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The Author

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Everything posted by The Author

  1. Hey Calpis, since you went through 4 as well, you saw the followining dialogue... Are you surprised by the turn of events? Oh and how did you like the little bit of exposition showing some parts of OoT with improved graphics?
  2. Nintendo just broke a law I think. The amount of fun in Boss 4 is most likely illegal. I want a boss attack mode just for that boss... Let me tell you this: item 4 is well implemented in the boss battle, I cant explain how but it will be very well done.
  3. What direction? East to west I can roughly estimate to between 10 and 20 minutes, depending of the road you pick. North to south I can guess 20 minutes, probably... I'm up to the fourth temple and I sincerely doubt I have seen all of light hyrule.
  4. 4th temple. Whole new item. And by whole new, I mean woah didn't think of that. Glee, love and admiration for what they did, especially between 3 and 4.
  5. Once they get to the bird path, and the 3rd boss, they will enjoy the Wii's controls. Something that never was possible before is doable with the Wandchuck combo: Straf aiming. Second temple, straffing around crates targeting moblins with ranged attacks and letting it fly out. As I have said in the Wii thread: First boss: Incredible fun. Second boss: Cool fight. Third boss: Fucking epic. What follows, well, how to not spoil it: They went for an emotion, and they got it with the piano. They went for a shocker, and well it fucking shocked me as I sat there with my mouth opened to a point where some chinese rice farmer had a go at my chin. Then, they sent me on what I wanted to do from the start, they revitalized a classic part of the game to make it confusing again, followed it by a cool boss, and then crafted a puzzle so simple, yet so complex, that it kept me stumped for 45 minutes before I gave up, and went to bed, still trying to figure it out. They also used a remixed version of a song from the NES zeldas done in such a fashion that unless you were incredibly in touch with both Zelda games and videogame music, you would must likely fail to recognize the song, like my friend. 12 hours in. And well, multiple gamergasm left my prostate drained. Good thing I have to work or I would have had a raisin liked prostated by now.
  6. Okay, the deal is that the PS3 includes the graphical architecture of both PS2 and PS1 but not the sound system. It has to be emulated through the firmware. Since some games are non-standard soundwise, these games end up muted or distorted. The firmware will be upgraded however and these problems will eventually vanish. yeah I only wish these douchebags were as informed as you or anyone who has followed the ps3 for some time. Anyways, you're right, they will upgrade it, but I can't help but to feel uncomfortable about this. There's clearly no doubt about it, the Ps3, Xbox 360 and even maybe the Wii will adopt the PC games policy of "we deliver first, then fix later". I hate so much when I come with high expectations to a game(Titan quest comes to mind) only to find it's incomplete or plagued with bugs that will be fixed "later" with software updates. Sure, it brings some advantages, as there are room for new functionality to be added this way to your games, but they're giving that for a price anyways. The days where you turned on your console to play a game knowing that it won't need any shitty update to work properly(at least for the majority of games) seem to be going away to never come back again. Also, my issues with the PS3 are not based on simply it being a PS3. the hardware is interesting, but given the PS2's dodgy durability, their overall attitude about where the PS3 fits in the next gen, and the way they deal with this release, I sincerly have doubts about the PS3's viability.
  7. The Wii also has a firmware upgrade options. The server is not on right now, but whenever I try to connect it tries to check my Wii version.
  8. Okay, the deal is that the PS3 includes the graphical architecture of both PS2 and PS1 but not the sound system. It has to be emulated through the firmware. Since some games are non-standard soundwise, these games end up muted or distorted. The firmware will be upgraded however and these problems will eventually vanish.
  9. Talking about me? Yeah, my Wii is awesome. I also played twilight princess. Its awesome.
  10. Trust me on this one, the Wiimote is the best controller ever.
  11. Item usage is weird, I could not really experiment, but I tthink you can combine lots of stuff together, like bait and fishing rod.
  12. The game or the girl. The game, I only played like 5 minutes. The controls are odd, but the fairy is less annoying, and it doubles as a Wiimote target.
  13. Okay, according to a Nintendo official I met today, SSBB will use the Wii controler... I still have doubts but anyway...
  14. That would make me happy if I start playing again.
  15. A bunch of smelly geeks in front of your doors is never good for business. Good work for best buy. The customer is king only when he is not an asshat.
  16. Also, Aghanim's red robes look a little regal, don,t you think? At least, I remember him being red.
  17. OoT -> MM -> TP -> WW -> PH -> Oracles -> LoZ -> LOZ LA -> LttP -> Link's Awakening I don't know exactly where Four Swords fits in. As for the holes, the biggest gap so far is in between WW/PH and LoZ, with the Oracles game being set on small islands meaning it could be where the WW crew touched ground and started the new Hyrule. It is also hinted that before LttP, there was a war with 3 knights, 8 sages, and the hero. He was the one who put the master sword to rest in the forest. That would be somewhere between Link's adventure and LttP. Also, somewhere between WW and Oracles, Ganon was freed and permenantly cursed. Somewhere between Link's adventure and LttP, Aghanim was killed, Ganon was banished to the dark realm after getting to control the triforce. By having Link's Awakening at the end, however, it puts a whole new twist on the story. In fact, a part of me likes to believe that the link that wakes up on the broken ship is not LttP's link, but rather WW's link, and that everything after WW was just a hallucination. EDIT the nightmares would explain the CD-I horrors.
  18. And during the auctions, no games will be sold. If you assume 50% of the PS3 will end up on ebay ( a realistic number concidering how much money some people made with the PS2 and the fact that many people will try to imitate that ), it just means that their 500 000 units market will be at around 250 000 for the first 2 to 3 weeks. Assuming sony makes a net profit of around 10$ a game, and that everyone who buys a PS3 would buy 2 games, this would mean that instead of getting 10 000 000$ in profit it would be 5 000 000$. If they lose more than 10$ a console, they are still not close to cutting it. Assuming they lose about 100$ a console, the PS3 business caused a loss of 50 000 000$ witrhout concidering the marketing costs. And it would imply that to rentabilise consoles, everyone would have to buy 10 games / blue ray DVDs. They do make another unaccounted profit on the blue ray production, but seeing as movies are not yet sold in blue ray format, I doubt this is a real factor.
  19. I think you fail to see how much is ridding on this console here. Every console produced costs a lot of money to Sony. Every console that is not sold is a money pit. They need to sell enough consoles to produce more consoles so they can sell them at a loss again. Their only way to make money is by selling games and BlueRay dvds. Their launch line-up lost 4 games recently. If people don't have enough money to buy multiple games, it drastically cuts the profit margin. Normally, this would not be a problem, but the battery fiasco kinda put a dent in Sony's cushion. A 95% deep dent. And the blue ray is still a very abstract concept, where as HD-DVDs are already out and available. From a purely business perspective, Sony's moves will be very interesting.
  20. Or these weird rabbit ears things from Bottle Grotto in Link's Awakening that you had to kill in a particular order? Or those things you had to hit and match up all 3 suits to open the door. Or the boss thing from the tail cave where you had to jup over that huge spike thing...
  21. Or these weird rabbit ears things from Bottle Grotto in Link's Awakening that you had to kill in a particular order?
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