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Everything posted by Compyfox

  1. TORRENTS are now AVAILABLE Also a couple of other things: Removed single EPs #021 and #022 Releasing from now on will be: 5-show packs, 10-show packs. (as soon as 50-shows are available, I think of a bigpack - NO GUARANTEE ON THAT!) Seeders needed!!! Especially for pack #011 to #020 (and now the new pack too)
  2. Oh sorry that I didn't mention "that". It should have been obvious (especially after what Larry said at the end of the show about the torrents). If you would have listened to another show, would you have expected it to be available as "download" after that too? What about TV Shows? DVD available as soon as the episode was running or does it come out after (let's say) season 3 or season 4 is out? I know a lot of radio host who don't record their stuff. Larry is an exception. You can see it from a positive side though. No shows were released in the time from May (last shows of Season 4) and October - with exception of a bootleg of VGF#60.99 (which was kinda the end of an era). Larry is backing up quickly since Show #53 or so. He's only human himself. It takes time to edit the material, balancing the volume, listening to the interviews again and write down what was the main content, ID tagging, etc. And after his graduation he had more important things to do than cutting and releasing radio shows on his packed full laptop and a crappy 56k line, which put him a bit "behind schedule". Like I said... patience. Others waited ages for the "Duck Hunt: RofL" show. Guess you have to wait for your particular show too.
  3. As soon as it is released, it will be available via link here, or if a pack-of-5 is full, then a torrent will be available. You also have to realise that this is a special bonus on a volunteerial base. Shows are mostly released in a chronological order (with exceptions, of course). Shows starting from #60 till now (with exception of VGF#68) aren't released yet. Guess you have to wait.
  4. Next show, back to normality, but still no "Chrono Symphonic" show (it'll come... it will come...). VG FREQUENCY Show #70 - SATURDAY, 10pm EST Don't we love clueless chicks in the studio getting calls from OCR listeners who can't wait to get on the air?! As usual, here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you. And Germany/France = Central Europe (which means the same time for Italiy and Spain too! DUH!). Small World-Timetable Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm Rio de Janero (Brazil): 1:00am (Sunday) Reykjavik (Iceland): 3:00am (Sunday) London (England): 3:00am (Sunday) Oslo (Norway): 4:00am (Sunday) Germany: 4:00am (Sunday) Paris (France): 4:00am (Sunday) Helsinki (Finland): 5:00am (Sunday) Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 5:00am (Sunday) Moscow (Russia): 6:00am (Sunday) Hong Kong (China): 11:00am (Sunday) Tokyo (Japan): 12:00pm (Sunday, noon) Sydney (Australia): 2:00pm (Sunday) (*) no countries are currently observing daylight saving time (DST) Have fun while listening to VGF#70. SEEDERS NEEDED for the torrent batches If there's no video, blame WMRE and it's crappy server, not Larry. Even Cable and DSL users have crappy streams (switches to lofi without reason) if the video is on, not only 56k users.
  5. Can't as I work on like 10 things atm. I guess you have to wait till it's done now, or till the weekend if I can say more. Sorry.
  6. Scary for sure, if I get the thing with the reverb right *yarr!!!* Back to work for me, keep you updated.
  7. Christmas... hm... you just gave me "THE IDEA". XD *just kidding - working on it as fast as I can*
  8. THen you will surely love most of CD2... especially "Schala and the Queen", though I'm still not happy with the reverb of the vocals (finetuning... yay!!!). "Manifest Destiny" is a remix of the SPC Tune "Corridors of Time", "Schala and the Queen" is a mix out of "Schala's theme" shuffled a bit with "Zeal's Palace" and "Magus' Theme". I can be mistaken on "Zeal's Palace" - after listening through the SPC's I didn't find all sources at once. Pixie and EllyWu know it better for sure. But trust me, it's haunting and agressive at the same time. Whoops... even more spoilers... heh, sorry. I'm not a member of Steinberg who say "will be released in August" (as they did with SX3.1) and then they release it at the very last day with tons of bugs. Ah yeah, if it goes by me, it'd be GMT+1. That means: EST is like 9h behind my timezone. If we release it 11:59PM in central europe, it'd be 2:59PM EST. But if we release it at 11:59 PM EST, it's 8:59 AM GMT+1. Enough confused? To be honest, that's a thing to decide for Claado and DJP when it comes out. I provide the files, a couple of days later it's on oCR, the project page is updated and at least 3 seeders are providing the files.
  9. Lucca, Magus and Zeal are on the OST. To revive some infos that're already known (and shuffled over the pages): 2 CDs, CD1 is Fire and Light, CD2 is Shadow and Ice While the first CD focuses mainly on our heroes and the "general timetravel", the second CD will mainly focus on "The Dark Ages" and the gruesome battles our heroes will face. And CD2 starts off with "Manifest Destiny", a remix of "Zeal's Theme". And yeah, it'll be released "before" December.
  10. Let's start with something else to get a bit more curious about the feedback so far. I know a lot of you heard the demos that were posted earlier. Now Chrono Symphonic will be released "soon". What do you think that it'd sound like, what hopes to you have, what fears, what do you expect in general - and what do you want to see/hear compared to other projects from OCR/VGMix/OUS/etc? I'm a bit curious here.
  11. If you say so... okay.
  12. There were better ones, really.
  13. Cause on a horizontal line: UK (GMT-0) - France - Norway (timezone sometimes a bit different) - Germany - Finland (GMT+2) France, Norway and Germany have the same timezone. Why adding Spain and Italy too if it's the exact one as Germany and France (vertical on the same line)? I can add it ... but tell me if that's really efficient. If every american would say "OMG you forgot our country", that list won't be a "small overview" anymore - that's what worldclocks are for (and what I post every time too). I only give a "small" insight, nothing more. *sigh*
  14. Italy is on the same timezone as germany and france (or short said "Central Europe"), Ninenko. Gimme a reason to add it and I will. Else this post was kinda... useless. I should dig out a sample for Larry: "Prince" with "Sexy Motherfucker". XD
  15. Tonight's a 69'er... in a couple of... er... terms. But mainly the show. Ying and Yang, 69c for a burger, of course Larry Oji and possibly a crapload of sexual allusions. *cough* VG FREQUENCY Show #69 - SATURDAY, 10pm EST Unless the studio is hijacked again by half naked basketball goons and girls drooling over him As usual, here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you (finally the DST mumbo jumbo is over!). Small World-Timetable Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm Rio de Janero (Brazil): 1:00am (Sunday) Reykjavik (Iceland): 3:00am (Sunday) London (England): 3:00am (Sunday) Oslo (Norway): 4:00am (Sunday) Germany: 4:00am (Sunday) Paris (France): 4:00am (Sunday) Helsinki (Finland): 5:00am (Sunday) Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 4:00am (Sunday) Moscow (Russia): 6:00am (Sunday) Hong Kong (China): 11:00am (Sunday) Tokyo (Japan): 12:00pm (Sunday, noon) Sydney (Australia): 2:00pm (Sunday) (*) no countries are currently observing daylight saving time (DST) Have fun while listening to VGF#69. SEEDERS NEEDED for the torrent batches *and as usual, as long as I record VGF, I can't seed anything - blame the realmedia stream at WRME*
  16. I know for sure that most of the Stoneage parts were discarted for Chrono symphonic, then the title melodies of Ayla, Robo, Gato (Gonzales), Singing Mountain, The Fair of Stars (the new fair), some of the battle tracks (however Magus and Lavos are present, don't sweat!), a couple of tracks out of AD2300 (Brother Jimmy and his racetrack, the sewer track, depressing overworld music, etc) and one of my favourites: Spekkio. But yeah... an update in terms of "source tunes" would be nice also for possible OCR releases. Then again (to do some more spoilers) a lot of tracks are using a mix out of different tunes. "Schala and the Queen" for example uses the Queen Zeal's Theme and a transition to Magus' Theme (to those who played Chrono Trigger, you know why! hehe). Reuben Kee uses a part of "To good Friends" in his mix. Etc. I guarantee you that you will have an experience as if you'd walk through a story with your mind. Only that the story isn't told by a narrator, but by the music itself. Those who played Chrono Trigger will fall back into memories, and those who didn't play it yet will certainly want to play it after listening to it. I keep you updated.
  17. Mastering in short is really "brushing up the sound and put it into it's final medium". We scratched that over at Remixing a couple of times so the search function might be your help. How I do this? The right tools with fresh ears for finding flaws and a certain sound in my head are the only weapons I use.
  18. Patience my younglings... do more than hurry up, I can't.
  19. Due to massive amount of editing and time issues, it's not possible to keep up every week for Larry. He did a couple of "backup shows" in one night. Leveling out the volume and writing down what was in the interviews takes time. Another examples: VGF56 - VGF60.99 was a 24h marathon at WMRE, VGF60 is still patially lost *god I swear Larry, I'll get it to you!*, since the relaunch of VGF the shows were over 4hours running time (up to 8hours!), etc. That's why the showes come out that late. All that stuff takes time and Larry is a one man army. And I only release "official" shows as torrents, no bootlegs. Even though I have a couple of bootlegs on my HDD (VGF60.99 for example, I released the ending and the aftershow one time though).
  20. Torrent back up and running again.
  21. Soory but the torrents of VGF won't be running till the show is over. Due to reasons I don't understand (with a DSL 3MBit line) the WMRE stream craps out for me if a torrent is running. I'll resume as soon as the show is over. If I sleep in, as soon as I get up again. Sorry.
  22. Okay Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the "adjusted" timetable for you. Chances are that you're in the middle of a "DST change" and might miss the show of about 1 hour. So sorry about that. Tonight is also (theoretically) a halloween show. So I hope you play the "Halloween Bumper" this time, Larry. Back to the usual jibba-jabba. VG FREQUENCY Show #68 - SATURDAY, 10pm EST Here's a small overview of the most salient timezones for you (with DST changes - the "non US" side of the globe has officially "winter time" again). Small World-Timetable Los Angeles (CA, USA): 7:00pm * Calgary (Canada): 8:00pm * Atlanta (GA, USA): 10:00pm * Rio de Janero (Brazil): 12:00pm (night to sunday) Reykjavik (Iceland): 2:00am (Sunday) London (England): 2:00am (Sunday) Oslo (Norway): 3:00am (Sunday) Germany: 3:00am (Sunday) Paris (France): 3:00am (Sunday) Helsinki (Finland): 4:00am (Sunday) Kapstadt (South Aftrica): 4:00am (Sunday) Moscow (Russia): 5:00am (Sunday) Hong Kong (China): 10:00am (Sunday) Tokyo (Japan): 11:00am (Sunday) Sydney (Australia): 1:00pm (Sunday) * currently observing daylight saving time (DST) Have fun while listening to VGF#68. BONUS: A new torrent batch from the shows VGF#50 to VGF#54 is up and running. So please help out seeding.
  23. I'm on it, will take a while, but I'm on it. Guess it doesn't go without the "timetable" after all. God I hate messed up DST times. We need a unified timesystem... like... StarDate or... internet time... maybe I should read myself into that. *hm...*
  24. Guess I did... sorry. We cleared that "private" anyway... Just ignore the stuff after my first quote. Sometimes I really with I can speak/understand english natively (and to 100%) or have a chip in my brain who does that.
  25. Still it's like "the more tracks you have on OCR, the more your knowledge is accepted at the boards - else you're nothing". It's what you just wrote. I have no tracks (I don't count that PE Remix as "own" track) on OCR, but engineered a bunch. Does that mean I'm inferior? Does that mean I'm also a noob? Actually your words are very misleading and also a bit threatening. Please don't try to talk yourself out of it.
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