'm building is the site we're going with because, clearly, no one else is going to actually do it.

  7. Well, anyone who would've wanted to build the website had years to do so, but no one ever did. Now it's on me to do it with the tools and experience I have to do it with. Under those circumstances, I feel rather justified in doing it the way I want (within reason).

    Making sure it functions right on a variety of devices is a much more important issue that I will be working on now.

  8. Updated: The main structure of the site is up and running. Rozovian has concerns it may be too fancy with superfluous animation and not functioning to its full potential. I don't agree it's superfluous as I purposefully wanted it to look fancy to fulfill the dignity of the project, but I do share some concerns it's functioning needs some work. Greg Nourse, for example, had a look about and said the bottom navigation cuts off in mobile, which I don't have to test out myself.

    On my Windows 7 laptop, it works quite well with only the slightest bit of choppiness I can chalk up to just general internet use. On my desktop it works pretty perfectly. I'm only using Firefox and Internet Explorer to check it out with right now. 4GB of ram.

    I'm going to keep testing it out on Chrome, Safari, and other systems with less RAM and see if I can improve it further. Getting it more responsive is a higher priority on it than anything else I feel.

  9. Sorry for the delay, had to deal with a not-minor case of food poisoning yesterday while being snowed the fuck in. Almost had to call an ambulance. Pretty stressful stuff that sucked out any interest I had for this business item.

    I'll revisit this topic later when it comes back up in the priority chain. I expect I won't be interested in a lawsuit or just letting it go by that time either.

  10. A one-paragraph NDA was all I signed and both the developer in question and the publisher know I'm no longer involved with them. As I read it now, the NDA covers assets, wages (of which there were none, only rev. sharing) and information related to the game itself as owned by the publisher, which I have no interest in sharing with anyone.

    I'm not sure if a publisher can own descriptions of behind-the-scenes drama, and even if they could, how long does an NDA last? I'm not working on it anymore, I'm not credited on it and I'm not receiving any money out of it. My silence has essentially been returned to customer service and put back on the shelf. I've seen composers and other artists blow the whistle on behind the scenes drama without getting sued and I'm pretty sure they signed NDAs.

    For me, I had one major condition that had to be agreed upon for me to work - the lower I expect to be paid, the more creative freedom I get to accomplish my job on time, which I received agreement upon in writing. Not only could I not do my music job because I was told to wait on how the story is written (which is why I opted to do that in the first place) while the other composer seemed to be doing the entire friggin' score himself, but the major drafts I had done for them were rejected BY THE SAME PERSON WHO APPROVED THEM.


  11. Because legal action, even when you're in the right, is a huge fucking mess that I don't have time or energy to deal with. If I found out they were STILL using music I did for the game in there, I definitely would, but even still - the ratio of extra work versus satisfaction of possible victory is pretty much not in one's favor.

    I won't get much out of that, I want to discredit them on grassroot levels and use my experience as a cautionary tale for other freelancers. I want it known the leader of the group does bad business and will waste your time if you try to join them. I wanted to be the "bigger man" or whatever and just leave and cut my losses when I quit back in October, but when I found out they didn't even remove the fucking song and was still crediting me under my real name... well, it hits on an emotional level. I can't pretend it's not personal. Once you do bad business, it's not about business anymore. Once you quit and they still find a way to screw you, it's personal. Even indie developers have to learn their place when it comes to the workforce and not treat people this way.

    Legal action is when you're out for blood, I simply want them to learn what happens when you fuck with people who believed in you and was willing to participate in your project for minimal pay and maximum passion.

  12. And now for something completely different.

    From August 2014 to late October 2015, I was working with a development team for a Dreamcast game. At first I joined to do the music and I ended up having responsibilities for writing and other administration on there. Everything was going good for a while, but somewhere around the Summer, things went sour and I'm still not even totally sure what happened or how it happened. I left just one day short of Halloween when it became clear after months of no one talking to me about anything or even being acknowledged that someone was working on the story/script that they didn't even consider me a part of their development group anymore. I told them I quit, quit out of all their stuff, and didn't hear a word back from them and I thought that was it. By my estimates, they wasted 300 hours of my time, among other things, even after I agreed to their NDA and after the lead person accepted, in writing, my terms for working on the project.

    Recently I discovered that, even though they seemed to have gotten the message I quit and referenced someone leaving in frustration in a blog article they did (which I suspect was me), they were still using the ONE thing I did they actually seemed to acknowledge me for, which was a title theme, as posted on their Soundcloud and presumably whenever the game is supposed to be done. I wrote them about it and while I succeeded in getting them to take it off (itself taking a week), they acknowledged they knew I had left AND WAS STILL GOING TO USE IT.

    As you've seen me post on here, I have some pretty liberal views when it comes to being a freelance worker on an indie game, but this is simply unacceptable. This is straight up bad business and I want to discredit their name both for my personal satisfaction and to warn others about working with them. I knew it was potentially risky when I signed up for it, same as every other job I want to take, but bad business is bad business. I still have a reputation of difficulty myself, but I made and continue to make every effort I can to not employ any of that in a business environment. I made conditions for working and I got agreement in writing. That is a contract and they broke my contract while still intending to use work I did on it.

    So I ask you, Ocremix, have you ever had to speak out against a company/brand/group or something like this and if so, how do you go about doing it? I'm not going to just let it go and chalk it up to experience, and I don't think legal action can apply here either (I'm also not afraid of them suing me either, as I don't think they can fuckin' afford it and the leader of the group literally cannot think that way). I also want to be careful not to disparage the PUBLISHER, because I talked to them and they were far more professional. I have only praises to sing for them. 

    What does thou think, Ocremixst?

  13. Yeah, but like I said, there's knowing how to use them and knowing when the job requires something else. It's why I alternate between FL Studio's MB Compressor and... that... other free one whose name escapes me right now. I suspect there are just some sounds PEQ2 can't help me with, so I'd like to try a different one and see if that gives me more pleasing results.

    This is good stuff, gents. Lot of meat in this content. Thanks much! :D

  14. I've gotten a lot better at mixing music over the last few years, but I still have a lot of issues finding a good balance in equalization. Lately I've been wondering if it might be because I've only ever really used the native FL studio parametric EQ plugins for it. Occasionally I'll need to use the ones in Kontakt, Omnisphere, z3ta, etc. but I've been wondering if I should get a new, higher quality EQ plugin that some of the fancier mixing companies make, like iZotope or something.

    I've not seen a lot of threads on this topic and it feels somewhat juvenile to ask because I already know that it's not what you buy but how much skill you have in using it. All the same, if all these plugins and VSTs had the same quality and functions, people wouldn't keep making them.

    Thoughts? Insight?

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