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Everything posted by Compyfox

  1. Well personally I'd say: Expand the show. In different ways: 1) The songs a tad longer. Though that's mostly OCR Material that we can hear over and over (it's not VGF after all) 2) Due to the expansion you have a tad more time doing "interactive interviews", more in the news section, etc. Clips from mixer swith 2min are fine with me unless the go all about "yeah I'm this and that great". If the filesize get's too big after that, I'd recommend using mp3pro for that purpose. As Larry did with his recordings, same on my side with Crimson Moon. BTW: Didn't listen to your liveshow yet, but if you're planning to do that, you have the equipment and you keep up the preasure, I'll surely listen in (if it's the right time for me). As long as you keep down the prank calls (though if you do it Mondays, you run in trouble with "Nitro Game Injection" from KyleJCrib).
  2. Nope, didn't reencode anything. Just retagged them. So it's you who only has 35% or so and it's not loading anymore. Simply reload it again. Won't hurt, it's only a bit over 180MB.
  3. I'm just the engineer. I just talked with Jill about that. I'd have loved to release "both" versions (I am even allowed to engineer both), but it's a thing up to Reuben and Jill. If they say "no, orchestra is not good for Chrono Symphonic/OCR", then it's the piano version and I totally accept their opinions. Please clear that in private and keep me informed. Thanks.
  4. With an okay (and permission) from Aurora I just installed an alternative to get the the "old" VGDJ shows and save the VGDJ crew a lot of Bandwidth. In short and simple words: VGDJ IS NOW AVAILABLE AS TORRENT!!! In the same style as you could (and can still) get the old VG Frequency and Crimson Moon shows, you can now get "VGDJ". In packs of 10 episodes (EP001 to EP010), 5 episodes (EP011 to EP015) and each new episode as seperate torrent. Included are each specific "shownotes" - however don't be scared off of the german filenamings (Datein instead of Files), the HTML files still work fine. INFO FOR LEECHERS AND SEEDERS Well not only is it important to keep the seeds up as long as possible, but there's another thing. Aurora and I decided to unify the files ID3v2 tag technically. The first 6 episodes from VGDJ weren't properly tagged - that is fixed now. I'm asking you however not to seed your already downloaded files but get the new ones "again" and seed them. This ensures that no bugs occour while downloading. AZUREUS USERS, LISTEN UP: I often get the info that Azureus users can't load the files or can't even connect. That's not a flaw on my side but a setting fault in Azureus. Connecting to each other is sometimes prohibited. Please check that. Also if you're behind a firewall, open the proper ports for your specific torrent tool. But I guess you know that already. HOW TO GET THE FILES You can get all VGDJ episodes so far (along with VG Frequency and Crimson Moon) here: www.studio-compyfox.de/torrent Enjoy.
  5. FAQ: I'm getting asked over and over about this, so I wanna emphasize that again: - For the stage you don't need to remove the master reverb or mix it down to -2dB! - As soon as your track is fine and I changed the status to [MASTER], I want your song as clean WAV in -2dB without master compression and master reverb Thanks! WAYS TO CONTACT ME: There're a couple of ways to contact me over the internet. I made pictures on purpose against bots and other swarm I don't want to talk to. If you contact me, please include your name in your first message if you're not yet in my AIM contact list. Try to contact me via AIM or OCR first! That's the best way to get in touch with me. Don't send me files (via AIM) without contacting and informing me first. If you want to send me files via mail/AIM, send the ones in mp3, [MASTER] in WAV but "packed" in RAR format. If you want to upload the files instead of sending it to me (via AIM or mail), cause your provider doesn't support big filesends or AIM doesn't work, contact me via OCR PM or AIM and I give you access info to a special folder on my FTP for uploading (you don't need to pack the files in this case). Please stick to the rules. Everyone else who contacts me that I don't know and has nothing to do with "Chrono Symphonic" will be ignored/banned. Sorry. CONTACT INFO *I also have a Skype account, but that's only for "interactive feedback" (VoIP) on songs, production issues and bussiness calls. No chat!* ADDITIONAL INFO: Please keep in mind that I live in germany. That's in central europe and has the timezone GMT+1 (infos on timezones: timetable). Chances are that you contact me and I'm not there cause I'm pretty busy with other stuff, private issues or I'm simply sleeping (evening in USA is late night till early morning for me!). In this case, just leave me a message with your name, maybe even link to OCR profile so I can write you back. Or simply try to contact me later again. Thanks.
  6. Onto the next batch of songs. A bit late, sorry for that but you still have time till Thursday 8th September (The sooner the better if your track might still have issues!!!). CHRONO SYMPHONIC ---------------- Postproduction state - 06SEP2005 Stuff that is still WIP is marked as [WIP] Stuff to change is marked as Stuff finished and ready for mastering is marked as [MASTER] SONGINFOS FOR POSTPRODUCTION TWEAKINGS: CD02 15 - SirRus - Manifest Destiny - You have a serious panning problem. Mabye even more in terms of phase inversion (are you using hardware?!). The songs sounds mostly dead center. Only the violin is panned to the right. Also is the later beat. - Spread out orchestra. You have enough of room. - Try to fix those issues first and then I can give you better feedback. Atm it really sounds like a one-man performance cheapass keyboard tune. Sorry to say that. 16 - EllyWu2 and Pixietricks *on with the lady solo* - personally I'd use a different mix on the vocals. If possible I want to have them seperated from the song. Sounds to me as they're mudded and I can try to fix that. Also gives me better possibilties for the mastering. - Taiko work is a bit loud. Though taikos are (warning! Clipping with the Taikos! I hope that's not the case if I get the RAW files). XD - in the section around 5:15, the taikos could be a tad more quiet (-0,5dB to -1dB) 17 - Hemophiliac - Wings that cross Time [WIP] *can't go indepth here unless I get the full song, sorry* 18 - Rellik - Beneath the Surface [MASTER] - Oh... the trumpets compete a bit with the violins - could you turn down the percussion section (around -1dB to -2dB)? They're a bit too strong. Thanks - Can the piano a bit more clean (not as dark)? Or isn't that possible from Philharmonik? 19 - DarkeSword - The Black Palace *hey! I thought so much reverb is not "soundtrack like"? Very Dark feeling indeed, fits the "Dark Omen" - I wish this could be longer but it loops nice* - Timpany maybe a bit louder for more "dramatic effect" (+1dB or so)? - Those staccato strings in the center are nice, but doesn't the "ping pong" pan sound irritating to you? - A matter of taste, but what would you think if the lower string section is a tad more louder? Not needed though. (maybe it's really the reverb here) - Even here, if possible, Harp to the left - Well if you could remove the master reverb for the "Convolution Reverb", that'd be great. I promise to keep the original mood. 20 - Darkesword - Chrono's Dream *sounds very FF7ish... Underwater Music anyone?!* - The tremolo strings could use a wider panning span, the pizzicato's drown a bit in the center paced mix. Try to spread them out a bit (and make the pizzicato's a bit louder, like 0,5dB) - Same with the woodwind section (try to spread them out a bit - The asian instruments could easily go a bit "off center" too - The solo Violin maybe a bit left-off-center? - Also here, less master reverb (for the RAWs it's an other thing) *sidenote: I can try to spread that stuff out with plugins, but it won't sound as natural as if you'd do it* 21 - Russel Cox - The Chrono Trigger *I hate to tell you what to change, as you have experience in "real orchestration"... but sorry* - Maybe balancing out the dissonances (faggot and brass) around 1:00? The brass drowns here a bit - Around 2:40 the brass either more prominent or less promiment. Sounds a bit strange here *would have loved to hear "Good Friends" at the end of the CD though, but can't be helped, hehe* 22 - Unknown - Parting of Ways - can you widen out the strings a bit? The first section is really a bit "center paced". Maybe it's some of the strings you use as this happens in the middle of the song too (around 2:30) - the bells to the right and the glockenspiel to the left - how about that? - the piano definately louder (around +1,5dB to +2dB or so) - it really drowns a lot, especially in the later section of the song (with the first guitar in this whole OST!) - The drum section around 1:00min and 2:30 a bit more in the back if possible 23 - RoeTaKa - The Final Battle [WIP] *can't go indepth here unless I get the full song, sorry* - Hints: don't let the drums drown out too much in the background. And there'S a flattering sound all over the song as if you'd use a rotary speaker effect, is that normal? More as soon as the track is finished 23 - PLBenjaminZ - The Final Battle [WIP] *marked as such on purpose!* - the bells definately more quiet (around 1dB at least) - this song sounds as if it was squashed through a master compressor. It's... pumping?! o_O - try to balance out the timpanis in the first part of the song with the second part, they're too loud first, then they drown in the mix - same with the strings. They drown each other out - Please redo your mix again. It pans wildly, the compression is too strong (it's randomly pumping and clipping!), the strings drown each other out, the drums are sometimes loud, sometimes not. - No fade out at the end please 24 - Sleepy Emp - The New Beginning - no fade in/fade out please, unless that's crescendo/decrescendo - a bit more emphasis on the cello/contrabass section, maybe? The part at 0:20 till 0:50 sounds really a bit strange here. Try to balance out the the brass and the strings if possible (maybe adding a warm tuba here?), sometimes the strings are drown out, sometimes the brass - The drums in the back (part around 1:00) could be louder (don't be scared + 1dB?!), so can some lower brass sections - same with harp and bells (that'S a matter of taste, though) *this song has not as much master reverb, imagine if I add some what'd be drown out and what not - just as guideline for mixing: Add a big room or plate reverb with about 30-60% wettness and see what's getting drown and what's not, maybe this helps you for the overall mix. Of course deactivate it again for the postproduction check and completely for the RAW* 25 - Reuben Kee and Pixietricks *my most favourite track of this soundtrack so far - good work for both of you - brings me some tears in the eye - though I'd have loved a pure english version on that one... hm...* - if you could change the the piano so that the lower section is left and the higher is right (as most pianos are mixed this way) this would give more balance to the overall mix. (you know, natural balance with the higher string section left and the lower right) - This track clips, but I guess you know that already. That's mostly at the louder parts and while the drums (taiko) set in (maybe make them a tad louder here too?!) - could you put the woodwinds in the middle? Wouldn't that sound a tad better and more "balanced out"? - I'd like to have the orchestra part and Jill's vocals seperately if possible, also the piano: so it's Orchestra mixdown, piano, vocals). Then I can work better with reverb and mixing. SPECIAL TRACKS: SE - PLBenjamin - Determined - The snare sure sounds as if it's flanged. Remove that please, and make it a tad more quiet (it's the opening I know, but the orchestra drowns in the drums!) - bells more quiet, same with the xylophone. - strings and brass sections definately LOUDER! I hear nothing of the orchestra - no fade out's please SE - SirRus - In search of the Light - There we have it again, panning probs. Widen the material out please. Most of the stuff is dead center. (like I said, it may be a phase inversion problem - the mix "hardware and software" doesn't fit right) - Please fix the track and get it to me ASAP, then I give further help SE - Unknown - Predetermination *hm... the usual "Tyler Heath" sound from "Aura and Omen" * - Could you try not to fade the percussion sounds (and maybe make them a bit more quiet or pushed in the back?) - has a nice groove for experimental orchestra though it doesn't really fit 100% (a bit too persistend IMO, just some slight tweaks, IMO) - The lower taiko/timpani sounds can stand out a bit more IMO, gives a nice OOMPH. Not too much, +1dB max - oh you're using delay on the song to "widen it". It sounds a bit strange on the violin though. Mabye remove that? - harp/xylophone tunes a slight tad louder? (+0,2dB to +0,5dB) SE - Sleepy Emp - The Story Begins - hm... the timpani could use a bit more tweaking (volume technically) - in this case can you maybe turn down the reverb (for the Postproduction preview?)? I'm sure that's the case that the stuff is getting drown out. - Bells either to the left or right (if possible) - The part at 1:00 to 1:30 (Magus) could use some snare parts. - is that a piano at 1:45 to 2:10? Can you make that one louder? - I'd also go more with the tuba section than with the trumpets (aka, a bit more balanced) at 2:30 or so - please gimme 1-2sec extra at the end of the song for natural fade out of the reverb SIDENOTE: That's it for now. We're not yet there with the RAW files, we're still in Postproduction phase (which means: still mp3s for now, you can also leave your reverb in it, but for the RAW wave files please remove the master reverb!). Please fix your issues and send the stuff back to me as fast as possible (if there're more tweaks needed!). After I give my okay on your song, I want the RAW files. I'm posting extra on that one again. Thanks for your efforts on fixing the songissues.
  7. You should check your WIPs on your FTP, Claado. I found on my backups that the longer version is among it. On your server is only a 0:20s version. Will add the infos later (update the first CD post) along with the second CD. @StarZander: Nope, I guess a politic won't write that way. XD Maybe it's really only my imagination or I met him at a convention or so. Bah... not important atm. @Rellik: I'll post infos/fixes to your song later too. Miroslav sounds really agressive and loud, though a bit too much like "Harry Gregson Williams" would do his songs for "Megal Gear Solid". heh. Later folks.
  8. So what? You like paying more? Halion is only 399bucks as I mentioned earlier Blah blah blah, bitch bitch bitch. That old "OMG $T3INBERG IS T3H EV1L F1RM BL00DSUKKAS" thing I can't even see anymore at KVRAudio either. You might be right that they did a lot of shit with Cubase. But hell... Halion is one of the stablest and simplest sampler I've seen out there. Halion, Kontakt. You're all just high on it cause it's "Native Instruments" - associated with Reaktor and stuff. And Steinberg is just an evil german bloodsucking firm that produces a shitty sequencer full of bugs and CPU hog and Fruity Loops is "teh shit!". (as if FL and especially NI isn't a CPU hog!) Yeah right. Well... A bit more patience and maybe a test at a local music store (or got a demo CD - I know that both Halion and Kontakt demos are out there!) would have given you a smaller headache. This way you blew out more than I did (well aside of the fact that I upgraded from a "used" version). You didn't even "try" to inform yourself cause you were disgusted by Steinberg and were all high on Native Instruments. For me, this is an end of discussion. 'nuff said. Sorry.
  9. INFO: I'm posting the first CD for postproduction now, and the second one later due to my lack of sleep (and I still have to listen to like 5-7 songs). Sorry about that. I'll also post after the second postproduction info where to put the "now" finished WIPs/RAWs or how to contact me for questions. You have time till Thuesday 8th September, if that's not possible then till 10th September LATEST! No late deals please. We have a tight timelimit. Thanks for your efforts with the changes. Now on to the infos: CHRONO SYMPHONIC ---------------- Postproduction state - 06SEP2005 Stuff that is still WIP is marked as [WIP] Stuff to change is marked as Stuff finished and ready for mastering is marked as [MASTER] I mention the stuff that could be changed as brief form. I know that behind all tracks are a meaning and I don't want to limit your artistic skills. But as engineer in the postproduction and mastering section I have to have an open ear too. Especially if he project has to sound as one. So please accept my wishes and please change them with care. Thanks. SIDENOTE: If we really want to have a total unified "soundtrack" I would have asked you to change the pannings of the orchestra too (not only to remove the reverb in the RAW file for Convolution Reverb). But due to the fact that a lot of you are using different orchestras (free SF2s, Garritan, EWQL Orchestra, Miroslav Philharmonik, Hardware and software mixed, etc) it's almost impossible to do so. The next thing I'm asking you is on a totally volunteery base. You don't have to do it, but it'd help the overall project sound. Else the whole CD sounds like a "moving experimental orchestra", which can sound interesting too (for example, the Akira OST had changing positions from the choir to let it sound more rich and interesting - Japan and Germany recently did a "moving experimental orchestra" too with asian sounds moving around in the room and part of the orchestra shuffling seatings). But I guess Claado had some certain "soundideas" in mind. And the variating pannings totally shuffles that around. Keep in mind, it's not a must for you to do it. It's on a volunteery base. But if you agree to do so, please have an ear (and eye) on the following: - Piano in the center, lower piano note sound is panned to the left, the higher to the right - Percussion (all types, toms and Taiko count to that too) spreaded in the center "behind" the strings and brass section - Harp to the left side of the orchestra The brass and woodwind section also changes in most of the tracks. Let's just pretend that this is a "big orchestra" and that there can be some changes in the sound too. Let us also pretend that the mixing engineer had certain settings for the songs planned (sometimes brass louder, sometimes more quiet - sometimes the woodwinds a bit more left panned, sometimes center, etc). We're not uber-professionals and not perfect either. But we at least give our best, do we? SONGINFOS FOR POSTPRODUCTION TWEAKINGS: CD01 01 - Sephfire - Inciting Incident - Taikos/Toms more quiet and in the back (at least around 3dB less), they're just too dominant and that doesn't work here. The part around 1:00 to 1:15 is more the sound it should have (or at 2:30). If it's still too dominant, please add a "slight" reverb to drown it a bit - Hats and Triangle a bit more quiet - remember this is an orchestra - give the lower string section a bit more volume (a subtile +1dB should do it) 02 - Sephfire and SirRus - Morning Sunlight - The Piano could be louder (maybe +3dB max?) and less reverb please - the part till 1:20 is okay, but then the pizzicato strings drown in the mix. Spread them out a bit (pan) and make them a bit louder too - Second Piano part a bit louder (+1,5dB to +2dB max I'd say) and less reverb. - The piano at the end drowns again, too (around 3:30) - Maybe the woodwinds (flute) at 4:00 also a bit louder. 03 - DarkeSword - Blue Skies over Guardia *I know this song is on OCR already, still I ask you to change it, please - adds a bit more variation to the project too as this song is already known for a long time now* - definately turn down the ride and let it drown more in the back (it sounds too synthetic IMO too) - please use different claps (maybe I can find some orchestra claps for that purpose - I keep you informed) - Piano maybe a tad louder (+1dB to +1,5dB max) - No Fade out please. Can you do a sudden ending? Adds power, keeps up the "happyness" of this track and is a better start for the next track 04 - Sleepy Emp - To Lands Unknown *this is more the sound I have in mind of an orchestra. Is this really a tracker only?!* - can you please remove the fade in? - Harp maybe a tad louder (+0,2dB to +0,5dB) - you can go a bit more wild on the snare (make it louder, it doesn't hurt the song, hehe - maybe up to +2dB max?) 05 - Lunarheart - Darkness Duelling - please add at least 2sec of silence before the track, cause the low taiko sounds so sudden like "in your face". Or try this: 2 taiko hits without the piano before you set in with the track, also with a bit "silence" before the first hit - can you pan the strings out a bit? The track is a bit too strong mixed to the left side (violin 1 and violin 2 to left, viola in middle, cello and contrabass to right - like a modern orchestra seating) 06 - ZAS - Lucca's Arrival - please give me at least 1-2sec of silence before the track - the viola could be a tad more quiet, while the cello's and contrabass could use a volume boost (viola -0,5dB, cello/bass +0,5dB), else the lower section totally drowns in the mix - the xylophone a bit less reverb please 07 - Claado Shou - Revelation of Fire - the violins a bit louder, while the drums could be more quiet (especially in the middle section) 08 - Red Omen - Hymn of Valor - The trills with the snare compared to the others could be more dynamic. Not as loud as the regular hits (and fluctuating in velocity) - the faggot at the beginning and the brass could be a tad louder, the change to the louder section at 0:40 sounds totally strange this way. - the snaresection starting at 0:40 could be a bit more quiet. It's a supporting beat - okay it should visualise a marching type effect (as with military snares), still it could be more quiet. - the violins at 1:55 louder. At least +1dB to +2dB (they drown in the mix) - The sudden push at 2:54 could use a bit more more timpani action - the horns at that time too, not the trumpets! 09 - EllyWu2 - Frog's Intervention - Maybe the piano a tad more quiet (-0,5dB to -1dB max) and less reverb (see the "master reverb" thing in the top of the post) - Harp to the left please, at the moment the song is really a bit too "center paced" (small panning changes would do, widen it out a bit) - a bit more emphasis on the horns around 1:50 might help raise the "glorious aspect" of Frog (well he's a knight!), same at around, 2:34 - which drowns a bit here - add more silence at the end so that the natural reverb can run out properly 10 - PLBenjaminZ - Denadoro Climb - I usually love widened and lofi sounding pianos, but can you narrow it a bit and make a tad louder? A tad louder would be more important, maybe even remove the mud from it (which means, better clean than a lofi piano - at least IMO - sounds better at the ending too) - This songs sounds like a popsong atm. Can you turn down the "drum type" thing at the beginning? Just a tad. It's a bit persitant at the moment. - maybe it's just me, but the stringsection in the middlepart (1:40 to 2:00) a bit louder? Not needed but maybe a different sound? What do you think? 11 - EllyWu2 - The Masamune *I just love the tom/taiko work! The dynamic in the song is really good!* - Piano maybe a tad... really only a tad (0,5dB to 1dB) louder - Maybe the section from 0:48 t0 0:52 (the transition) a bit more supporting with the brass. Sounds a bit strange IMO 12 - MV - Darkest Omen - maybe the snare a bit more quiet (a tad, max -1dB) - the snare roll sounds cutted off at 0:30 is that normal? 13 - Sephfire - Confronting the Mystic *a pity that this track is so short - Magus IS an important chara in the game* - Same issue as track 1: the toms/taiko/BD is just too persistant. Could you push the drums (also the hats) a bit more in the back and pan them out a bit? Sounds a bit dead center (try to let the taiko-type thing sound as if it comes from the sides... left and right) - the cabasa-thing (at the beginning) maybe a bit more subtile mixed? Maybe it's just me. - One thing to let it sound more dramatic (IMO) is the flute in the middlesection (around 1:10) - a bit louder? Around +1dB. A try can never hurt. 14 - BliziHiZake - Door to the End of Time - maybe the harp a tad louder (first section) - The Xylophone/Glockenspiel thingy a bit more quiet, please (around -1dB perhaps?!) - try to push the piano in the middle (or a bit of center to the right). It really competes with the harp - maybe the timpanis more supporting than "attacking". The synthetic beat also a bit more quiet? (around -1dB max here) - the solo violin to a bit to the right (just a bit away from the center) EDIT: Updated 06SEP2005
  10. Unfortunately VGF isn't on anymore as Larry's not in Atlanta either (for over 3 months now or so). So... sorry about that. Markus Schlüter... Germany... That name sounds familiar. But I don't know where to put it. Really. Mabye it's just my imagination. Hm... new Trailer? But please different cuts and stuff. That really didn't fit to the music in my opinion. heh. And I'm still not mentioned on the Page, Claado. *still on listening through the songs, will post tonight - sorry for the delay... Hemophiliac... get your WIP to me, will ya? ;)1*
  11. Sorry that I'm late with my stuff. I'm kinda stuffed with work atm (before that I was knocked out ill). But I'll post the songinfos (and what to change - maybe) A.S.A.P. *night is still young*
  12. I want a C64 iPod (or an iPod in general)... And VGF definately lacks...
  13. Some quick update from my side: Time is getting pretty tight. Just got the WIPs now. I'll listen to them "tomorrow" (around noon), ask for some changes (if needed) in a textfile or something like that and then I'll definately ask for the RAW wave files from you. I'll even set up an FTP for you that you can... uhm... abuse. Please... the next 2 weeks will be a lot of work. Please have an eye on the page and help finishing this project till the US birthday of "Chrono Trigger". Planned schedule the next days (from my side): WED - Convolution Reverb Demos, listening though the WIPs (that're available so far), writing a feedback and fix-list THU - if not published wednesday, then the feedback & fix-list will be published now. I'll also give you a FTP account on my server for uploading the WAV files. THU to SAT - You have time till saturday evening to fix all stuff SUN 4th September to WED 7th September - I want all fixed, clean and prepared (-2dB) RAW wave files (who's on dial, can use FLAC too) in that time, please. If you're late, it's not my fault that Chrono Symphonic will be postponed (mastering takes time, I want to take time for it and I can only master the whole CD if I have all files). So please keep that in mind. Till tomorrow. ADDITIONAL STUFF: RELLIK: Sorry bro, didn't get your wave files so far. I'll just ask for them after I listened to the WIPs. That wasn't a bit clear from the start. CLAADO: I can't offer another webspace. But I will definately make the torrent seeds (in feedback with DJP of course) and seed them (if you don't handle that already). I'm still thinking about what file-formats to offer, too. EDIT: Change of plan due to my health atm (I hate being sick). Sorry. I try to get the stuff running the next days. Again, I'm really sorry.
  14. Didn't I just say that HALion isn't bundled with Cubase and is independend (which means it's not bound to Cubase either)? I guess I did.
  15. Sorry to correct you again: 1) HALion is not cheaper than Kontakt 2. It costs 399bucks new unless you have an elder version (also registered) and updated from that one. 2) It's not bundled with Cubase. It's independend since the beginning and can be used with every VST host out there. And since V3 it's also pretty much stand-alone (runs without VSTi host). (well what do you expect from the very first VSTi sampler from the firm that invented the VST technology) So yeah. It always rises up a bit for me as soon as I see that something was missed out as "second/additional possibility".
  16. *cough* Halion *cough*
  17. Well... who said I use the reverb on "full bleed"? And example of "too much reverb" would be Jared Hudson's "The Frontier". Though I'm sure it wasn't the reverbs fault, but more like the premixed samples (Jared if you read this, that doesn't mean that your song is bad - it's just not what I'm looking for soundtechnically). Nah... like I said... I'll do some tests in the next days (someone want to give me a clean demo for that?) and then present you some settings. Of couse I don't want to use a big reverbing church, but a nice hall with woooden walls, stuffed chairs and a very neutral environment? Why not? The "Zelda Orchestra" version and "Final Fantasy" Tribute CD from 2002 was also recorded in a big concert hall, and still it sounds great and not too persistent. Merregnon for example is a bit "dry" in my opinion (due to the fact that the room was pretty small too - so the natural reverb is pretty small and almost not noticable too). But using "fingerprints" is nothing that couldn't be handled with some tweaking of the dry/wet dial. I respect your opinion though, DarkeSword. Maybe you change your mind after the demos? Of course Claado also has the final word on that too. So I better push the demos out soon.
  18. I'm all for alternate art, as long as I can get DVD covers. Some quick info from my side: Emperor, sephire and Rellik already wrote me with their files. I'll take a listen in the next 24-48 hours and get back to you. I just hope you sent Claado the files too. And don't rush things just yet. We're still in wip finishing and postproduction stage. Back to the thing with convolution reverb: In short "convolution reverb" is having the "reverb" of a room as kind of fingerprint that I can modulate over the recording/sound. My question still remains. I got two positive answers so far: Are you interested in letting Chrono Symphonic sound as if it was recorded in (example, however a huge example) the Sydney Opera hall or an other popular performance hall (of course I can go with smaller rooms too - still have to do some tests). If all or the majority agrees, then I'd ask you to prepare the raw files WITHOUT master reverb as this will be my job too. I'll do some tests over the weekend and will get back to next week to tell you what's possible and what's not. I just want you to think about it. If you say "no" - fine with me. Just thought that Chrono Symphonic is special and we can raise the quality "a tad higher" than it already is. With this said... I'm off again.
  19. I always saw "this" as official artwork. IMO the best cover out there. But that's just me. Don't mind me, I'm not there.
  20. as long as it's at least 1024x768, it's cool for me. Though a bigger version would rock for higher screen resolutions (like 17" LCDs)
  21. Well not for me, but for those who want DVD covers (see the Doom Desktop fun thread in GD). I'd also see this as "Wallpaper" for my PC - okay I should better stop now. XD
  22. Just a minor thing, but can we ask for a DVD cover (front and back)? It caused quite a stir as the DOOM project didn't have one. Kthnx.
  23. One thing from my side. I'm getting PMs already with infos to the raw files. Which is a nice thing, but... Please send the WIPs to Claado first, I get in touch with him to listen to the files, then we decide what could be "fixed" and get back to you (PM or AIM if we know it), you fix the stuff then I ask for the files for mastering. Thanks.
  24. Flac is not just compression, there's still loss involved. I could ask everyone for packing the files as RAR though, in this case the raw tracks are shrinked (settings: Compression - Best, Recovery Record -- results usually in a shrink of 50-70% to it's original filesize) and still in it's original state. Any feedback on that "master reverb with convolutiion and designed halls"? I'm just curious.
  25. I kinda... like old cheese... if it's still good of course. *hm...* NO! GO AWAY GRAY! NO TOUCHIE I KN0W NINJ4!!!! ¬_¬
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