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Everything posted by WesPip

  1. OH EM EFF GEE111 Also, good job on the hostage there pixie. edit: just realize, that could be eh..misconstrued. that's "host-age" [HOST-age, hard O], unless Jilly's much more diabolical than I've up to this point understood.
  2. Remember I was sick. Feverish rambling does things to ya. My friend devin joined the clan, just needs to post... He's sneakier than Wespip so beware of MegaxZerox! (and all his camp around the corner and assassinate you goodness) Pft, I'm sneaky WITHOUT camping.
  3. Is it donuts? I like donuts.
  4. I would, but I only go on XBL like..monthly. Would someone take care of that invite please? Gamertag: Azzizzle
  5. Cute.
  6. Have you tried Mp3Gain?
  7. http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/images/weekly_sub9.jpg C'mon Joy, you know you want to.
  8. FYI everyone, I now work Monday through Friday from 7-close [12 or 1, plus cleanup/cash-out], so if we're to do a big clan deal where you want me around, it'll need to be on a Saturday. Just FYI.
  9. Stick to GenDisc. UnMod isn't civilized.
  10. So did I... Yup, me too. Voted just now though.
  11. Yeah, I don't either. It was only in the international version. Apparently, there are also dark aeons you have to kill to get to him.
  12. Uh oh. Bought Guitar Hero earlier this week. Distracted yet again.
  13. The person that red, 53phy, Sonic and I were playing with [from my friends list] reminded me rather of you. Only...worse at the game. Much, much worse.
  14. RAR. Sonic disappeared though.
  15. Yeahhhh, that was weird. They weren't in the final preview I heard before we uploaded. I think something got messed up when that happened. Anyway, don't ask about The Rock.... I'm just ignorant about most "guy movies." Die Hard sounds like a Rock kinda title, that's all. So in other news, Please feel free to call in with your New Years resolutions for next show! That's 1-800-990-VGDJ! Bwahahahahaha You know...I might actually call. I've been meaning to for some time now. The thing is, though, I hate the way my voice sounds when recorded or...anything of the likes.
  16. QFE. Anyways, what was with the randomy note thingers during ~12:30-13:00? Probly edit this post later with stinger-related comments, unless it's horrible. e: yeah..nice..talk about rockafeller square there [spelling probly..*shrug*]. Uhm...amusing stinger, but...not something I'll save..'cause...it's christamassy?
  17. Or IS it? I mean, how ELSE could we ever even HOPE for some haught pixie-on-aurora action?
  18. ... When did this happen, and why was I not informed?
  19. I have one thing as well. H4X!
  20. You got it! Quoted for awesomeness, and since it was the last post on the previous page. I'd hate for people to miss the awesome little penguins.
  21. *stinger love* It WAS pretty amusing. I preferred the opening more though. Side note: pixie, you should really post pics of your might igloo. And the penguins. I hereby formally request pictures of the penguins.
  22. Normally I'm the one to provide said love, but I haven't listened to the new show yet.
  23. 'kay, so that WAS an awesome stinger, especially considering how the show started. Good job.
  24. Now I'm particularly looking forward to this episode. I mean that one on Aurora's return episode..that was pretty awesome. So we shall see about this one.
  25. Ohhhh. I was wondering who you are. Also Deej: POGO NINJA. *shakes fist*
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