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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. I believe blizz realised that the 40 man thing was not sitting well with its attempts to reach casual gamers. By making the game more accessible, they may just make this an even bigger success. I hate that my 60 characters sit on a shelves simply because I don't have a raid centric guild.
  2. I think they may have revived my faith.
  3. Nozerdomu is the one assigning the cavern of time quests and frankly, if you would piss him off, you'd die quickly (In theory... Take Nefarion, he is the son of Neltharion Deathwing, and is only a fraction of neltharion's power. Nozerdomu had power equivalent to Deathwing's power prior the demon orb ordeal. Basically, it would probably take a 120 man raid to down Nozerdomu (in theory). And that would be unless Nozerdomu decided to kill you right as you were born... to be safe.
  4. I dunno, they've been doing crap for a while now...
  5. Bloodscalp Alliance: Jannael 60 rogue Kaisalla 48 priest Marah 45 Mage Lassana 44 Hunter Chihiro 31 Warlock.
  6. I cant wait to farm for 10 000 gold for a mount.
  7. You're either stupid, or an Alliance retard trying to get a viewpoint: "OMG WE'RE NOT OVERPOWERED IN PVE AT THIS POINT IN TIME NO-SIR THAT FREE 36 MANA EVERY 5 SECONDS AND 59 MANA EVERYTIME YOU WAND, AS WELL AS DPS BEING ABLE TO GO HARDER AND TANK TRANSITIONS THREE TIMES EAISER DOESN'T MAKE IT EASIER VOTE FOR ME IN '07!" First of all, like any good troll, you forgot to notice I listed abilities only, and only in a PvE aspect. Congratulations, since you were talking in a PvP aspect (which sounds like you suck at, considering you think Alliance's racials aren't good at all), so your entire post was a moot point. Grats! Go back to making music. If you pick two abilities and compare them even when they are in no way oriented for the same thing, you are sure to find imbalance. I mean, hammer of wrath is much weaker than chain lightning. However, blessing of wisdom is better than mana tide totem... except it does the job a lot quicker... Your comparison are weak, mine were a parody. You responded seriously, I laughed.
  8. More classes mean itemisation from level 1 to 70, quest creation, balancing issues, role in a raid, and what not. However, I would see Undead and bloodelves having deathknights (a response to the pally except more shadow oriented) whereas the alliance could get some sort of new mage... maybe a priest/mage hybrid class available to gnomes and humans.
  9. Oh yeah, it's funny to only point out the advantages of the otehr faction. You will realise that the alliance is just as annoying as horde... Just the racial spells. With the exception of fear ward, our priest spells suck. "OMG reduce ranged attack damage by 15!" Draining life and reducing foes damage as you reduce their attack power. Now there is a spell. You also forget that the shammy can dish out DPS 10 times better than a pally. And racial abilities: I can stop bleeding vs I can stop fear. I'll take number 2. I can detect rogues VS I can stun everyone around, I'll take 2 I can escape a trap VS I can attack faster, I'll take 2... See what I did there? The best hunter now is a troll marksmanship hunter. +5 to bows and a second "rapid shot". The best rogues are undead or orc. Best mage is troll Best shadow priest is UD... The list can go on. We have the pally, you have a hell of a lot more you don't see.
  10. So last night I was talking with a friend who was in MC... Apparently their BWL raiding guild no longer has a 315 skinner. So I was invited to their MC run that lasted a wooping 3 hours and I finally saw Ragnaros and I managed to not die.
  11. Update your browser, empty your cache, and reboot... I guess...
  12. Something is wrong with the browser if one pc in a lan can't get it.
  13. Well, if you roll alliance on bloodscalp, look up the guild Chains of Oblivion. It's my noobfarm/leave me the fuck alone guild. If you are guildless after level 10, random guild invites pop up every so often.
  14. Bloodscalp is horrible. Every other night a bunch of 60s just hang out in redridge and gank there. You can't go anywhere in contested territories without running into 60s that have nothing better to do than gank you and then do /spit a dozen times. When it gets too horrible to actually play, I usually log on my rogue and get the world defense going about Tarren mill. Bloodscalp is a horde intensive server, and between 40-45, no alliance FP or quest hub is anywhere near what you can kill safely or where you quest. By the time you go into the 50-60 area however, you are safer simply because they know that if they screw up, running away will be dangerous. In tanaris, I psychic screamed a 60 tauren shammy into waste wanderer bandits and he got schooled. If he was to do that in the plagues, he would be in danger either way. 6 more levels and I can start playing again, now its just gonna be one hell of a drag.
  15. Yeah, FD should weaken the hunter's defenses. Oh, so my priest dinged 44 yesterday. Only 6 more levels and I'll be out of the boring part. I hate the 40-49 drag... Especially since it's in the more "gank intensive" regions of azeroth.
  16. Speaking of BS... talk about a halfassed talent review...
  17. Honor in BGs should be calculated in proportion to time spent in combat, and not based on a raid group. PvP in WoW is not the best thing... Maybe if they forced or created a "PVP group" some form of temporary group that includes everyone in the BG but is broken up into other groups as soon as the BG is over.
  18. Blizz needs to get their things in order, bloodscalp is still horribly laggy, buggy and annoying... 10 minutes retrieving character lists and stuff...
  19. I still think the "assassination/combat/subtlety" division of the rogue was the wrong way to go. Half of Ass should go in Combat, and the other half in subtlety. There has to be a better way to divide up the rogue skills. Maybe something like: Subtlety, Combat, Mobility. Subtlety would get everything relevant to hiding, and openers. Combat would get CP genetators and finishing moves, and mobility would get anything to do with mouvement (like sprint), dodging, parrying and relevant abilities. Or they could have made a full fledge poison oriented talent tree. Assassination as it stands feels like a sub par tree except for vigor.
  20. Not to be bitchy, but + to AP is kinda not a subtlety talent. It should be an early combat tree talent. Subtlety could get the improved gouge and backstab talents. It would be, in my opinion, better to have them in subtlety.
  21. With 1.12, I fear the nerfing will be focused on rogues... simply because everyone and their mother thinks rogues are over powered.
  22. Either way, I love the two schools of thought represented by my priest and my cousin's. While we both go for spirit as mana regen, she puts the emphasis on the mana pool (mainly discipline) where I go for efficient healing (mainly holy). She's 60 and in healing gear does a rank 1 heal for about double what I did at level 40. I think once I hit 60, I will challenge her to a naked healing comparison, I'm already healing better than my friend's 60 restoration shammy.
  23. Sure about that? Strenght is Melee attack power, and block. Agility is Armor, Ranged/Melee attack power, Dodge, and Crit Stamina is Health Intellect is Mana and skills Spirit is regen during fights. Only Stamina and spirit have a single use.
  24. Skills does play a part in the fights. As a rogue I should not stand a chance against geared up hand of ragnaros warriors, but so far in AB I took down 2 of them solo, a UD and a Tauren. And as a holy priest I should not survive a rogue 4 levels above me attacking me, but I did, and I shadow word: Pained his ass into submission. I will tell you something though: passive trap detection nerfed hunters when they face rogues, but rogues have a hell of a hard time dealing with well played hunters. I'd rather go up against a shammy than a hunter simply because the shammy is not as much in control of the fight as the hunter. Ok, I have a silly question but I need to ask it: Do you think there is a "luck stat" in this game... something linked to spirit or what not? My spirit high characters keep getting good drops, my priest got another blue that sells for over 50 gold on AH yesterday. (Speaking of which, I should have 200 spirit by level 42. Neato!)
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